A/N So, this is it. Well, it lasted a lot longer than two parts, that's for sure. I've thoroughly enjoyed writing this and reading all you're comments. I think i'm having Sadie separation anxiety (more on that later). Thank you to all who have reviewed, favorited, etc. Hope you like the conclusion ;o)



Part 12

Much to Jane's disappointment, his little stroll around the hospital had added another week to his already too-long stay. Jane had never been forced to stay in one place for so long. Scratch that, not since his breakdown had he been confined for such a long time. The doctors worried that by collapsing in front of the nursery, Jane had further aggravated his head injury. Jane tried convincing them that he had an abnormally thick skull but they weren't swayed.

Jane glanced at the clock on the wall. He had officially been in the hospital for two weeks, five days, two hours, eight minutes, and thirty seven seconds but that was about to change. Lisbon was due any minute and she was going to free him from his prison. The rest of the team and Sadie had already headed home to Sacramento (to plan a surprise party, no doubt) and Lisbon was just checking out of the hotel and picking up his clothes from the cleaners before coming to Jane's rescue.

Jane had already flipped through the eight channels on his tv, counted the ceiling tiles, and people-watched through his window before Lisbon had arrived. When she finally walked through the door, Jane practically leaped out of bed to meet her. He was elated to see that she had with her a warm beverage and a mysterious (or not so mysterious) white brown baggie.

"You don't remember this, but I promised you these a couple weeks ago." She handed the items to Jane who took a peek inside of the paper bag.

"I love you!"

Lisbon rolled her eyes, not surprised that he was delighted to have his precious tea and blueberry muffin.

"No, seriously. Thank you Lisbon." He gave her a hug before nibbling greedily at his muffin.

"I brought you your clothes. They've been cleaned and I figured you wouldn't want to leave here in that." Lisbon gestured to his hospital gown.

"What, this? It's the latest fashion." Jane smiled. He took his clothes and went to change, hobbling along the way trying to hold his clothes and balance his crutches at the same time. Lisbon watched the humorous sight before her and then went to fetch the wheelchair in the corner of the room. Jane emerged from the bathroom and scoffed at the wheelchair.

"I don't need that Lisbon."

"Hospital rules. Besides, if you collapse again, you'll end up stuck here another week."

That struck a chord in Jane as he reluctantly handed his crutches to Lisbon and plopped into the wheelchair. Lisbon laid the crutches across his lap as they made their way out of the room. A few steps down the hallway, they heard a familiar voice.

"Leaving without saying goodbye?" Emily stood behind them with her hand on her hips.

"Well, you know Jane. If I didn't get him out of here soon, he would have made a rope out of his bed sheets and escaped through the window."

"Hmm, never thought of that one. I'll have to try that next time." Jane mused.

Emily walked towards them shaking her finger at Jane. "There better not be a next time mister."

"What, sick of me already?" Jane gave his best puppy-face.

"You bet." Emily smiled. "Seriously though, this hospital is going to be less exciting without you here." She looked at Lisbon. "Good luck with this one."

"Yeah, well I haven't killed him yet."

"That's because you loooovee me Lisbon."


"You don't deny it!"


"Sorry. Can we blow this popsicle stand please?"

"Yes child." Lisbon grabbed Emily's arm. "Thank you, really, for everything."

Emily embraced Lisbon and whispered in her ear. "Don't give up on him hun. There's something there. I can sense these things."

"I won't." Lisbon blushed.

Emily placed a hand on Jane's shoulder. "And you, behave yourself mister. No lifting, stairs, or excitement for a good while."

"Yes mom."

"Bye Jane, Lisbon. Take care."

"So," Jane questioned as they were further down the hall. "What did Emily say to you that made you turn an unnatural shade of red?"

"None of your business Jane."

"Come on. If you tell me, I'll let you ride on my chariot here to the exit." Jane wagged his eyebrows at Lisbon.

"No Jane."

"Party pooper. You know I'll find out eventually."

Lisbon was thankful to finally make it to the exit. Jane sighed leaving the building and into the sunlight, warming his face. He had been inside way too long. Lisbon watched Jane's expression change as they were met with the warmth of the early afternoon sun. She was relieved to notice how much better he looked since awakening from the coma. His eyes were bright and full of life compared to the point when Lisbon wasn't sure if she would ever see those blue pools again and his hair, beautiful golden hair, was starting to grow back, glowing in the sunlight. Lisbon couldn't think of anything more beautiful at the moment.

