/really short chapter

disclaimer: do not own pjo


The car ride was somewhat uneventful, so my mind drifted off to other things like, Percy. I really generally hoped that we could still be friends.

Thalia bolted upright "oh my god! Were gonna be climbing the Rockies and we?"

"Yea why, whats the problem?" I asked.

"Where gonna be climbing very high rock faces and going along old worn out paths at a very big height".

"Wha- oh sorry Thals I forgot about the height thing". She glared. I glared back. Just as I was about to say we would be roped together and she'd be fine Susan came up to our seats.

"Hey Susan, whats up?." Thalia asked

"I am not Susan Horn anymore, I am Jama Te Dugi" she announced.

"Ok eh … Jama whats up?" I asked. Gods thing multiple personality thing was crazy.

"The sky, but in more pressing matters I need to use the bathroom." Thalia lent over and whispered in my ear. "This one likes to announce everything"

"Ask Argus if we can stop then"

"Ok i will. I am taking a step. And another. And another. I am asking Argus if we can stop." This was going to be a really long trip.

"Hey Thals, do you have any paper?" I asked

"Sure why?" She asked while unzipping her back pack.

"I just thought I should write down Sus- Jama's personalities and what they do."

"Here have my list." Pheobe said I thanked her and took the list.

Susan Horn- fights with herself

Jama Te Duggi- announces every thing

Gara Fond - kinda shifty

Choe Gooddf - normal...ish

After studying the list for a few minutes I laughed "Wow that's really smart, worthy of Athena even." Thalia looked puzzled. As did Pheobe.

"Her names put together is an acronym for;

I am Daughter of Janus god of Doors and Change"

They both gaped at me.


"You looked at the list for under 2 minutes and figured out something that I haven't realised in two months." Stated Pheobe

"Well she is a daughter of Athena, come on now it seems we've stopped." Says Thalia as she clambers out of her seat.

Followed quickly by me and Pheobe.