So this will be a little strange. I have effectively not read any of the comics, or books, I dislike most of the Star Wars movies, and please do not feel the need to convert me, it's just a preference. But I did like the Kotor game, and storyline. So I thought of writing a fanfiction for it.

This IS an AU, and so will not follow cannon in many ways, please be aware of this. Also there are a few core differences, which I will not explain in the notes, suffice to say, they will happen, and you will be made aware of them in the story. A lot of this will be in a peace setting, but war will occur in time.

Prologue - Finale

"You cannot win, Revan." Padawan Bastila Shan asserted, her voice loud and powerful, the better to embolden her team mates. Through the glow of her yellow sabre she watched the black cloaked man, his arrogant posture, staring out into the blackness of space. He had not once turned to regard them, even as the Sith defending him were cut down. Yet she did not for a single moment doubt his awareness, like many of his actions. The apparent lack of attention was a carefully concealed trap.

"Brave words, my apprentice." The silky voice responded, the words casting doubt into her which she quickly shrugged off. From the corner of her eye she saw the discomfort on the face of the Jedi beside her. Already he was weakening them, and with such little effort. Despite that, she felt no anger at his words, only a deep sense of disappointment.

"My master no longer, Revan. Nor my mentor, nor my friend. Look at what you have become." A man hidden behind a mask, sending droves of sentient lives to their deaths. Not even upset that his very bodyguards had been cut down as he did nothing. So much sadness welled within her as she looked at him. She wanted to see his face once more, bereft of that mask. Would it have changed? Would he still be the person she remembered so fondly?

Would it be the same?

"Come then child." He urged, igniting his sabre with a hiss as the crimson blade crept forth with an almost mocking lack of speed. "Let us have one... final... lesson." The sabre hummed as he adopted his juyo stance, content to let her attack him. There may have been four of them against him, but she could feel his eyes focused intently on her.

"Very well Revan." She acquiesced, taking a deep breath as she emptied and calmed her mind, feeling a brief flit of irony at following his teachings, before that too was purged and calm descended. There is no emotion... only peace. And as the sound around them dimmed, and all awareness focused on only him, she struck.

It was not to be. Their fated clash, her answers. All were denied her at that final moment. A deep flash of light and a blast of sound and fire, throwing her aside like a limp doll. Others landed about her, some never again moving as their bodies hit unrelenting metal. Her thoughts in disarray, and her sense of balance having fled, Bastila pushed herself to her knees and looked about her. Horror and confusion painted across her face. What was this? Had they been struck! How?

Their strike team to capture the Sith Lord Revan, had been a desperate attempt, surely the republic had not then won the battle, and fired upon Revan's flag ship? With them aboard it?

Revan! Her mind snapped into focus as she looked for the threat, somehow not believing he could have been defeated in such an ignoble manner. Her breath caught in her throat as she saw him.

No no no! Shamefully she ignored her fellow Jedi, rushing straight to him and kneeling at his side, fighting back the nausea from the movement and rolling him over. The impact had struck him hard, and she could feel him fading, even below her finger tips. She realised with growing horror, that she did not want him to die. Not like this. He had to answer for the crimes he had committed. No. It was not even that. He had to answer, the questions she had for him. And by the Force. He would not die before he had faced her!

Unsure of what she could do, she pushed the Force into him, acting as a conduit between him and that healing energy. Though the loose thoughts she could pick up from his now unguarded mind, were disjointed and confused, at best. The fact that she was getting them at all showed he might still yet live. As the sole surviving Jedi staggered up to them she declared their mission a success.

Lord Revan, Master of the Sith, had been captured. Alive.

And as they bundled him back into their transport and fled from the now drifting ghost ship, she let her mind wander back, and remember how it had all began.

Incredibly short, but that's my intent as this is nothing but a prologue. If you haven't guessed it, the main story will effectively be a flashback. Many of the AU elements will become more obvious through it.

If you enjoyed it so far, please review, I should be able to update soonish. Following chapters will be much longer in length, worry not.