Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters from the books or True Blood. I do not make any money from the writing of this story.

Author's Notes: This is a slow-moving pro Eric story arc in three parts. Becoming Involved is only part 1. I wanted to get that out of the way so if you're a Bill Forever fan, you may not want to waste your time here because Bill will not be Queen or get Sookie in the end.

I will be following Series 2 and 3 in this story, with the only major change that Godric is alive. So I'm confessing up front there are chunks of dialogue and plot straight from the show. If I keep writing this long enough I'll have to change over to the fourth book, unless I take so long that it's 2011 and Series 4 starts. Of course, I could write more fan fiction stories, if I could avoid being epic.

I have read the Southern Vampire series, and will rely on that for additional material since True Blood gives us great visuals and the alternate storyline I prefer – Godric as Eric's maker - and a more robust cast of characters, like Tara and Lafayette. When I refer to Gracious Plenty, that's Charlene Harris' term from the books.

According to True Blood wiki, Godric was turned at 15. So Sookie's thoughts are more about Godric's 15-year-old youthful appearance than the actor, Allan Hyde, at 20. Sookie is 25 in True Blood, 26 in the books.

Becoming Involved

Author's Note for this chapter: Starting off with a difference between True Blood and the books. In the television series, vampires can stay awake more easily during the day, but are subject to the 'bleeds', and the actors having traces of blood on their noses and ears during the day when they remain active. In the books, they can barely wake, move slowly, and try to fall back asleep, unless there is a dire emergency (I'm referencing Eric and Pam in All Together Dead).

Chapter 1

Sookie Stackhouse knew she was not invited, but she had to do something. Bill was no help whatsoever with his declaration, "None of this has anything to do with us. Godric is not your concern."

Well, hello, Bill was none of Sookie's concern the night they met either when he went skipping out to the parking lot to get himself drained. Bill wasn't crying over that now, was he? He was only still mad over how gullible she was over sucking silver out of Eric's chest. Okay, it was a mistake, but not the end of the ever loving world. Sookie did have willpower, and was not about to let a little bit of attraction to Eric turn into some glamoured fangbanger thing. To tell the truth, Sookie had noticed Eric's physical looks the first time she saw him, but Bill should give her a little credit. Besides, it's not like Eric could say 'Sookie' the way Bill did. Bill's pronunciation was spine-tingling, in all the right ways.

Godric saved her life, kept her from getting raped, and on a less personal, but in a much bigger way, saved lots of lives when he defused the situation at the Foundation of Light church. Godric was a good vampire. The kind there should be more of, or at least, more people should hear about, rather than just the terrible ones. There were terrible people too, and sure, they made the headlines when they did mass murdering, or blowing things up, but Sookie really enjoyed the stories about the person that did the right thing. She always wanted to do the right thing. And now was one of those times.

Roof … roof … roof … not exactly like there were loads of signs how to get up there. And concrete stairs with steel fire doors. She noticed that padlocked chains had been pulled apart so their links separated. Probably vampire strength, and if Godric was the only one ever to be in the mood to head to the roof, he was a likely bet. Eric might have done it, but Sookie didn't think he'd beat Godric up there. Whatever way she looked at it, it was darned inconvenient there was no elevator to the top, and Sookie only moved so fast. At least she was wearing flat shoes.

Finally, Sookie found the last door and got outside. Both Godric and Eric were already here.

Godric was saying, "Two thousand years is enough."

Eric argued, "I can't accept this. It's insanity."

"Our existence is insanity. We don't belong here."

"But we are here."

"It's not right. We're not right."

"You taught me there is no right or wrong – only survival or death."

"I told a lie, as it turns out."

"I will keep you alive by force."

"Even if you could, why would you be so cruel?"

Sookie felt that Eric was losing their argument, and unfortunately changed his pleas to another language, which she did not understand. Perhaps it would work since Sookie could hear how heavily emotion laden Eric's voice became. Something she had not believed possible from him. Eric was definitely pleading, and even dropped to his knees.

She thought Godric said something that sounded like 'father, brother, son', before he reverted back to good ol' American with the instruction, "Let me go."

"I won't let you die alone," Eric responded, spurring Sookie to run over.

She cried, "No, don't."

"Yes, you ..." Godric paused what he was about to say. His blue eyes shifted from Eric, with tears of blood on his face, kneeling before him, to Sookie. He said, "Time is growing short," and inclined his head eastward.

