Starscream chirped and giggled as the servos traced his sensitive peds, wiggling and squirming the seeker tried to escape from the gentle touches.

"Skywarp, you can't keep him home forever."

The black and purple seeker scoffed before continuing to play with Starscream, who shrieked and rolled on his side for Skywarp to only start tickling his sides, "I'm not leaving him back there! You saw that mech!"

"It was just a mistake Skywarp," Thundercracker quickly scooped Starscream up to give him a break, "Prowl has taken care of it all. Plus you can't take care of Starscream and work at the same time."

"I have some vacation time! I'll be taking care of him for a few cycles, then we can find a better place!"

"Skywarp that place was the best, we can't afford something better," Starscream was taken back and cuddled, "can we at least talk about this?"

"No!" Starscream cooed as Skywarp rubbed his chin with a gentle claw.

"I'll take care of him just like he was younger!"

Thundercracker sighed and just shook his head, there was no way to convince his mate once he made his mind up.

The next day Thundercracker watched as Skywarp cooed over the sleeping sparkling while he was drinking his morning ration, "are you sure you're not going to go today Skywarp?"

"Yes, I'm going to spend time with Starscream today," Skywarp tucked the seeker into the thermal blanket, "I want to spend time with him and make sure that fragging bot didn't scar him."

Thundercracker just nodded, walked over gave his mate a kiss and wing stroke, patted the curled up sparkling and took off when he reached the balcony. Skywarp watched as his mate take off, only feeling a little bit of longing to follow him, looking back at his sparkling Skywarp let out a content sigh before picking him up and carrying him to the table.

When Starscream did wake up fully he chirped a greeting at his sire, "mowing sire!"

"Morning little one! Whose ready for some energon?"

"I's is!"

Skywarp fed his sparkling spoonfuls of energon while wiping Starscream mouth plates after each, Starscream was only a little curious to why Skywarp was feeding him like this again, he was usually just given a sippy cube. Starscream didn't question it though, he could feel that his sire was still uneasy and he didn't want to upset his sire.

After rations Skywarp took Starscream to the main room, took out some story data pads and listened as Starscream read them out loud, "de end!"

"Aww that was a good one wasn't it? That was one of my favorites when I was a sparkling."

"I wiked it!"

"Hey how about we go out and see the park?"

"Pak, pak!"

Starscream cheered as he was thrown up and down in the air as Skywarp made his way to the balcony, tucking the sparkling into this cockpit, the two seekers took off with the roar of thrusters. Many ground bots looked up to see a plane flying loops and doing barrel rolls, they couldn't hear the laughing of two seekers as Skywarp slashed through the clouds and winds.

Landing at the park, Skywarp let out his sparkling and set him on the ground watching as Starscream trotted around looking at all the crystal plants. Both spent breems at the park, Starscream trotting around asking questions, playing with the crystals, playing tag and hide and seek with his sire, eating some energon ice cream, chasing after some turbo foxes and then watching the sun set.

"I think it's time to go home now Star, it's getting late and close to your sleeping time."

"No sweep!"

"I know, I know, no sleep. Did you have fun today?"


"Good!" Skywarp picked up Starscream and tucked him into his cockpit.

Arriving home they were greeted by a tired Thundercracker, having some dinner then watching as Starscream struggled at stay awake, bot grown seekers chuckled when Starscream lost and fell asleep resting on his data pad. Tucking the small seeker into the red thermal blankets they both kissed him as he fell into dreams, walking to their own room, Skywarp and Thundercracker fell into each other's arms. "Night TC."

"Night Sky."

The next few cycles continued like this with Skywarp staying with Starscream, they went out every cycle to new places, they had fun every cycle but Skywarp noticed that after wards Starscream would be a little sad about something as he wrote on his pad.

"…He misses his friend Bluestreak," informed Thundercracker watching at the table as Skywarp watched their sparkling at the door.

Skywarp didn't reply and just continued to watch the sparkling, "…I know your both having fun and all but Starscream needs friends his own age."

"…I know that TC," sighed Skywarp, "don't think I don't. It's just that…I don't want to lose him."

"Skywarp," Thundercracker took the black seeker into his arms, "you will never lose Starscream, he loves you with all his spark."

"But what of something happens to him and we weren't there?"

"Starscream is a smart bot Skywarp, he is our creation, but you need to let him learn and experience things for himself. He can't be your sparkling forever but he will be your creation forever. You have to give him a little more freedom, he will come to you if he needs help, we want what's best for him Sky."

