Name: Ikame

Age: unknown

Birthday: unknown

Ethnicity: unknown

Family: unknown

Appearance: Long black hair with thick bangs, silver eyes, pale/fair-skinned, short (I'll draw a picture later)

Ikame's POV:

I have no memory of where I came from, or who I really am. I've only been completely on my own, no money and no home, for at least a few months.

What happened before those months is just a blur and I only see glimpses of what's left of my memory. Glimpses that leave me confused, glimpses that leave me terrified.

The bed of grass and dirt and the tight canopy of bushes scratched at my skin. My whole body felt like tightened knots, but it was necessary to hide and sleep in small places. I'm a thief now...a thief.

I've been eating the vegetables that grew from a rich nobleman's garden(a nobleman who owned a very beautiful mansion) and hiding in any place I could find in the forest near. I know stealing is wrong and I don't like causing trouble, but if you're alone and have completely nothing you basically have no choice.

I rolled over onto my stomach and struggled to stand up. The edges of my vision blackened from dizziness. I felt so weak and my bones felt heavy and brittle. I haven't been taking much from the garden...not much at all.

I stumbled over and stepped on a twig. One of these days my clumsiness might cost me my life. Today might be it.

"Claude, what was that?"

There was no reply before I felt this overwhelming presence behind me. It was paralyzing. I felt cold eyes stare into my back, piercing my body like daggers. I turned my head as best as I could to meet golden, demonic eyes. The glare that came from those eyes caused me to shake in fear, even though I was practically frozen.

"Ah! So this is the rabbit that's been stealing from my garden~!" Said a sadistically playful voice.

Third POV:

Alois stared playfully at the mysterious girl who stood before him.

"So~" He leaned forward and rested his chin on his hands. "What's your name, rabbit-thief?"

His eyes were only met with the girl's empty gaze. She broke the staring contest as her eyes wondered the room, until they finally landed on the butler. She took a step back, shrinking at the feel of his effortless glare.

"Aha~!" Chuckled Alois. "So you're afraid of Claude?"

Alois marched around his desk and stopped. Arms crossed and standing arrogantly in front of the girl as if he deserved her undivided attention. He leaned forward to make himself intimidating. His face darkened with a devilish grin as his voice became more sinister-like. He may have had that playful attitude but it seemed like there was more locked away behind those cold blue eyes.

"I don't like being ignored. So if you don't answer me I'll let Claude choke the words out of you~"

The girl's eyes widened for a second. She sighed, frightened and defeated. Testing Alois's patience any longer would be futile.

She lifted her hand and held it out as if she were asking for money, but then hovered and moved her other hand over it as if she were writing on paper.

Alois backed off and tilted his head. "What is she doing, Claude?"

"She wants a pen and paper, Master Alois."

"Why? Can't she talk?"

Claude had no need to reply for his cold and blank stares had the answer to everything.

Alois huffed and dragged himself to his desk. He picked up a clipboard and a pen and stubbornly handed it to the girl.

"What's your name, rabbit-thief?" He asked with a little less composure.

She quickly wrote on the paper and held it out for Alois to see.

"Ikame? Isn't that a weird name, Claude?"

The butler simply stayed silent.

"She has pretty handwriting too!"

Alois snatched the clipboard from her and continued to gawk childishly at the paper. When he was done staring it he shoved the clipboard back into her arms. "So why were you stealing from me, Ikame?" He said her name mockingly.

Ikame jotted down her reply in simple words.



Memory lost.

Claude observed the girl closely. She seemed suspicious enough. Although there were many abandoned, homeless children in England, it was rare to see one with such excellent penmanship. Has she come from a noble family, perhaps? But that doesn't explain her memory loss, or why she's alone now in the first place. Something was definitely off about her. And despite her meek appearance, she wasn't human.

Claude spoke in French to avoid any suspicion from the girl. "Offer to keep her here."

Alois pouted and raised a brow at his butler. "But Claaaaauuuuddde!" He groaned when Claude gave him nothing but the quiet stare. After moments of callously staring, Alois gave Ikame a side-glance, envying her for whatever reason Claude wanted to keep her.

Alois placed his hands on his hips and regained his high and mighty stance. "Hungry and alone, huh? That's still no excuse for stealing from the Queen's spider!" He pointed accusingly.

He laughed. "To pay me back, you have to be my maid and answer to every beck and call! If you don't I'll have Claude punish you!"

Ikame's eyes widened again, not at the threat but at the fact that someone offered her a home(even if it was out of spite). She nodded with agreement and bowed to show her gratitude.

She began to write something down on the paper again.

I'm sorry for the trouble I've caused you.

"Oh, don't apologize to me, apologize to my gardener. Thompson's worked so hard to grow the garden that you've carelessly turned into a buffet."

Ikame guiltily nodded and bowed once again.

Author's note: Okay. This was just the beginning of it, sorry if it was too short. I just wanted to do that one part for now.

This story will actually be about Ikame and her life at the Trancy Mansion, mostly about her and the triplets. So I'm trying to see if I can find out more about TonChinKan(triplets) as I watch the new episodes.

And no, Ikame has nothing to do with Ciel or his memory loss...unless I change my mind .

I apologize for any spelling, grammar, or punctuation mistakes that I may have overlooked.

I hope you enjoyed and I'll be posting an update soon. 8D