Head Over Heals

"In the arithmetic of Love, one plus one equals everything and two minus one equals nothing"


Falling in Love…

My opinion on love…?


It's a total piece of crap!

One minute you think that you're head-over-heels in love with one person when suddenly…


You shamelessly fall in love with an entirely different person and claim that the second person is the love of your life but you don't have the heart to part from the first love…

Total crap, right…?

My Love Story isn't that far away from that theory that I just mentioned…

So you can obviously guess now the reason as to why I tend to call that stupid Cupid as one mindless nutcase! A job-less freelancer having nothing to do but toy with people's hearts and lives to the extent that life itself is worth nothing…

After all, who in their right mind would fall for a woman whom he met that too on the night he proposed to his girl-friend!

Pretty twisted, eh…?

After all, Cupid is a nutcase… What less can you expect out of someone who spent their eternal lifetime rejoicing in splitting people up…?

So, what is with my twisted Love story…?

Well, everything has a beginning, right…?

It all started that fateful night when I decided, against all my better judgments, to ask my six-month-girlfriend's hand in holy matrimony.

Chapter 1

The Proposal

I sat across the small candle-lit table, trying my hardest to try and listen at least a word of what the woman sitting across of me was saying but only in vain for the small velvet box containing a single diamond ring weighed against my chest as it rested in my inner-pocket of my black suit.

So… okay…

Guys everywhere around the world propose to women and at the least 50% (or sometimes even more) of these daily proposals gets accepted, right…?

Then, what the freaking hell am I so scared for…?

Not that I'll admit that though…

Oh yeah…

The answer is pretty simple…


Seriously, I must be nuts to be doing this. A year ago, I would not have even thought about getting married to a woman who I've known for a little more than six months. I was sure the Kanata Saionji back then would have sniggered if he had seen the now me getting nervous just because of a woman.

The waiter brought us two glasses and poured us champagne. She frowned as one of her beautiful smiles adorned her confused face.

"Are we celebrating something?" she asked, as the waiter left with a short bow.

I looked at her. I was pretty damn sure that none of the nervousness or fear that I was facing inside could be seen by her but that certainly didn't help me in any way at all. I should be able to do this, right…?

Not that I was afraid that she was goanna say 'no'…

The thing is….

I was afraid that she might say 'yes'…

"Kijoyu…" I choked out, making her frown deepen, "err… I mean, Akira… Akira…"

Man! Why am I repeating her name…?

She looked genuinely confused.

I breathed out in exasperation and sighed.

"What's wrong Kanata…?" she asked, worried.

I shook my head robotically and then taking a deep breath got to my feet. She blinked, almost shocked at my sudden actions.

Before I could even think about running away, I pulled out the small velvet box and kneeled before her, all pride forgotten. I gulped and wished that she wouldn't sense the fear that was swelling inside of me right now.

She merely gasped, placing her hands over her mouth.

I really can't understand why she was so surprised. She practically pointed me the jewelry shop the other day and went on and on about how beautiful engagement rings are at that particular shop. I should seriously not say that out loud!

All those hours I wasted in front of the mirror, practicing my proposal, all that came out at that moment was just two words… and it didn't come out too well either.

"W-W-Will you…?" I asked, possibly turning crimson out of embarrassment.

I was taken a little aback when she started to shed tears. I blinked.

Did I do something wrong…?

Damn it! I knew it was the wrong kind of ring!

But before I even brought myself up to apologizing, she nodded her head, still crying.


"Yes," she said, through her tears, beaming nonetheless.

"Y-Yes..?" I asked, dumbfounded.

"A thousand times," she said, smiling and the next second, all I could see was black as her hair blew over my face as she hugged me out of the blue.

A few seconds later, we stood up straight a little gingerly and I slipped the diamond ring through her ring finger. She beamed at me again and we kissed only to hear the others in the restaurant break into applause.

Seems like a perfect proposal, right…? A nervous guy… a champagne… a beautiful diamond ring… an even more beautiful woman… a million-dollar question… an answer with a single syllable that sent chills down everyone's spines…

Perfect, right…?

Well… Perfect, if you didn't count the guy upstairs screwing things up for you that is…


Say 'hello' to the gasp that changed my life…

We both turned and either of us had a different emotion on our faces. I frowned having never laid eyes on the guy with the ash-green hair before. But, I noticed quickly, the woman standing beside me—my fiancée—had utter shock in her azure orbs.


You'd think it's weird to have to witness two people gasp each other's name's in the middle of a restaurant. But if you were to see that it their point of view, it would be like watching a movie… Serendipity playing its games… This is kinda how most romantically twisted movies go, right?

"Akira…" I called under my breath.

She looked at me as though she just noticed that I'm here.

That's gotta hurt, right?

You ask a girl to marry you… She says yes… and few minutes later, she looks at you like you never existed.

"Kanata, this is… err… this is…" she started to stutter.

I raised my eyebrows.

You have to know this. My face doesn't work real well, so none of the irritation and confusion that I endure inside was shown to her… not even a blip.

"Mizuki Yamamura," said the guy, giving me a hand with a warm smile in place, "I'm a friend of Akira..."

I could never return that smile for a reason I had no idea of.

But I did give him a hand as I said in my most monotonous voice, "Kanata Saionji… I'm her fiancé."

He smiled again and there was an obvious and notable change in it. At the last word even Akira cringed a little. I was quick to notice but she masked it well with one of her smiles.

It was at that moment that another voice joined our little conversation.


I was starting to get a little annoyed at the sound of his name and I was sure I was going to learn the reason later.

An emerald-eyed blonde emerged from behind the guy, a confused and nervous look in her eyes. Mizuki gave the look that Akira had given me a while ago—a look that clearly stated that he had completely forgotten that she was there.

I grimaced.

"Oh ya…" he said, gulping lightly and completely avoiding my fiancée's eyes although his statement was directed at her, "this is my wife…"

"Hi," the blonde said with a smile at us both, "I'm Miyu Yamamura…"

I glanced at Akira and at once wished I hadn't for the look in her eyes was not what I deserved on the night we got engaged.

She was sad…

No, sad would be an understatement…

She failed to even say a word.

I gritted my teeth and then taking a breath, extended my hand to the blonde, "Kanata Saionji…"

She smiled at me.

"I know," she said.

End Chapter 1