"You can't," Sookie insisted, getting as close to him as Eric. "I haven't met a single vampire yet capable of the compassion you've shown, Godric. Who else can lead by example, rather than mere words?"

"Lead?" Godric repeated. Earlier this night, he renounced what power he had among the vampire hierarchy. In his heart, he had never been a leader. He was more comfortable being on the outside.

"Please, Godric," Eric added. He chose not to point out to Sookie that her argument was flawed. He believed Godric was one of the greatest vampires, but to those that did not know him,, Godric had been only a sheriff.

"Yes, lead," Sookie answered. "That Nan Flanagan hogs all the air time with talk. She argues real good, talks calmly, but I've never heard of her doing anything till she showed up tonight for you to sign a bunch papers after bein' all insultin'."

A slight smirk graced Godric's lips as he replied, "Nan is the face of American Vampires. I am hardly American."

Eric's hand plucked at Godric's leg, "We need you. Please reconsider." He felt the sun rising. If agreeing with a human, although one that resisted definition so far, was what Eric needed to do to get Godric inside, he would do anything. Say anything. His argument was now 'we' instead of 'me'.

Sookie swallowed hard, seeing a misty smoke evaporate from Godric's skin as dawn lightened the sky. Tears began as she pleaded, "Don't do this." Her eyes flickered to Eric's hand still on Godric's leg, it was also emitting vapor. They were going to die right in front of her.

"A human with me at the end, and human tears. You'll care for him?" With a nod towards his child, Godric clarified for a confused Sookie, "Eric."

Sookie was struck speechless. Did Godric know of the strange dream she had about Eric? It was a dream. Nothing more. She was Bill's. Besides, Eric was more than capable of taking care of himself.

"No," Eric breathed. "I'll remain with you, Godric. This is how it was always meant to be. I agreed to be your companion always."

Godric disagreed, "No, Eric. Your journey is not complete," referring to the centuries old mystery of what ancient vampire was feeding werewolves his sacred blood. It was an abomination, in addition to being owed a debt of vengeance by his brother, Eric.

"Without you, I cannot."

"As your maker ..."

"No," Eric interrupted. With determination, he informed Godric, "Once you are not my maker, you cannot stop me."

"No!" Sookie cried out. "Please come inside. The sun ..."

"Eric, why so difficult?" Godric complained. Through his ancient bond with Eric, he felt Eric's clear intent to remain with him or follow him as soon as he met the true death. Why? Eric loved life. How could he love him more than life itself? He had never doubted Eric's loyalty, but had no idea how deep it ran.

"Now, please," Sookie pleaded, crying in earnest.

Sookie found herself alone on the roof, as if she blinked and they disappeared. She turned in place. Did they … ? Well, hell. How could she guess what they did? Eric could fly so he could have gone anywhere. She had no idea what Godric was capable of at twice Eric's age.

There was a call of "Sookie," and she turned in the direction of the stairs. It sounded like Eric. She hurried over, and could not see down there well enough, so descended the stairs.

The two of them were inside the door, safe from the rising sun. Eric's back was against the concrete wall, and Godric had his hands on the front of Eric's leather-jacketed shoulders.

Eric's head listed forwards and he muttered a number to Godric. Sookie was momentarily confused, but when she saw Eric fumble to pull out a white rectangle of plastic, then thought of the room number that she shared with Bill. Eric's number was only off by one digit. Her mind shot off in a frustrated direction. Did Bill know Eric's room was so close to theirs? Bill did meet Eric in the bar and then they could have taken the elevator back up together.

She then noticed that Godric was contemplating the hotel room key that he accepted. Eric looked dead on his feet, and Godric was looking at her … no, past her to the door. The door to the roof.

Godric growled, "Eric," while removing a hand from the younger vampire. Eric listed towards the stairs.

"No," Sookie said, grabbing hold of Eric's jacket. Godric must have exerted more strength on Eric because Sookie was afraid her grabbing Eric was more likely to send her down the stairs with him, rather than stop him from falling.

"Take this and go with him," Godric ordered, holding out Eric's room key.

She did not take it. "I can't get him downstairs. He weighs a ton." Sookie knew that from personal experience since he fell upon her bodily to shield her at Godric's home when the Fellowship of the Sun blew up it up with a suicide bomber.

"Eric can move during the day. He's not a fledgling."

Sookie retorted, "Yeah, like down. I know you're old, but even you must of heard of something called gravity."

