hey people this is my first ever fanfic so please dont be to harsh ! sorry for misspelling and for ooc-ness!do not own naruto(if i did this would turn up in the anime lolz)

The dakrness of the night made her porcalien white skin glow whith such beauty it took his breath away. Of course, the Uchiha hier would never admit it, but he had always been in love with the pink hair kunoichi. His heart was made of stone, wich prevented him to tell her his undieing love for her. Why can't he tell her? She has loved him for many years and he knows that. But why? Oh, how much he wishes he could just take her in his arms and share a passionate kiss, but his heart won't allow it. He has known and felt too much hate and pain to give in to such a pure and ..gentle. He does not wish to scar her heart full of pure love and happiness with his pain, so for now he will have to keep pretending, keep acting as though he cannot stand her and tell her she's annoying until he has the courage to express his feelings. Until then, he will wait.