Disclaimer: Nothing belongs to me.

Jacob Black wasn't sure how to live without this extraordinary creature lying wrapped up in his warm embrace, basking in the glorious ecstasy of afterglow. His Nessie was the most beautiful woman in the entire universe—of this fact he was sure most scientists wouldn't try to disprove.

"Mmm," Nessie purred into chest, just above the soft pounding in his heart. The gentle, white beams of the moon clung to her porcelain skin. "My Jacob. . ." she murmured in her affectionately exhausted voice.

He smiled at that, knowing that it was nearly impossible to go on with everyday life without listening to the sweet melody in her words; Jacob could listen to Nessie talk forever and never grow tired of it. Or the wind chime sound of her laugh filling the September breeze when Jacob said or did something funny. And of course, Jacob's heart swelled, threatening to erupt with joy when Nessie would call him "her Jacob."

"Nessie?" Jacob whispered in question, feeling her body relax more and more.

"Hmm," she hummed in response to him, letting Jake know that she was still awake.

"Why do you call me that?" He inquired sheepishly as he soothingly brushed his fingertips along her shoulder, trailing downward to the swell where her hips formed.

Jacob relished the feeling of Nessie's exposed flesh against his own. Her skin was so soft . . .so smooth. It was like touching the surface of a flower petal.

"When I was a little girl, you weren't really my uncle or my father, and calling you my best friend never seemed like enough. Now, what am I supposed to say? My husband, my lover, my soul mate?" Nessie lifted her head up, smiling her most breathtaking smile at him. "My Jacob—that's who you've always been to me."

She shifted her body upwards a bit and gingerly pressed her lips to his. Even if it was only for the shortest second ever, the small taste of strawberries and lemonade was enough to send his spirit sky high. Jacob put a large, russet hand to the back of her head and pulled Nessie in for another kiss. Needless to say, he was addicted to her.

"How long has it been since I last told you that I love you?" The shape-shifter asked while Nessie's bronze tendrils fell into his face—the scent of orange blossoms and apples surrounding Jacob's nostrils.

She even smelled beautiful.

It would be difficult to live without the very sight of her, though the image of his Nessie was pretty much burned into his memory. Those full raspberry pink lips formed into a bright smile that could light up the indigo sky, her copper curls framing her gorgeous face, and then there were Nessie's milk chocolate eyes always gazing lovingly back at her husband.

Her eyes. . . The only place Jacob wanted to spend forever, seeing the world according to Nessie (both figuratively and literally). That was where he belonged.

"About five minutes ago," Nessie replied with a gentle giggle.

"Sorry, babe. You're overdue. I love you," Jacob said, grinning like a lovesick buffoon.

It should be a sin, the way he needed her in his life, like a gentle breeze and cool shade on a summer's day.

"I know," Nessie replied, resting her head on Jacob's shoulder. "I love you, too."

Jacob couldn't live without Nessie there to light the fire in his soul. Every single thing about her, he cherished. Because even if Jacob had to endure going without the sound, touch, taste, smell, and sight of her, at least he would always have Nessie's endless love.