"You are as bad as him. Eric intentionally let dawn render him helpless. He could have stayed conscious."

"So you are going to push him down the stairs?"

"Not push."

"I don't see the difference, if it's a push or a tumble. Remember good ol' gravity?"

"Is that what Eric enjoys about you?"

"I'm sure with a little study the two of y'all can get just as smart in science as I am."

"Oh no, I meant your contrariness."

"Contrariness?" Sookie questioned skeptically. "Like hell. Eric wants me to reply 'how high, master?' when he commands 'jump'."

"No, he doesn't," Godric corrected.

"You're bleeding," Sookie said, seeing a trickle run out of one side of his nose.

"My bleeds start at daybreak now. I have not rested in weeks."

"Why not?"

"I was at the Fellowship," he said, as if that explained it.

"Don't ya think ya should get some? 'Cause you're makin' an awful big decision when ya can't think straight."

"I know what I am doing."

"Look, bleedin' out of your nose … and your ears, gotta be bad. Does it even hurt?"

"It's tolerable."

"It's your body tellin' ya that somethin' is wrong, Godric. Even vampire bodies need some upkeep. Ya don't rest and I guess ya haven't been eating well?"

"I do not need to feed for months."

Godric looked like he had a sudden thought before he leaned forward, put his nose against Eric and inhaled deeply. He repeated it against his jacket, before looking towards Sookie. "Is that you, I smell?"

What kind of crazy question was that at a time like this? Perhaps her deodorant didn't keep up with her during her climb up all these stairs to the roof. Sookie hoped Godric was not telling her she was sweating like a horse, and answered, "I put a little perfume on hours ago." She let go of Eric with one hand, and held out her wrist to him, "Here."

She was right next to Godric, so he did not need to move bodily to lean towards her offered arm, and reached to touch it, Sookie got scared. It looked like the way Bill fed on her, when he needed it in a hurry, as his face got closer to her wrist. Rather than the sound of fangs emerging, Godric sniffed at her, turned her arm over and repeated it near the inside of her elbow. "No, that's not it. It's you."

Godric moved his head back, looked her in the face and after a moment of reflection, asked, "What is that?"


"Why do you smell like that?"

"I don't know what your talking about. Do I smell bad?"

"Quite the contrary."

"Maybe you're imagining it. I can't think of any reason why I'd smell different to you. Maybe it's 'cause you need some rest."

"I don't think so," he speculated, as his eyes left Sookie's and looked towards the wall next to Eric. It did not take Godric long to decide, "We need to retreat to Eric's room for the day."

"All right. Let's go."

He eyed Eric and concluded, "I had better carry him. The desire to rest is especially strong at dawn, even for me. I do not have the patience for him to plod down all these stairs. Follow."

Godric allowed Eric to fall forward and caught him over his shoulder. Sookie could not help but smile as even Godric had a bit of trouble maneuvering with the much larger vampire through the narrow stairwell to descend into the hotel so they could use an elevator.

She grew worried in the elevator when Godric got Eric back on his feet then leaned forward against him, rather than hitting the button for them to descend. Sookie pressed the button, then without knowing of a better way to do it, poked the ancient vampire in the back of his shoulder and hissed, "Godric."

Godric grunted and held out the plastic card key to her. Sookie took it, but griped, "What am I supposed to do with this, drag ya both down the hall?"

"No, I will do it," Godric murmured into Eric.

The elevator stopped descending, there was a ping, and the doors slid open. Sookie bodily moved into the doorway to keep the elevator open, choosing the side further from Godric and Eric to give them room.

There was a pause before Godric allowed Eric to fall over his shoulder again. He slowly turned and Sookie backed off the elevator, keeping a hand on the door, to avoid getting a face full of Eric.

Godric exited the elevator, and Sookie followed, growing impatient with how slowly Godric was moving. "It's not far," she encouraged.

At last, they reached the room and Sookie scooted along the wall to get ahead and open the door so Godric did not need to stop. She doubted he'd start again, if he got any chance to rest.

Unnecessarily, Sookie advised as she closed the door, "The bed's in the next room." The layout was different on this side of the hall. Eric's room was directly across from hers and Bill's. She guessed that Eric's suite did not need two bedrooms so he had this big second room. She wouldn't mind Godric dumping Eric onto the floor at any point between the door and somewhere comfortable.

The elder vampire made it to the bed and rolled Eric off his shoulder. Rather than seeing to Eric's comfort, Godric began unbuttoning his shirt. He softly asked, "Can you stay? I will rest today. I usually rise in late afternoon, and I would like to speak further with you."