She wheeled Jane over to the car she had rented for the ride home and helped him into it. It was probably a blessing that the team had taken the SUV since Jane didn't have to struggle too much to get into the vehicle. Lisbon placed the crutches in the back seat and then returned the wheelchair before climbing into the driver's seat.

"Ready to go home?"

Jane nodded and Lisbon pulled out of the garage. The ride to Sacramento would take a few hours so she turned on the music and drove on to the highway ramp.

Jane yawned, surprised to be tired from the morning's events. He smiled as Lisbon subconsciously began humming along with the radio. The sound relaxed Jane as he closed his eyes and drifted to sleep.



(Back at CBI headquarters)

"No. That thing cannot come into the building. I'm sorry." Hightower was arguing with the team about allowing Sadie into the building for Jane's surprise welcome home party.

"But Jane hasn't really seen her yet since he was in the hospital. It won't be a surprise party without her." Van Pelt argued.

"We don't even know if Jane will come here. He should be home resting."

"He'll come here." Cho assured.

"Please? Just for today?" Van Pelt pleaded.

Sadie looked at Hightower and tilted her head, breaking the woman's defenses. "Oh fine, for today only."

"Yay!" Van Pelt cheered. "Come on Sadie. Let's go in."

"You," Hightower eyed Cho. "Are responsible for the dog. Make sure I don't regret allowing this."

"Yes ma'am."

Cho, Rigsby, and Hightower went into the building a few minutes behind Van Pelt. Walking into the bullpen, the rookie was smiling.

"Well, if we had any doubt that Sadie was Jane's dog, we don't now." Sadie had trotted into the bullpen and went straight for the couch in the back, making herself comfortable.



The party went off without a hitch. Jane, was of course, already aware that they were planning something but he was thankful for his friends and their kindness. The day was full of everything Jane loved: Tea, good company, and even presents. At some point (Jane still didn't know when), the team had gone out and purchased Jane a jacket, hat, and gloves for him. Jane had no idea when he would have the opportunity to wear the items, but he appreciated the gesture.

The consultant was currently sitting on his beloved couch, Sadie at his feet. He was glad to have her back in his life and regretted ever giving her away in the first place. Hearing the sound of clicking heels, Jane looked up to see Lisbon with his green teacup and saucer.

"I figured you'd be about ready for a refill."

"My angel!" Jane smiled and took the beverage from Lisbon. He then patted the seat next to him, inviting Lisbon to sit.

Lisbon obliged and sat next to the consultant. She put a hand on his knee.

"How are you doing?"

"I'm good Lisbon, really." Jane covered Lisbon's hand with his own and squeezed it.


"So, Lisbon, you really should go home and get some real sleep. I can tell you're tired." Jane said honestly.

"I can't. You don't have any idea how much paperwork builds up when you're not at work for over two weeks."

"Seriously Lisbon, don't stick around on my account. I'll be fine now that I've been reacquainted with my couch here.

"We'll see."



Van Pelt was just finishing cleaning up the kitchen from the party. It had been a long day for everyone but in a good way. Thankfully, tomorrow was a weekend so the team could get some much needed sleep. She was about to leave but decided to say goodnight to Lisbon and Jane before she left, assuming they were still in the building. She walked to Lisbon's office and although the light was on, Lisbon was nowhere to be seen. Van Pelt then tried the bullpen and smiled at the sight she found there.

Jane and Lisbon were both on the couch. Sadie was laying sprawled out over the both of their laps. Who said labs weren't lap dogs? Jane's injured leg was elevated on a chair in front of the couch and all three of them were sound asleep. Lisbon's head was resting lightly on Jane's shoulder and she was snoring slightly while Jane was asleep with his own head resting on Lisbon's. It had been a rough few weeks, years even and on Monday the work would begin again. There would be another case to solve and a new suspect to convict but as Van Pelt quietly studied her friends, she realized maybe that didn't matter. Just maybe, even for one night, the love shared between the three souls on that couch, held enough power to chase away Jane's demons. He had a lot of healing left to do, but Van Pelt couldn't think of a better way to start.

The End

May I hold you
as you fall to sleep,
when the world is closing in
and you can't breathe.
May I love you.
May I be your shield.
When no one can be found
may I lay you down.


So, I promised you I would tell you about my next story plans. I have a few ideas jotted down for a Christmas Sadie fic involving Red John. How do ya'll like the idea? It's still in the pre-planning stages but if ya'll like the idea, I'll begin writing it and start posting once we get a little closer to Christmas ;o)