Title: Spawn of Satan

Couples: BloomSky, StellaSky, StellaBrandon, DiasproAvalon

Rating: T, might turn into M, but I'll give you a warning if it does.

Summary: In an age where women are supposed to be obedient, quiet, dumb and subservient, Ms Bloom Elliot is certainly an exception. When her sister Stella wants to elope with the infamous seducer Prince Sky, who ranks amongst the highest nobility, she decides to take her sisters place in order to save her reputation and escape a forced marriage to someone she doesn't respect. She has no money, no friends, and she doesn't know where he will take her. He is cold, emotionless and never in need of love. As they meet, he has no very pure intentions with her. He will take her, she will yield. No feelings involved. Right?

Chapters: 15 to 20

A/N: Hello loved ones! As you might have noticed, this is my new story: Spawn of Satan. It is not entirely AU, since it does take place in Magix and its surroundings, but it's set in another time, namely 18th-19th century. A little twist :)

Now on with the story, but firstly

Disclaimer: I do not own 'Winx Club'. I do not wish to make any profit out of this story, I only obey to my imagination. All the rights go to Iginio Straffi.

Second and last: A huge thanks to Firefairy19 and TotallyLori for playing Beta for me, in order to keep my smaller and bigger mistakes to a minimum. Keep the grammar-nazi thing going, Erica ;)


I loved my sister to death, I really did. But she was not very good at thinking, so sometimes I helped her to think things over. She did realize she couldn't do without me. And it was a mutual feeling of course.

Because we were sisters.

I was gazing at my reflection. Gazing motionlessly at the pale but clear complexion, the soft pink lips, the small nose, the serene sapphire eyes and finally the red wavy curls framing my face. I sighed deeply and switched off the bed lamp next to the mirror, instantly liking my face better in the dark. I turned around quickly as I heard the door open. As I expected, my younger sister Stella came bounding through and gathered her skirts before plopping down her creamy canopy. I could not help but stare at perfection itself she seemed to advocate. Who would want a pale complexion if they could have rosy cheeks instead? Who could possibly be in need of complex greenish blue eyes if radiant and lively doe-eyes were available? No wonder she practically broke her neck over all these admirers. My lips curled involuntarily into a smile as I watched her scowl.

"Please tell me you are having cheery thoughts." She always sounded so artless when she opened her mouth. Coquettish too, but that part of her was reserved for other people.

"Absolutely." I tried not to sound too sarcastic, although I knew she wouldn't pick it up anyway. Why even bother, I asked myself sometimes. Because unlike her, you received an expensive education, that turned you into a refined lady, I chastised myself.

"I wonder why Mama makes us wear these heavy skirts." She yawned adorably. "I have seen women roaming the streets with much lighter and shorter petticoats." She pouted charmingly.

"Stella, you cannot possibly want such a thing." I sighed at her bad morals. "You'll only attract even more attention." I tried to dissuade her by flattery.

"I certainly wouldn't mind that." She giggled animatedly. "Besides, Mama already consented in buying me a new skirt that doesn't polish the floors." She rolled her eyes and smiled, probably wondering how she could achieve such eloquence.

"Oh no, Stella." I reacted mortified.

"Oh yes, Bella." She mocked, calling me by my nickname. "I'm wearing it tonight when I am meeting prince Sky." She tried to sound nonchalant, but she failed miserably.

"Oh no, you won't!" I forbade her, determinate.

"I wonder how I shall wear my hair. Put up?" she pushed her hair up and twisted it in a loose bun. "Or down?" she let the sleek mass of soft golden locks flow down her back, looking satisfied.

"You cannot wear that skirt." I repeated stubbornly. "We are not commoners, Stell. We set an example for the people."

"Good heavens, you are intolerably old-fashioned!" she cried out carelessly. "I have already seen Diaspro, Prince Sky's cousin, with a skirt like that. It is very fashionable."

"This is not about fashion." I explained calmly. "It's about protecting our honour. It is hard for us, three women alone, Stella."

"Hmph." She huffed indignantly. "Mama should have remarried after Papa's death." I chose to ignore that disrespectful comment.

"It's for the best. If you want a good husband, with a title…" Her eyes sparkled at the last word. "You have to be innocent. I have already heard alarming rumors about you and a certain prince." I added softly.

"Oh let them!" she smiled, half delighted, half annoyed. "Bella, I am so fond of him!" She squealed and twirled around elegantly.

I grimaced. 'Too bad he does not love you.' I was convinced prince Sky did not intend to marry her. He was an indiscrete arrogant flirt who could not be trusted. He was very handsome though, he possessed an almost feminine beauty. If one would not know better, one would think of him a naive boyish fellow. Alas, he was quite the contrary, as his nickname 'Spawn of Satan' suggested. This was the man my sister attempted to lure into matrimony. My mother only encouraged her, obviously not realizing we were much too inferior to even dream of such a connection. Her hopes were based on two Irish sisters, the O'Connors, that had conquered town ten years prior and though not very rich, nor of noble birth secured husbands with a fortune and a title.

"Oh yes, where is he taking you?" I asked curiously.

"We're going to the opera, of course. Madame Dragonfly." I stifled a laugh and corrected her in my mind: 'Madame Butterfly.' "You should come with us. William Doone will be there too." She smiled roguishly and winked at me. "Besides, if you're all about tradition and decorum, it is only natural that you as my elder sister should accompany me. Completely comme il faut." Her French was awfully heavy, but she could get away with it because she was Stella Elliott.