Sookie had seen the blue tattoo at Godric's neck that had not been covered by his clothing, so was not necessarily surprised it went all the way around over his shoulders. She had seen his arms at the Fellowship church. His chest was different than Bill's, or even Jason's, hairless with less muscle and smaller, pink nipples. She speculated it was due to his apparent age. She reckoned he wasn't an adult yet when he was made a vampire.

"I guess," Sookie replied. She had warned Bill that dawn was coming when she left him so he should not be worried that she had not returned when by the time he went to sleep. Once Godric was asleep, she could always pop across the hall and leave a note.

She had to roll her eyes as he slid off his sandals. She had seen Eric in flip-flops a couple times already. Luckily, Eric had on regular … or not, zig-zag velcro lace things? … shoes so they did not fall off while he played dead on the way down from the roof.

Godric knelt on the bed and moved closer to Eric, who was lying on his back, centered on the foot of the bed, with his long legs, from the thigh down, off the bed, so his feet were on the floor. His face still had dried bloody tears from earlier.

Sookie watched as Godric almost lined up a kiss with Eric as he looked down at him, but left a whisper of space between them before lying on his side and lining his face up with Eric's neck. His body forming a crescent above Eric's head, and extended his arms so one reached down to Eric's elbow, and the other to his opposite shoulder.

He closed his eyes, and his hand moved from Eric's shoulder to his hair, and murmured, "It's a pity I like Eric's hair this way. He mercilessly taunted me that I had gotten civilized when mine was cut off each time."

Since Godric did not breathe, Sookie could only judge that he slipped into his daytime rest when his hand stopped stroking Eric's hair.

She wanted to stroke Eric's hair. No, she didn't. And now, Eric was at her mercy. Sookie could touch more than his hair … grrrr! Stupid Eric didn't even have shoelaces for her to tie together. She was going to get even with him, but now was not the time for that. Godric really needed to sleep. And eat, but not from her. Sookie associated that sort of thing with Bill and the wonderful sex they had, or those nasty vampires that got all violent and threatened to drain humans. In that regard, Eric was more of a persistent flirt … with Sookie, at least. She didn't know what he did to eat normally, but she doubted he had trouble getting a woman to agree. Pretty much any woman.

Wanting to go across the hall to let Bill know where she was, Sookie gave the two vampires a good, long look. Love … a word Eric claimed he did not understand. Right. Perhaps Godric needed three things – rest, food and Eric.

Oh man, what would Eric be like with Godric around? Sookie saw the way Eric went right to his knees when he came down into the Fellowship basement, and obeyed Godric's edict to not spill any blood on his way out with Sookie. There's no way Eric would get away with torturing another person in Fangtasia's basement.

First though, Sookie wanted to be sure Godric was all right. She meant what she said up on the roof. Godric was a good vampire. A good vampire who was respected and could get others to follow his example. He couldn't have lived so long to throw it all away now. Godric was sort of like one of those old buildings that got designated a national treasure. And like those, he needed someone to take care of him. Sookie was not sure what he was to Stan and Isabel, other than a referee. Eric was the only person she could think of.

Eric's face still had dried blood on it. Sookie leaned over him, and her impulse was to lick him clean. That was not going to happen. Even if she did not care if Eric was clean or not, she decided she better get that off of him.

She wet a washcloth in the bathroom, and brought it out.

She had only touched Eric's face with the cold, wet cloth and pulled back since Eric's eyes suddenly opened. Looking up at her, his brow furrowed before he asked, "Godric?"

"Lying next to ya, Eric." She added, "I was uh, cleaning you up. You're all dirty."

His blue eyes gave a couple quick blinks, before he murmured, "Daytime."

"Yeah, uh, Godric asked me to stay, but I know this your room and all."

"If that is what Godric wishes," Eric answered slowly, with his eyes continuing to remain unfocused.

When she touched his face again, his eyes closed. As she finished, his eyes opened again, and he spoke in complete sentences. "Thank you, Sookie. Thinking of cold water to rouse me, and for whatever you did to convince Godric inside."

"Me? You're the one that got him thinking of being responsible."

"Really? That's different. Whenever I do something reckless, he usually allows me to pay a price for it."

"He was going to tip you down the stairs, but I stopped that."

"Smart and strong," Eric said with a slight grin.

"Yeah, right. So what are we going to do now?"

