Title: Healing

Series: Family 7/7

Author: Chymom

Spoilers: Any episode of Bones may be talked about in this story. Nothing past season 5.

Rating: R (to be safe. This chapter talks more about self hurt.)

Characters and parings: Parker, Booth, Bones, Hodgins, Angela, Cam, Sweets, Charlie, two special guest stars, and Oc's (Over all)

Disclaimer: I don't own anything you know. Anything else though is mine.

Summery: Booth finds his son and partner. How are they and what happens next? Read and find out please.

Beta: xoc13

Authors Notes: Any and all honest feedback is welcome. For those of you that have read Parker's Help so you know. This Story is a darker story. It will have abuse to an adult in front of a child but not to much. Thank you for reading this story.


End of chapter six: The standoff's end.


"Booth, its Sweets. I know right now you're busy at the lab but Dr. Brennan's doctor is asking to talk to you. I told him that you would be here as soon as you could." Booth was holding his breath for a moment waiting to find out what was going on with Bones.

"Is she alright?" Sweets didn't know how to answer his friend but didn't want to lie to him.

"I know she was in surgery but other than that I don't know anything. Parker is" Sweets could hear Booth's siren going as he keep speaking.

"What's wrong with my son?" Booth had been so worried with things being done right so these guys didn't get away. He wanted to be there for his son and Bones but was not sure how to help either one of them.

Sweets was there and if anyone could help, Booth knew in his heart and head it was that man. He might not like the way Sweets treats him and Bones sometimes. In fact he hates it a lot of the time. However, Sweets was good at his job. He had complete faith in the younger man.

"Booth, he has been through things that seasoned agents have not had to face. It's not surprising that he isn't talking to anyone right now." Sweets didn't wait on any more questions and hung up his phone. What needed to be said was said. The rest was up to Booth.

Chapter seven: Healing

Once Booth arrived at the hospital Sweets told Dr. Brennan's doctor he had arrived. After finishing writing down something on another chart her doctor asked Booth to join him in another room. Looking at the fear coming off the agents body the man new that he had made the right choice.

"Agent Booth, we were able to stitch up Dr. Brennan's legs and arms. They looked deeper than they were. Her blood loss was not as much as it could have been but will play a role in the next twenty four hours. What I am mainly concerned with is why she cut herself. We did a rape kit and found semen and evidence of rape." The doctor noticed that this wasn't something new for the agent to hear. In a way it made it easier for him to ask his next question.

"Do you know when she cut herself? Was it after she was raped?" The last few hours had been playing out in a loop in his mind. There was nothing that he could do but that didn't help the guilt he was feeling.

"She cut herself after…to save my son. Will she be alright?" Booth knew what the doctor was asking and the image of Bones hurting herself to save Parker was one that hit him the hardest each time. His partner loved his son and did what she had to for him to be safe. Her actions were more of a parent then a partner.

"So, this wasn't for coping?" Booth cut him off before he could finish.

"You think she did this 'cause of the rape? YOU THINK SHE CUT HERSELF TO DEAL WITH IT? BONES ISN'T LIKE THAT!" Booth found his voice getting louder with each word. No matter what happened Bones wouldn't do something like that to herself or anyone else and no one was going to think of her that way.

"I'm sorry, but I had to ask. The next twenty four hours are going to be hard but the next few months will be even harder. She is going try and push everyone away and say she's fine or she may try to hurt herself. I have seen both. I want you to know that you're not in this alone. While she is here we'll be asking her about something's that happened. When she is back in her life there will be set backs and she should take things a day at the time. If you feel that she is going to hurt herself or others, don't hesitate to call us. Agent Booth, she is going to need your help. She will push you away but don't let her!" As the doctor watched Booth shake his head, he told him what her room number was and then walked down the hall into another room.

Booth was torn. He wanted to see Bones but he also wanted to see how his son was doing. He found himself by Bones' side, looking at the smaller woman lying on the bed with cuts and marks all over her body. Bending down, he promised her that he would be back as soon as he saw his son. He gave her one last look then went in search of his son.

Parker's was gong to be held overnight for observation so Booth asked if he could be in the same room as Bones. That way he wouldn't have to split his time with them. The doctor had agreed after Sweets told him some of why Booth was so adamant about it.

Parker still hadn't said a word and would only look at the person talking to him. The doctor had gotten a head shake of no when he asked if he was hurt but other than that Parker's eyes were blank and his gaze unmoving from the spot on the wall. Booth hadn't even gotten anything out of him. When they moved him into Bones room Parker had a few tears in his eyes but they never fell.

Booth had sent the team home shortly after Parker and Bones were settled for the day. They all put up a fight but in the end Charlie and Sweets had taken them home. After they left the room was quiet and Booth found that he must have dozed off cause a few hours later he awoke to the sound of an angel. Slowly glancing at his watch, it read ten am. He found himself trying to be as still as he could be and he listed to his son's weak voice talking to Bones.

"Bones, I was so scared that I had lost you. When they went to hurt you I hid under Uncle Jack's desk. I didn't want to see them hurt you. Are you mad at me?" As far as Booth could see Bones was still asleep so hearing her answer surprised him.

"No I'm not mad at you, honey. I am proud of you! You did what you should have done." Booth didn't know if he wanted to hug her or his son more. Bones was what Parker needed to get through the next few days, weeks, months and if he was honest, he knew years would fall into the same timeframe.

"Bones, why did you let them hurt you? Why did they cut you that bad?" It was then that Booth realized that his son hadn't watched Bones cut herself. But how did he not see it?

"You don't need to worry about that Parker. The important thing is that you're safe with your dad now. No matter what comes next, know that your mom, dad, and I love you. The guys at the lab will do anything to help you. All you have to do is ask." Parker let the tears fall from his eyes as Bones pulled him into her bed. Five minutes later Bones was holding a sleeping Parker to her chest as she spoke to her partner.

"Booth, I know you're awake. I hope that you didn't mind what I told him. I may not be his mother but I have found that I love him." Booth smiled to himself.

"I thought you didn't believe in love." Bones kept quiet for a moment.

"It's because of you and Parker that I believe in love." Hearing those words, Booth let his own tears fall. One of the nurses had come to the doorway when Parker had crawled into bed with Bones and left when she saw that things were alright. The doctor also saw that no matter what lied ahead of them, the small family inside the room would be alright. They had each other and the support of the family outside the room behind him.

The end.

A/N: Thank you to all who have read, commented, added this story to your favorite, and alerted lists. I am working on the follow up to this story. It will be posted soon. Once again thank you for reading.