"I cordially accept your invitation, dear sister." I smiled as she examined her closet with a grave look (very unlike her to look concerned indeed). It was certainly not for that tool Doone that I was coming with, I wanted to keep an eye on my little sister.

"Fabulous." She clapped her hand enthusiastically and shoved me towards my own closet. "The carriage is picking us up in four hours, so get ready!" I chuckled lightly at her premature and unnecessary anxiety and walked towards the door briskly.

"I am sure I will manage."

"Don't come complaining to me if your curls turn out to be a lost cause!" she yelled after me.

I would manage.

Going to the opera was usually a serene and enjoyable experience for me.


When my sister was chattering away vulgarly with her two awfully loud friends and William Doone could not keep his boring mouth shut, it was not. I averted my look to the door and closed my eyes, trying to drown out the incessant noise and focusing on the music instead. I heard the door open and opened my eyes, suddenly staring in a pair of cold, yet amused clear blue eyes. I quickly turned my face away from Prince Sky, obviously surprising him.

"I think this is absolutely insufferable, don't you agree?" Doone asked somewhere. I nodded absent-mindedly. The prince had seated himself next to my sister of course, glancing furtively at her visible ankles. He smiled triumphantly, but contemptuously. It was not a pretty sight. I tore my gaze away from my sister's back and met William's dull brown eyes.

"Were you even paying attention?" he asked, piqued and a little offended.

"I am very sorry sir, you were saying?" I apologized politely and laid my hand on his arm in a friendly gesture.

"I was just saying that your sister's male companion has shot a man yesterday. It must have been very shameful indeed. It was during a game of gambling. And they were drunk." He added, disgusted.

"I should tell my sister." I reacted pensively, gazing at the floor. "She will probably only find it exciting." I muttered dejectedly as I noticed something. "Are your shoes mauve, William?" I inquired distractedly. "That colour does not suit you."

"Miss Elliott! How can you speak of such things when…" he sputtered and glanced at my sibling and the Spawn of Satan, who were laughing loudly. "You have to warn her."

"I shall." I smiled and let my mind drift back to the opera as William slid closer and whispered conspiringly:

"I do not understand his preference for your sister, Ms Elliott. I have always found you much prettier and a great deal better-mannered."

"Really?" I asked, astonished at his courageous remark. My attention was drawn back to the music. "Well, that is lovely to hear, although you underestimate my sister's qualities, but you do wear purple shoes after all."

There was only one act left, when I noticed Prince Sky stand up, soon followed by a feverish-looking Stella. This could not be good. I tried to get rid of William when he offered me his assistance. After succeeding –which seemed to last a decade- , I wanted to leave the room unnoticed. I moved into the direction of their voices and hid behind a huge red pillar.

"…is impossible!"

"It is very common in those cities. You would be the hostess of grand balls and dinners. I'd lavish you with pearls, lace, diamonds… And of course, I would be there, Stell." What appalling city was he talking about? He wanted to take her to a strange city. Something had to be done.

"But how could I… my family… I need to remain innocent." Stella protested very faintly.

"Do you want me?" he asked roughly. No soft whispers, no pet names and no tender caresses. He treated her like a business transaction. "I want you to come with me beautiful girl. Not as my wife, you know I never intended that, don't be foolish now." At least he was honest. Good heavens, that meant he wanted to make my sister his mistress, his personal whore. This could not be borne. Then not a noise was heard, at last… a faint sigh from my sister and a low lustful growl coming from him. "The devil knows I want you." He drawled. Shuffling of feet, a surprised gasp from Stella and suddenly the sound of a body colliding with the pillar I was hiding behind. I could practically touch the flimsy fabric of the dress I did not want her to wear. At least she put up her hair primly as I asked her to.

"You want me too, dearest beloved. Why else did you put on that vile dress?" he mocked. At least one thing we agreed on. I dared to peek around the pole. His head was buried in her neck, my sister's eyes had fluttered shut and his right hand had scrunched up her underskirt. I managed to suppress a horrified gasp when I noticed his other hand was touching her breast. This was scandalous. It would have been very foolish to reveal myself though. I almost wished I had never come here.

"Oh God, prince Sky." Stella panted exaggeratedly.

"Tell me you want me. Tell me you'll come with me." He commanded, grasping her arms.

"Yes, I will come with you. I will, prince Sky. I will." He immediately let go of her after having coerced that positive answer and offered her an arm.

"We should get back." He said, collected and cold again. "I will send for you tomorrow." He whispered in her ear coolly, making her giggle excitedly.

I closed my eyes in defeat. Not a sweet word, no love coming from him. A quick order. And this was the man my sister had surrendered herself to. It had made me blush even hearing his ministrations. I could not help but wonder what the experience would have been like. I snapped myself back to reality, recollecting the reasons why he had touched her in the first place.

One: He wanted to take my sister to an unknown place and make her his whore, completely at his mercy.

Two: He did not want to marry her. That resulted in…

Three: Her reputation would be ruined.

Conclusion: Our family's reputation would be ruined.

And I was the only one who could prevent this.

A/N: If you liked it, you might wanna read this author's note. I will post the second chapter within a few days, as soon as I have internet, because I'm leaving for Tunesia this evening. And I just wanted to share this chapter with you guys. That's it I guess.

It's possible I'll update faster, but that depends on the first reactions to this new story: reviews etc.

So anyhow, I hope you enjoyed, but now I have to go pack!

(And don't forget to review :))