"Don't be such a minx, Sookie. I am nowhere near my best during the day."

She kicked his foot and urged, "Get serious."

Sookie took a step back as Eric sluggishly sat up. It was odd, how slow he was moving, like a movie at a fraction of normal speed.

Eric finally lurched completely to his feet.

"What are you doin'?" Sookie asked.

"There's blood on my shirt."

Sookie hadn't noticed since his shirt was black. Eric was probably only half-awake anyway, if that was his priority.

"I do not know what is wrong with him," he said, letting his jacket slide off his shoulders and fall to the floor.

"I think it's because he doesn't sleep or eat."

"He is not one to rest the entire day, but none at all is too much. I understand what he means about not being hungry, because I do not feed every day and could go longer in between, but if I ignore feeding till I feel actual hunger, Pam refuses to speak to me."

"Why's that?"

"She finds me intolerable."

Eric pulled his shirt off slowly, but since it was day, Sookie was willing to doubt he was doing it to tease her with his pale muscles. When he unbuttoned the waist of his pants, Sookie said, "Don't, Eric."

He turned his head sluggishly towards her and asked in confusion, "What?"

"You've gone on auto-pilot there. I'm here."

Silent seconds ticked by while he stared at her, then said, "Oh ... I did not bring extra clothes." He then looked around and said, "But I bought another shirt here."

"Never mind, Eric. Just keep your pants on."

Sookie had already filled in the new pieces into her mental Eric jigsaw. How could a man have a belly button that sexy? And the slightly toasted, golden hair around it, similar to his chest hair, but leading the eye downward … she hated Eric so much.

Wait … when had Godric moved? His knees were pulled up to his chest, and he did not have his hands on his head before. Bit disconcerting actually, since his forearms were in front of his face.

"Godric?" she asked softly. He did not respond.

Bill did wake up when she left the room to go try the Continental breakfast and speak to Barry. Couldn't sleep when there was an opportunity to call her an idiot, but other than that she thought he stayed still. Here at the hotel, Sookie was asleep then, but she didn't remember getting kicked or losing the blankets. Of course, with a steamy dream, or nightmare, about Eric claiming he loved 'only Sookie', how could she pay attention to Bill rolling over?

Perhaps Godric could tell her how to get Eric out of her head. If Bill knew, it'd already be done.

Eric was still looking dazed about his shirt, Sookie pointed, "Godric moved."

Eric looked, asking, "You mean curled up, or a lot of movement?"

"Curled up … like he's hiding."

"It's fine. What did he say to you after I stopped paying attention upstairs?"

"When I saw his nose and ears bleeding, I told him he needed to rest. He disagreed but when we got down here, Godric said he would rest today and talk to me later."

"Did it sound like a promise?"


"That he wanted to talk to you? Or was it said more like he wanted you to leave him alone?"

"No, he uh, asked me to stay so he could talk to me later. He said he rose in the afternoon."

"I can rest then. If I keep awake the entire day, I will not be able to think quick enough to argue with Godric."

"Do you think he'll try to … hurt himself again?"

"I do not understand what has caused this, or at least, what caused it now. Godric is receptive to religious ideas, but why did he initially surrender to the Fellowship? Saying he gave himself up because they would take someone else makes little sense to me. My understanding of that religion is limited. Is there not something about suicide being a form of self murder?"

"Only if you got a soul."

"If they spoke to Godric, how could they not realize he has one? Spiritually, Godric is beyond most."

"What about you spiritually?"

"My convictions have never wavered, Sookie."

"You have a religion?"

"Yes, however now is not the time to ask me to accept Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior."

"There's always time for Jesus, Eric."

"I think I shall allow you to take that direction of attack with Godric then. He knows my views, and I will not lie about them. You can start with the religion or whatever you think up, Sookie. Be resourceful."

"What about you?"

"I do not rise as early as Godric."

"I could wake you."

"See how it goes before you throw a bucket of cold water on my face. I suspect Godric wants to talk to you and I separately."

"You're bleeding now," Sookie noticed. Eric's ear had a trickle of blood on it.

"Yes. Even old vampires are subject to the pull of the death-like state we assume during the day. Younger vampires cannot resist it."

"Bill can."

"It varies. It may be that Bill's special ability is extra resistance to the need to rest."

"Special ability?"

"Yes. Not all vampires have one. I can fly, which is rare. Others are better at powers we all possess, or the rare vampire that has one of those fictional abilities, like turning into a bat, crow or rat."