"I know that," whispered Skywarp giving his mate a kiss before making his way over to the seeker sparkling, "hey Star."

"Sire! Hav queswion! How cum Sentiwel not know dees?"

"Those are seekerlet letters Star, only seekers know them," Skywarp patted Starscream before sighing, "Starscream I need to ask you something alright?"


"You had fun at the daycare right? Before the mean bot was there."

"Was fun!"

"Do you miss anyone there?"

"…I miss Bwustweek," replied Starscream after thinking about it.

"Well, how about tomorrow we go back there?"

"Bak to daicur? But was having fun wit sire!"

"I know Star, I know" Skywarp cuddled his sparkling smiling as Starscream purred back, "we had fun, that won't stop, but you like daycare too. We can plan day outs together another time, with TC too."

"Wit TeeCee!"

"So tomorrow we'll go back to daycare, I want to check out the place. You'll get to see Bluestreak again alright?"


Skywarp nuzzled Starscream as he cheered in happiness, Thundercracker just watched this all with a smile before listening to his bond and making his way over to them, nuzzling his mate and ticking his sparkling he basted in the love and feeling of closeness of his family.

Sentinel working with sparklings was used to seeing strange and weird things, the thoughts and plans that a sparkling could come up with only make sense to themselves, but this one really shocked him.

Hearing a knock on the door, Sentinel left the sparklings who were doing some reading, looking back he could see that most of them were not really into it. They all missed their seeker friend and reading a data pad for themselves made them remember the time where Starscream read the story to them. Bluestreak had it worst, he wasn't even trying to read at all, all he did was draw circles on the pad while the twins tried to cheer him up but even they missed the seeker.

Sighing Sentinel pressed the door open, on lining his optics and putting on a fake smile, he let out a yelp and jumped back seeing the familiar tall, black and purple seeker. Staring at him with one optic raised, Skywarp opened his cockpit as Starscream popped out to only copy his sires expression, "femme?"

"I would hope not Star."

"S-Sir Skywarp! What are you doing here?"

"What are we not allowed here anymore?"

"N-No! It's just well-" Sentinel coughed and rubbed his helm, "you said that you were going to take Starscream away somewhere else."

"Well I changed my mind, Starscream is happy here and I will do anything that makes his happy," Skywarp took Starscream out and hid him between his servos, "you gonna let me in or what?"

"Oh yes of course! The sparklings were just going to start play time," Sentinel moved out as Skywarp strutted pass.

Skywarp only nodded once at the caretaker, he walked over to a box of blocks and picked them up, he then found a place at the corner of the room and settled down. Placing the box down, Skywarp sat down in front of the corner and spread his peds outwards so they reached the two intersecting walls, placing Starscream on the floor the sparkling looked around to see that his sire had made a sort of squared off area for them. Taking a hold of the box, Skywarp took them out and placed them around the seeker sparkling, "there! Now we can play like we did when you were younger."

Starscream clicked happily as he began to move some of the blocks, building things with his creators was the earliest things he could remember and the fondest. Skywarp smiled as he and Starscream started to build a tower with ease, he however looked over when he felt something touching his ped, looking over he saw that it was little Bluestreak.

Bluestreak was standing on the tips of his peds trying to look over Skywarp's larger ones, clicking silently in question as he tried to see if his friend was behind the black ped, smiling Skywarp reached down and picked up the Datsun. Squeaking in surprise the sparkling could only instinctively freeze as he was picked up and brought over the black ped, Skywarp patted the grey nubs once before setting the sparkling back down while watching his reaction.

Bluestreak clicked as he was placed down, looking around all he could see was colorful blocks, before his clicks were replied with someone else's, "Bwusteek?"

Bluestreak couldn't help but let out a shout in happiness as the seeker sparkling moved out behind the tower, running over, the Datsun tackled down the seeker sparkling knocking over the tower. Clicking none stop Bluestreak begun to chirp to Starscream how much he's missed his friend while Starscream struggled to get back on his peds, that wasn't going to happen soon though. Chirping in complaint the seeker whined for his sire to help him only for Skywarp to smile.

When Bluestreak finally let the seeker up he was smacked softly across the helm, staring up at his friend with sad optics Starscream finally caved and told Bluestreak that he missed him too. Getting up to his peds the seeker sparkling brushed off some dust, only to be tackled back down by a yellow and red blur, landing back in the ruined pile of what was once a tower, Starscream was once again being chirped at about how he was missed. Bluestreak watched this for only a click before joining the pile over the seeker, Starscream started to yell and complain at his sire knowing that the only reason these two could have gotten in was because the larger seeker lifted them in.

