Author's Note: I know I haven't updated on this story so here we go. Sorry if Puck is alittle ooc. Thanks for all the favs and the reviews. Keep 'em coming. I dont own Glee, Ryan Murphy does and he is genius. tell me what you think. And Enjoy.

Puck dared to take his finger and dragged some of the ink onto Kurt's cheek. He just laughed as he did so. He had drawn a penis on his other cheek. Then he stood back, pulled his phone out and tried taking a picture. Kurt put his hand up to defend his face. He ran to the bathroom. "YOU ARE SO DEAD PUCK!" He yelled as he exit the room and tried finding the boy. He thought he heard a door slam. So he looked outside and looked in the backyard. He could have jumped into the pool and hide at the bottom. But it was too cold outside. He went down to his basement room with his clothes and set them in his closet. Letting Puck go missing for a little bit. He checked his phone and there was a few texts and a voice mail. Then Mercedes was calling.

"Boy where you at?" She yelled into the phone

"Mercedes I'm sorry I got sick. I'll see you tomorrow" Kurt lied. He had just lied to his friend. His best friend. "And you and I will go get our shop on this weekend okay!" He told her.

"Alright. See ya soon" She replied.

"Okay bye, love" He said. He had no idea that Puck was under his bed. Kurt got the penis off his cheek with a couple of moist towelettes. He walked over to his bed and sat down. Puck grabbed at his ankles and pulled him down. Kurt screeched. "What the hell, Puck?" Puck was yanking on Kurt's pants and jabbing him in the stomach. Kurt made a fist and punched him in the nose to stop him. Puck sat up and covered his nose.

"Ahhh...that fucking hurt" Puck exclaimed. Kurt smiled at the fact that he had hit him. He was his coach too. "Good thing you didn't bust my nose."

"Aww..what's wrong? Is Puckasuars a wimp now?" Kurt questioned him. He crawled over to Kurt and got close to his face. Shockingly he wasn't frighten like he was earlier today.

"You questioning my badass-ness?" Puck asked. "Do you not me to coach you? Cause' I can stop."

"No, please I want you to coach me." Kurt said. He was actually enjoying Puck's company. He didn't want to say it though. He got up and got an ice pack and a towel. "Here, I'm sorry"

"Thanks" Puck said tending the pack to his nose. It was hurting but not too much though. He had to admit he was kind of shocked that Kurt can throw a hard punch. But he liked that Kurt would care enough to aid the almost busted nose. And honestly Puck liked the leather pants Kurt had on. They heard a noise coming from upstairs and then the door opening and Finn and Rachel coming downstairs.

"What the hell?" Finn shouted. "I thought Mercedes said you got sick?"

"I...I.." Kurt looked at Puck for help. He just cocked his eyebrow. "I got thrown in the dumpster and I just didn't feel like dealing with today honestly." He told the couple. Rachel's eyes looked like they were going to pop out of their sockets. Almost like Finn's too.

" skipped school with PUCK?" Finn asked. This was awkward. Luckily Puck stepped up. "And why do you have an ice pack, Puck?"

"Okay, Kurt almost busted my nose, we were roughhousing, and I just so happen to be helping Kurt." He said.

"With what?" Finn yelled. This wasn't going well. Finn was getting closer to Puck and he was ready to punch. Rachel was still stunned in the corner. She pulled out her phone and was about to text someone.

"Oh, hell no bitch. You text Mercedes about me ditching, I'm going to plan your death." Kurt snatched the phone from her hand. Finn slapped his hand and got her phone back.

"Are you insane? What is wrong with you? I mean I know you don't like Rachel, but don't call her a bitch. In fact, I've never heard you call anyone a bitch." Finn spoke up and wrapped an arm around Rachel. She was about to cry.