"What is Godric's?"

"I have always found Godric to be an excellent listener," Eric diverted. "Most vampires prefer to talk about how great they personally are."

"Are you serious?"

"Why wouldn't I be? Actually, he does hear phenomenally when he concentrates on it. It's harder now with all the noise around, but outside with only animals, he can be formidable."

"Godric hunts?"

"He has no reason to prove his skills against something weaker than himself, and Godric tends towards observation of anything he cannot ascertain is weaker. It is very rare that he will engage in a fight," Eric responded. Not sharing with Sookie the mannerisms of the Godric that made him.

"And you?"

"I do enjoy a good fight, but I am not a simple thug, Sookie. I like to know what it is I am fighting and why, first."

"You're right. Thug won't work here."

"So I guess it's up to you to be a darling."

"Darling?" Sookie repeated. How much was Eric in her head and seeing her dream?

"Is that not the right word? Um, sweetheart? My knowledge of English fails me at times."

"I am a darling. Do you remember me saying that, Eric?"

"You claiming you are a darling? No … you didn't say that to me. My memory is excellent."

"I had a dream about you, Eric, and you called me a darling."

"I do not remember your dreams, Sookie, but if it was after you imbibed my blood, an element of me will fill in gaps." He innocently added, "Like clothing I would wear, the color of my car or something that I would be prone to say. But with your dream, you are in control. You could dream me outside under the sun or eating human food."

"You said you loved me."

Eric snorted, "That is why it is your dream. At the moment, I think of you fondly and wish you would be more careful. It is your impetuous behavior that has me going to such lengths to keep track of you."

"But Bill can do that."

"I do not have that confidence in Bill Compton. He failed to aid you, and I made a decision."

"Why did you make that decision?" she asked.

"I do not know yet. I have already told you I find you of interest for a breather, Sookie. I hope you stay alive long enough to show me I made the right decision."

To Sookie, it sounded like Eric was telling the truth. Why admit he thought of her 'fondly', when there were so many better words? With Eric, it was hard to tell if he was being a liar, so she changed the subject. "You know, Godric did say something odd to me, when we was having a talk about pitching you down the stairs."

"Godric frequently says the unexpected. How did he explain a fall would benefit me?"

"No, it wasn't that, it was that I smelled."

"What do you mean?"

"He just said it was from me and it was good. Here, he sniffed the inside of my elbow."

Eric looked at Sookie questioningly and leaned down to sample what she was offering. "You do smell uncommonly good, and you should be cautious letting any vampires this close. Washing will not mask it at this distance. It's not like you are freshly spilled blood, but a strong hint of something delectable. As long as it's a vampire that can control themselves, it should be no problem. There are creatures that give off an irresistible odor, but you are not one of them. Sorry, Sookie."

"Like what?"

"That they will be so tasty and juicy and just simply the perfect meal. Eat them up, yum."

"Ewe, Eric."

"What? Their smell is actually a lure to draw vampires in so they can kill or torture them."

"I thought vampires were the top of the food chain."

"Oh, the AVL went with that PR campaign? Seriously, there are plenty of things out there that have not come forward and revealed themselves to humans."

"Like what?"

"The Revelation was only regarding vampires, Sookie. If something is of danger to vampires in Area 5, I have my way of dealing with it, and it might not involve you. Wouldn't that be wonderful, Sookie? To be blissfully ignorant of the dangerous world around you? Like the good old days before Bill Compton moved from New Orleans to Bon Temps."

"Bill lived in New Orleans?"

"Oh, is that a secret? To be truthful, New Orleans is popular with vampires because of the active night life. If I was a fan of any style of their music, I would definitely consider residing there for the live music every night till dawn."

Sookie would prefer that to Tibetan gargling.

"Speaking of Bill, I'm gonna run across the hall and leave him a note so he knows where I am."

Eric took a moment to do a slow blink, then agreed, "He would find that more acceptable than a text from me. Are you going to be long?"

"I don't think so."

"If I get too comfortable, you could find yourself locked out."

"I have your room key."

Eric wryly responded, "But of course, you have a key to my hotel room."

"You find that funny, Eric?"

"Not at all, since we will be lovers."

"In your dreams," Sookie replied, walking away. Eric was impossible.

"And in yours too."

Author's Note: Sookie mistakenly referred to Tuuvan Throat Singing as Tibetan gargling. At that point in time, she was not making note of Bill's every utterance.