With a crafty smile, Skywarp lifted and bent one of his peds leaving an opening to the once blocked off area, in a click, the whole class of sparklings were running into greet the sparkling seeker. "Sire ewil!"

"Aww they missed you," cooed Skywarp laughing as the sparklings piled onto the seeker.

Skywarp stood up when he noticed that all the sparklings were trying to greet the sparkling, watching them the seeker smiled at how happy his sparkling was even though he was hiding it.

"So are you going allow Starscream to stay?"

"Hmm? Yeah, yeah I will, this place makes him happy and it's nice to see him make friends."

"I'm glad they all missed him."

"Of course they would, it's Starscream."

"I'm glad you brought him back, will you be coming back later to pick him up?"

"Oh you would like that wouldn't you," Sentinel stepped back when Skywarp turned to him with a glare, "I'm staying here to make sure that nothing shifty happens."

"So you'll be joining us this cycle?"

"Not just this cycle, a few of them. To make sure that Starscream will be safe and happy here."

"Can't wait," Sentinel internally sighed, feeling that his job just more complicated.

Play time was followed by painting time, to Sentinel's prediction Starscream took no part in this and walked off to read Bluestreak and Sideswipe one of their favorite story pads not wanting to get sticky and messy, Sunstreaker stayed behind as painting was one of his favorite hobbies. To Sentinel's shock however Skywarp, when he noticed the sparklings painting, sat down next to the table and bent down to join them. Watching a full grown mech paint images with his servos was something to be seen. When he was done Skywarp picked it up and walked over to show Starscream, who patted his servo and clapped at the colorful image, Skywarp preened at that.

Music time lead to Skywarp grabbing Starscream and Bluestreak and running out of the room, shouting something about claws on glass, Sentinel could only blink at how fast the seeker moved. That breem was spent playing in the outside yard, games of tag, hide and seek, ball, scavenger hunting and snack time. For most of the time the trio was stared at strangely through the windows as they ran back and forth around the small area, two seekers playing with a grounder was a rare thing.

During nap time Starscream was instead reading another data pad, but instead of at a table like normal he was leaning against his sire. Sentinel rested his helm in one servo while his elbow rested on the desk watching the seekers and sparklings, even Ariel was standing next to him with her head tilted to the side. There in the middle of the room Skywarp was laying on his front sleeping unlike his own sparkling, what was strange was that all the other sleeping sparklings have taken to sleep on the seeker. Seekers were naturally warm bots that produced much heat due to their ability to fly, because of that the sleeping sparklings started to migrate to the large seeker when they realized that he was warm, now he was covered in them. Both caretakers blinked and continued to watch the piled mass, strange could not begin to describe what they saw.

Math's time and language time followed the similar pattern of Starscream teaching Bluestreak and the twins. Sentinel asked about the extra characters Starscream kept drawing and was told by Skywarp that they were part of the seekers native language, seekerlet, no grounder was yet to learn or understand it because it also included many wing movements and engine revs.

Cycles like this passed with Skywarp joining the daycare, but all good times must come to an end.

"Hey Skywarp and Thundercracker," greeted Sentinel another morning, "today were planning to start off with a little history."

"Oh how boring," muttered Skywarp patting Starscream before placing him onto the floor, "uh no I'm not staying today."


"Yeah I got to get back to work, all things come to an end yeah."

"Too bad, they really liked your company," the new voice came from Jazz who walked in with Bluestreak, "especially during nap time."

"What can I say? I'm loveable."

Thundercracker only shook his head while greeting Prowl, "thanks for taking care of Silverspire for us."

"It was my job, he was out of line," replied the police bot watching as Bluestreak trotted off to greet Starscream, "thank you for allowing you're sparkling to teach ours how to walk."

"He would have learnt to eventually," all four bots watched as twins greeted and joined the seeker ands Datsun.

"That's got to be one of the weirdest sights in a long time," whistled Jazz grinning.

"A seeker, Datsun and two Lamborghini twins, yep, that's our Star, always has to be unique and different."

All four bots smiled as the four sparklings greeted and chirped at one another before walking off to play.

Starscream still thought that Iacon was a weird place with too many grounders but Bluestreak, Sideswipe and Sunstreaker made the place all the more fun. Waving at his creators he joined in the game of make believe with his friends, they might not be flyers but with the way they were all laughing and smiling…

Starscream wouldn't trade them for any flyer in on the planet.