Author's Notes: Hello to all the people that have decided to click here and read my story! I'm sure you see this like, all the time, but this is my first fanfic. At first I was really proud of it, but then the more I started to read it over and over again, the more I wasn't too sure. Anywho, I'm sure it's fine. So, I hope you enjoy reading as much as I have enjoyed writing!

P.S. Sherlock Holmes is not my creation. He is Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's character.

P.P.S. John Watson is also not mine. Same applies for who created him.

P.P.P.S. I do NOT make profit off of this or any other stories.

P.P.P.P.S. But, I DO own the plot.

Oh, and one more thing. The first chapter of this story could either be looked at as established friendship, or pre-slash like. But if you're not really so into the whole slash thing, then I would just stick to reading the first chapter. I mean, it could be a one shot all on its own. And I'm going to be rating it 'T' just to be safe. That is to say, for the later chapters of the story.

But this might be a one shot if it isn't too popular. But enough of all that. Read the story, and let me know what you think!


Summary: It all starts when John Watson asks Sherlock Holmes if he wants to go out to dinner at nine thirty in the morning. The rest is history. Read to find out what the history is.

A Slow Yet Sure Realization

Chapter One: Coffee With Our Morning Dinner

Once upon a time there were two men who lived in a flat together. Their names were 'Consulting Detective' Sherlock Holmes and Doctor John Watson. They were a rather interesting pair to see walking down the street side by side because they looked so very different from the other. Mr. Holmes was a rather tall man with long limbs and long fingers. He had rather messy, curly black hair parted to the side, and sharp facial features. Cat-like, almost, with piercing blue eyes, very high cheek bones, and a unique pair of lips. One could say Mr. Holmes was almost pretty.

Then, of course, there was John Watson. He wasn't nearly as tall as his flat-mate. At first glance you could suppose he was really just your average looking man. He had straight hair that was between brown and blond parted to the side, big, weary deep blue eyes if you looked closely, and thin tight lips. Though if one were to get a closer look at Doctor Watson, they would see much more. They would see a soldier. A man who had experienced much more than he bargained for, though relished in the thrill of it all. Unfortunately the war had produced in him a bad shoulder, and for a while, a limp. Though Sherlock helped him see that the limp was just something formed in his own mind.

One morning, a rather rare morning, there were no cases. Because of this, the Doctor decided to spend the morning working on his blog, and the Consulting Detective decided to sulk around. He did this by plopping down on the couch, stomach first, and would heave a heavy sigh every minute on the dot. About five minutes into this, when John came to the conclusion that he could no longer tolerate Holmes, he abruptly shut his computer, and walked over to him, for once towering over the other.

Watson's eyes bore into his flat-mates. Sherlock feigned innocence, not breaking eye contact with John, though was the first one to break the rather deafening silence. It hurt his ears.

"Why dear Watson, what ever is the matter?"

"Don't play dumb Holmes. I know you want something. Just spill it out and get it over with."

"I'm bored."

Watson was anything but surprised by this retort. As he made his way back to his laptop, he gave Sherlock his best answer.

"So, go to the park and deduce people or something."

Sherlock moved into a sitting position.

"People these days make it far too easy. It's like reading a very poorly written novella with no beginning, no middle, and just a stupid ending."

Watson leaned on the back of his chair. He had another idea. It wasn't exactly genius, especially at this hour, but he thought it would be good for his friend. And he wasn't entirely against the idea of going himself.

"Why don't we go get dinner?"

Sherlock lifted one of his eyebrows in thought. He knew Watson was going somewhere with this. He deduced to the conclusion that Watson was trying to do him a favor. Trying to get him outside for a little social interaction, even if it was still nine thirty in the morning.

"Watson, you do realize what time it is."

Of course he knew what time it was. John gave a sly smile to his flat-mate.

"Well, last I heard you don't really care for the social norms now do you Sherlock?"

Sherlock was delighted with his remark, and agreed to go to 'dinner' with him.

Watson decided that instead of going to Sherlock's usual place to eat (because they didn't have to pay a fee,) that they go somewhere a bit more populated. He found a sweet little restaurant that had some tables and chairs outside, so he stopped in front of it, with Sherlock to his right. When he turned to face his friend to ask him what he thought, John noticed that Sherlock gave a little frown.

"What, you don't like it?"

After a few moments in silence just analyzing the restaurant, Sherlock turned his head to look at Watson. He squinted his eyes only the slightest bit, studying his face.

"Why here?"

The doctor thought it was a fair question. After all, they only ever went to that other little place that was not a block away from their flat.

