I wrote this about four, five years ago. Posted it elsewhere, and got quite good reviews despite the atrocious spelling, grammer, and skipping back and forth between past and present.

It's still choppy, and I probably missed some mistakes in the editing.

It's based on the Teen Titans episodes Apprentice 1+2. I thought that Batman should have been there, so, I inserted him. It's not really an Xover, as I didn't have a specific version of batman in mind, I just used my general knowledge of the DC universe. Also, may bee some continuity screw ups, not sure.

Figured I'd post it.

Most parents do not choose their children and children do not choose their parents. This is one of the ways that Dick Grayson is special. He was adopted after his parents… Anyway, neither he nor his adopted father ever had any reason to regret it, even after they had fallen out. Bruce Wayne knew that he had found someone special in his young ward. He was only a child, but he had great spirit and fought as though the world depended on it. Bruce soon made him a full partner in his night-time ventures and, together, Batman and Robin defeated many foes. That's why it came as such a shock to see what Oracle, formally Batgirl, had to show. Sure, Robin was out on his own now, leading his own team, and yes, they'd had a falling out, but there must be some mistake.

Maybe I should start at the beginning. A 'Thermal Blaster' was stolen from a Wayne's Enterprises facility. Oracle was reviewing the CCTV footage with Alfred when Bruce came in. He'd been out battling Poison Ivy, now safely locked in Arkham Asylum.

"Master Bruce," Alfred called him over.

"Yes, Alfred. What is it?" he asked, joining them at the console.

"There's something you need to see." Oracle told him, rewinding the footage. She pressed play. There was no mistaking that spiky haired teenager who was on screen, removing the 'Thermal Blaster' from the vault, even with the strange dark costume.

"No." Bruce gasped. "Barbara, is this real?"

"No one's tampered with the film. That's Robin, Our Robin." Oracle replied.

"How did this happen?" Bruce fumed. "I know he's been out on his own, making his own mark… and we may not have parted on the best of terms… but he should know that he could come to me for anything. Why would he turn to stealing?"

"There's more. Look what happens when his fellow Titans show up." Oracle told him. They watched in silence.

"He fought them." Bruce said quietly.

"They don't seem to know any more than we do. Look how shocked they were." Alfred said.

"But watch," Oracle rewound the footage again, and then froze the image. "He was careful not to hurt them."

"Alfred, pack the Batmobile, we're going to visit family." Batman said.

Meanwhile, the remaining Titans sat in their tower feeling desolate. Why would Robin do this?

"Okay, the way I see it," Beastboy explained as he paced, "there are only two logical explanations. One; Robin's been replaced by an evil robot double. Two; he's another innocent victim of zombie mind control." Raven and Cyborg stared at him for a few seconds.

"As… logical as that sounds, if anything was controlling his mind, I would have sensed it." Raven said.

"And my scanners confirmed his bio-metrics. That was the real Robin." Cyborg added. "Our Robin."

"LIES!" the cry came from Starfire. "That was not Robin! Your scanners are wrong." Just then there was a chime from the computer console and Batman appeared on the screen. "Robin is our friend and nothing could ever make him betray us." Starfire continued. "Nothing!"

"But something did." Raven replied.

"Three words:" Beastboy said, the others turned to him, "Disgruntled Radioactive Clone."

"Hello Titans." Batman's voice emerged from the computer, amused. "What's happened to Robin?"

"Sir!" Beastboy saluted as they all turned to look.

"How, how did you know about that?" Cyborg asked.

"The company he stole from is owned by a good friend of mine." Batman replied. "I had access to the CCTV."

"Well, um, Sir. We don't know exactly what happened to Robin." Beastboy told him. "There was this bad guy, Slade, Sir. He split us up. He had set up a fake chr…chron… bomb, sir. Then this Hench dude Cinderblock attacked, sir, and Robin stayed behind to fight. Slade must have got to him then, sir."

"Robin… there's no way he would do this. Slade must have some kind of hold on him." Batman told the Titans.

"Well, actually, he did do something similar awhile back. Robin pretended to be a villain called Red-X. He approached Slade as a partner as a way to find out what he's planning." Raven informed the Bat. He sighed.

"Look kids, I'm on my way. I'll be there in half an hour. Be careful." The screen went blank.

"Batman…" said Cyborg.

"…coming here?" added Beastboy. "Dude, no way!"

"Booyah!" Cyborg yelled.

"Excuse me, but who is this Bat Man?" Star asked politely.

"Even I've heard of Batman." Said Raven.

"You've never heard of Batman?" Beastboy exclaimed. "He's only the coolest hero in the world! I know you're an alien, but jeez Starfire!"

"More than that," added Cyborg, "he raised Robin from a little kid. They fought side by side for years."

"Then why does he never mention this Bat Man?" Star asked, confused.

"I don't know," Raven replied. "A while back, Robin turned up here and the Bat started fighting solo. No one knows why."

"Besides, when do we know anything about Robin?" Beastboy said. "He never talks about himself. He doesn't trust us."

"That is not true! Robin is our leader. He deserves our trust. He tells us what we need to know." Starfire replied.

"Come on Star, he's not exactly open with us is he?" Cyborg replied.

"Leave it alone, guys!" Raven said seeing the tears in Starfire's eyes. Her own glowed red. Then she continued more softly. "Whatever the reason, Robin's a criminal now, and just like any other criminal…"
"The Teen Titans have to bring him down." Cyborg finished. Starfire gasped, her face awash with pain, the tears falling freely now.