
Courtney moved from foot to the other. She was crouched down behind a stack of crates, hoping no one would hear her. The abandoned warehouse was, like Courtney had expected, being occupied by Dr. Crab and his mindless workers.

The sound of people tapping away on keyboards filled the room. Courtney moved from her spot over to another stack of crates so she could hear the evil villain better.

"Is it ready?" Dr. Crab asked.

"Cool it, hotshot." A young girl answered. "It'll be ready when it's ready."

"I want it ready now!" The man whined like a little kid. The girl raised an eyebrow at her boss before returning back to filling her glossy nails.

Courtney tried to move forward but as she did she bumped into a crate, sending a stack flying, revealing her hiding spot.

"Courtney Simpson, I was wondering when you were going to show up." Dr. Crab grinned evilly at the teenage girl.

"I'll handle the girl, you get these halfwits working at full speed." The young girl told her boss before doing a front flip out of her chair. "How nice to see you, Courtney." She said, backing her into a corner.

"Always a pleasure to defeat you, Ramona." Courtney answered, stopping in her tracks and moving into a fighting position. She lunged forward on her left leg and put her hand's up in fists. Ramona laughed to herself, still walking towards the brunette.

"Your all too easy to defeat, Ramona." Courtney teased. This set the sidekick off, she threw herself at Courtney, but the teenager moved through the bars of the stairs to avoid her enemy's attack. Courtney ran up the stairwell and did a few back flips to avoid the minions. She turned n the spot to start running again but standing there was Ramona. She punched Courtney in the face causing her stagger back a bit. Once the teenager had regained her balance she gave her nemesis a kick to the stomach. Ramona doubled over in pain, giving Courtney the perfect opportunity to knee her in the face. The young girl fell to the floor in defeat.

Courtney jumped over the rusty railings and landed on her feet back in her first spot. She ran out and slid across the floor, sweeping Dr. Crab off his feet.

"You ain't getting any plans over me today, Crab." She told him, tying a rope around his feet and hands to stop him escaping while the cops were on their way.

The teenager stood up and body slammed the giant computer screen. A big crack formed in the corner Courtney had broke and spread throughout the screen. It turned to black in breaking and stopped what ever Dr. Crab had been planning. Courtney wasn't aware what he was up to, but she knew she had to stop him.

Courtney brushed off her black clothing from all the dust and debris it had collected, just as the cops came rushing in through the doors. Two men ran straight upstairs and took hold of Ramona, Courtney waved her hand teasingly at the bloody faced girl. Another man escorted Dr. Crab outside and into the back of a police van.

"Courtney, Courtney, Courtney." A blond girl who had appeared in the doorway sighed. "What would the world ever do without you?"

"I don't know, Bridge." Courtney mockingly put her finger on her chin in a thinking style. "Maybe it would blow up." She shrugged at the girl and they both started laughing.

The two girls watched as the police sectioned off the area.

"So, tell me what did I missed this time?" Bridgette asked her best friend.

"Nothing much. Dr. Crab trying to take over the world and me ending his day with misery." Courtney told her like it was noting to be worried or excited over, which to her it wasn't. Saving the day was part of Courtney's life. It had been since she was eleven, that's five years in the business. Courtney was a teenage spy. Her job was to defend the world against what ever was thrown at her. Of course hardly anyone knew about it. Only Courtney, her parents, her best friend Bridgette, the police force and the villains of the world. Somehow Courtney still managed to keep on top of her school work and have a regular life too. It was hard work but Courtney wouldn't change her life for anything.

"Come along then you two." A police officer called. The girls walked over to the police cars, Courtney umped in the back and Bridgette in the front.

"Thanks, Mr. Birch." Courtney thanked the officer in the drivers seat.

"No, no. The least I can do is take you home, Courtney." He assured her. Mr. Birch was Bridgette's father, he was one of the head police officers and was happy to help his daughters best friend when she needed it, even if it was something as simple as taking her home after a minor mission.

Courtney thanked him once again and said goodbye to Bridgette before running up the driveway to her house. She waved the car off into the distance and was surprised by her mother opening he front door.

"And what time do you call this?" She asked.

"Uh, I don;t know I don't have a watch." Courtney answered.

"I call it past curfew." Teen spy's mother replied.

"I am so sorry." Courtney apologized. "But I was busy saving the world." Courtney walked past her mother and up to her bedroom. She pulled off her clothes and placed them in the hamper before pulling o her night clothes and settling herself under the covers of her over-sized bed.

A/N: Curse my imagination! Another nesw story, but I'm not going to continue this one unless you guys want me to, so review telling what you thought and stuff, any idea's are welcome too. Thanks for reading and REVIEW!