Heya guys! Hope you enjoy please review xx
Populars- A species that can be found in large groups. Females are tall, thin and beautiful. They like to prey off the weak and innocent and spend their weekends shopping. Blond with blue eyes, but the species has grown over the years now concluding in different hair and eye colours. Males are most likely found engaged in dangerous activities. Most have not yet ventured into a library. This is the one species most creatures want to be.
Nerds- Also referred to as geeks. Found in the deepest depths of the library, hidden amongst piles of books. Not the most attractive creature as they are usually found wearing glasses. Unfortunately they are the usual prey of the popular. Despite their vast knowledge they are low down in the food chain. A lone creature with not many friends.
Weirdos- can be found in every species. They can be described as wild and care free.
Loners- Not much are known except they are hardley ever seen
Me- Well I'm still struggling to find where I belong, but with a new year comes a new me.