"Okay seriously she was going to text Mercedes and poke into my business." Kurt yelled at him and at her for that matter. She gave Finn that look of innocence. This is so fucked up. Finn pulled her into a hug. Puck stood up and was behind Kurt. "I'm sorry I called you a bitch, Rachel." Puck put his hand on Kurt's shoulder

"Kurt apologized but, sometimes you do poke into other people's business Rachel. And don't worry, Kurt and I are just doing a glee thing. So everything cool?" He questioned while looking at Finn and Rachel.

"I'm mildly shock that you are settling the predicament Noah, but I do apologize for my nearest actions via text message." Rachel said. Finn still had his arm around Rachel. "I should go"

"No, Rach. I need help with Spanish." He begged. He wanted to study, and study a little more with Rachel. Finn motioned for the other two to get out of the room. Puck and Kurt quivered at the thought of Finn and Rachel making out. So they just walked up to the kitchen. Kurt put the ice pack back in the freezer and pulled out two yogurts and grabbed two spoons.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to call her a bitch." Kurt apologized again

"Don't apologize. I'm proud, you called her out. And that's badasses do. They call people out." Puck told him as he already finished the yogurt cup. He looked at his phone. "I gotta go" He said.

"Wait!" Kurt said. He didn't want to be home alone when those two were going at it downstairs. "Are you sure? Cause' we can play video games or something. My dad has Madden and I play Mario on the Wii." Kurt offered, he was walking into the other room to hook up the Wii to the tv.

"Mario? Mario Kart or Bros?" Puck's face lighten up. He loved playing Mario.

"Both, which one do you want to play?" Kurt asked.

"How 'bout a couple rounds of kart then we can dominate Mario Bros" Puck said, he went to the fridge and found two water bottles. He sat on the couch awaiting his remote to play. They started playing and Puck was laughing and having too much fun. When playing Mario, his inner kid came out. Kurt raised an eyebrow on this behavior. "Damnit!" He yelled. Kurt had just won first place five times in Mario Kart.

"Looks like you need to step up your game, Puckerman" He said, he was switching the games to Mario Bros. "Coin Battle, or Free-for-All?"

"Coin Battle, you're going down Hummel!" He announced. Unfortunately, Kurt won three rounds, and Puck tossed his remote to Kurt and crossed his arms. Once again, Kurt was surprised at this behavior.

"It's okay Puck. It's just a game." Kurt told him. Soon both Carol and his father came through the door. Carol started dinner and Burt went to his room to change into more comfortable clothes. He wasn't going to tell his dad that he ditched school today and went shoplifting. He looked at Puck, he smirked at Kurt. The question still rang in his head, badasses can smirk? Carol knew Rachel was over and offered for Puck stay for dinner too. Then she told him and Puck to wash up for dinner and get the other two. Kurt rolled his eyes, but obeyed. Him and Puck went downstairs.

"Yo, you two lovebirds, dinner" Puck yelled out, making Finn almost fall of the bed. Soon it was dinner, Rachel was just eating the salad. The tension was tight. It seemed like one of them was going to tell.

"So..Kurt. Get anything fancy at the mall today? With Puck?" Kurt saw the evil grin on him. He kicked Finn's sheen. He muffled in pain. But his dad was too smart sometimes.

"You ditched school, with this boy! That's it you're ground two weeks done!" Burt spoke raising his voice alittle higher. "You two.." He pointed his fork between Kurt and Puck. Puck's eyes grew wide. Kurt's mouth dropped.

"Father! NO! He is just a friend. That's helping me." Kurt was steamed, "Thanks alot Finn" He got up and slammed his plate into the sink.

"Don't you leave!" His father yelled. Puck just sat there, a bit scared. He could see the vein popping out of Burt's Hummel's neck. The table was quiet, they can hear a ruffling noise of a jacket and the door open then slam shut. Puck then saw the father defleat. Was this something that happened often? He looked at the scared looks on Rachel and Finn. From what it looked like. This was a first. Probably not a first grounding, but a first walk out.

"I can go check on him" Puck offered, he just shocked looks from Finn and Rachel, but Burt nodded. So did Carol. Puck got up "Thanks for dinner" He yelled out before shutting the door behind him.