A/N: I adore Florence and The Machine, if you haven't already I suggest you buy/download the album 'Lungs'. This song just reminded me of the feeling you get when you have a crush on someone, and having my own huge crush on Jess (or anybody that Milo plays, including Rick Rape in Gamer!) I thought it would suit Rory, 'cause lets face it, she had a crush on him the second she saw him! Any and all reviews are much appreciated :)


There's a drumming noise inside my head

That starts when you're around

I swear that you could hear it

It makes such an almighty sound

Louder than sirens

Louder than bells

Sweeter than heaven

And hotter than hell

-The Drumming Song by Florence and The Machine-

Rory knew about crushes, sure she did. She'd watched enough films and angst filled teen dramas to know what they were all about and how they turned a normal average person into a lunatic. She had just never expected to be that normal average person turned lunatic.

The minute she had turned round in her chair in her room to greet Luke's nephew with a "Hey" she had been struck with a case of the butterflies. He was cute! When he came into her room and started looking at her books, she couldn't help but smile. Cute and a bookworm? Wouldn't that be something?

"Do you read?" She had asked him.

"Not much" He had answered, and she had deflated a little.

When the next day he had handed her a book, her own copy of Howl that he had somehow managed to take from her room with his notes written in the margins, she had known that she could come to like this boy. As a friend of course as she had a boyfriend, and no matter how cute and bookwormy this boy was she loved Dean.

This was the line she told herself again and again as she got to know Jess.

That was line she told herself every morning while she had breakfast at Luke's and watched him pour coffee and clear tables. When he jumped into her sleigh and knew which snowman (snowwoman actually….Kind of looks like Bjork) was hers. When he paid $90 for a tiny little basket of inedible food and her company, then took her out for pizza.

The line was harder to sell to herself when she tried to talk both her mother and Jess into giving the other a chance. Even harder when she heard herself fumble her words ("I don't mean care care like "care." I mean if you like me at all…not like like")

It became damn near impossible for her to believe it after he came over with the care package. ("You really want me to go?" "I really want to avoid a fight with Dean")

And the study date with the impromptu trip to get ice cream and she told him to turn right.

She knew everything had changed and turned on its axis when she had skipped school and missed her mothers graduation to go to New York to see Jess. Maybe somewhere in her mind she had thought that it was a way to get closure and prove to herself that this whole Jess thing, this whole crush on Jess thing had been only that. A crush. But seeing him, wandering the streets of New York with him she knew that it was more. He done something to her that Dean just didn't and never had. But it scared her to feel that way, she didn't like not being in control of her feelings, so it was a sense of relief that she said goodbye to him as her bus drove home towards Stars Hollow.

Everything came crashing down on her when she spotted him standing underneath the tree. In that split second she remembered every little smirk he had gave her. Every book that he'd leant her, his handwriting squeezed into the margins, putting down into words his thoughts and beliefs, a secret part of him that he wanted to share with her. Every brief touch that they had shared as he gave her change. The way she always made a little extra effort with her hair or clothes if she knew she would be seeing him.

With all this playing on a loop on in her head she walked toward him.

As I move my feet toward your body

I can hear this beat

It fills my head up

And gets louder and louder