"I dunno. Thought it would be a nice little change. It'll only be for today. That is to say, if you approve."

John cleared his throat after he finished his sentence. For some reason he started to feel slightly nervous under Sherlock's gaze, so he broke eye contact. Sherlock came to the conclusion that he was making his friend nervous. It tickled him for some reason. And than he realized that he didn't get "tickled" by anything. Before he could stop himself, he made a face that was both shock and confusion. Fortunately though it was gone as quickly as it came. He was thankful that John decided to look away. Sherlock realized that he should soon respond before the silence seemed too suspicious.

"I approve very much."

Watson looked back up at his friend. He gave him a crooked grin.

"Excellent. Shall we sit down?"

They both took a seat at one of the small tables that was just outside the restaurant. Watson realized that the table was just big enough for two, though didn't dwell on the fact for too long.

Just a few moments after sitting down, a cute little ginger-haired waitress came out to give them the menus. She gave them both a sweet smile and told them she would be back in a few moments to take their orders.

When Watson turned to the dinner specials, the first thing that caught his eye was the prices. He gave himself a little frown. Sherlock obviously noticed this, and due to sheer brilliance (if he did say so himself,) came up with the conclusion that the prices were something he wasn't expecting.

Sherlock thought back to when he was watching a situation comedy, (which he didn't even find remotely funny, by the bye,) and remembered that one of the very poorly developed characters ended up paying for both him and his date. Since he couldn't think of a way to bring it up, he just quoted the character verbatim.

"It's all on me."

Watson looked up from his menu to peer at Sherlock. He opened his mouth, and then closed it. Sherlock wasn't sure if he said it right. Maybe it sounded too abrupt?

"Don't be daft. It was my idea, I'll pay," was what Watson finally was able to say. Sherlock thought once again back to the show.

"No, I insist." He decided that he sounded a little bit fake, but he was pretty sure this was how normal (meaning stupid in Sherlock's case,) people did things. Though, of course, Watson wasn't even close to the definition of stupid. Sherlock knew that.

Watson saw what Sherlock was doing. He smiled to himself, not really caring if Sherlock saw.

"Fine, I have an idea. I'll pay for me, and you pay for you. How's that sound?" To Watson that seemed like the perfect solution, though for some reason this didn't quite suffice for his friend.

"How about I pay for you, and you pay for me?"

Watson lifted an eyebrow in amusement.

"Is there a difference?"

Sherlock thought that if he paid for Watson, and Watson paid for him, it would give him at least some satisfaction. He decided to keep this little bit of information just for himself. When Sherlock spoke, he made him sound very sure of himself, convincing Watson that this was the way to go.

"Oh there's a difference."

Watson couldn't help but give a toothy smile and laugh. He heaved a sigh.

"If you insist."

Sherlock felt satisfied with himself. The cute little ginger-haired waitress came back to ask if they were ready. They both just got the first thing they saw on the dinner menu. As they waited for their food, they had very pleasant conversation, talking about nothing of consequence. It was a bit strange for Sherlock, but he enjoyed it nonetheless.

Watson was also having an extremely good time. He never saw Sherlock like this before. He looked less 'sociopathic,' as it were, and even dared to smile and laugh at some of the things John would say. When their food finally came, they ate in silence for a few minutes, just realizing how hungry they both were. When Sherlock looked up from his own food, he saw what John ordered looked rather appealing, so he reached over with his fork, and took what looked to be spaghetti.

John looked up, still in the middle of eating a string of a rather long piece of noodle.

Sherlock tried to keep his face neutral, though accidentally let a small smile slip.

They just stared at each other for a few moments. When Watson finally ate that piece of spaghetti, he reached over with his fork to Sherlock's plate with alarming stealth, and took what looked to be a rather large chunk of some fried vegetables.

Then, out of nowhere, they both just started laughing. It was a bit strange for both of them. They'd never been in this kind of situation with each other before. But even so, they still felt comfortable around one another.

Once they finished their food, which took longer than they thought because of all the talking and whatnot, they decided to each get a coffee.

At this point it was already one o'clock, though time seemed to go by so quickly, they didn't even realize.

When their coffees came, they drank slowly in silence, which for once, wasn't deafening to Sherlock's ears.

Hello again! R&R if you want to. But if you want to and do, I love ya! If you want to and don't, I'll just like you. If you just don't wanna do anything, than we're cool. X-3

Also, if there are any grammar or spelling mistakes lurking about, let me know, and I'll slap them silly until they're right.

Thanks again for reading! You're awesome!