This is my new story I started on, It's not a very long first chapter but please enjoy! Its kind of a main story, if it gets popular enough I will write the prequel to what happened with Scottie! Reviews make the world go round!


Arthur looked around the empty room.

The walls were pure white, the floor was pure white, and even the ceiling was pure white.

He wore pure white clothes; his blond hair was matted to his head, from what he didn't know

The clothes he wore were skintight and resembled a diving suit or a pair of footie pajamas.

Arthur sighed, this wasn't the first time he had this dream, next a man in a lab coat would enter with more people, all the same as him apparently. Freaks. Mutants. Outcasts. Mistakes. Is that what they called them? He would fall and then He would wake up. His tail curled around him protectively.

Arthur opened his eyes to be in his bedroom. He was awake. The brunet sighed in relief when he saw the pictures on the desk next to him. It was of him and four other people.

A short boy with platinum blond hair covering one of his purple eyes, a boy with long brown hair pulled into a ponytail, a girl with long white blond hair and cold blue eyes, and a boy with short brown hair, tanned skin, and right green eyes, and a shorter brunet with hazel eyes. The group stood in front of a car with bags packed on the top of it; they were all smiling happily at the camera.

"ARTHUR! GET YOUR BUTT DOWN HERE OR YOUR GROUNDED!" his so called 'Mother' screamed up at her.

Arthur sighed and climbed out of his green blankets and onto his blue-carpeted floor. The familiar green walls offered no comfort to the boy, the stuffed animals on the shelf next to him no longer held the same interest they once held.

The books on the bookshelf by the door lay neglected not picked up since the day she got there. He opened his closet and grabbed the first thing he saw.

Arthur wore a extra large black jacket over his red t-shirt, his black pants hung around his waist, held up with the blue spiky belt he always wore, he scrubbed his hair giving it a spiked look, his bangs hanging in his eyes, he grabbed the cell phone from the dresser next to him and shoved it in his pocket.

"ARTHUR!" his 'Mother' screamed. Arthur rolled his eyes and stepped out of his room into the white hallway, pictures of happier times with a different kid hung on the wall, there was no trace of the brunet boy who walked down the hall past a door with a little boy changing and into the kitchen where the woman who called herself his mother was.

"What 'mom'?" Arthur asked leaning on the wall next to him the woman turned to face his and rolled his eyes and went back to feeding the baby in front of her. The baby gurgled when he saw Arthur who smiled at him.

"Why don't you wear that nice shirt I bought you last week?" the woman asked pushing up the sleeves of her pink polo.

"Because I don't want to." Arthur said and grabbed an apple from the basket next to him, his mom rolled her eyes and turned her cold green eyes to him.

"The bus to take you to the facility will be here in a minute, are you packed?" The woman asked Arthur rolled his eyes and nodded towards the duffle bag by the door. The woman nodded coldly and the baby gurgled at Arthur who walked over towards him.

"Don't take one step closer," his 'Mother' threatened, stepping in front of the baby who looked up at him confused, Arthur rolled his eyes and moved his fingers around in a circle, the wind in the room rushed around his creating a small breeze in the space.
The apple he held in his hand flew to where the baby was sitting, the kid gurgled happily and clapped his hands, before reaching for it. Arthur held up a finger and the drawer with the kitchen knives opened, a knife flew to the apple and quickly cut it up. The apple floated down onto the high chair as the baby grinned and began trying to eat it.
The woman glared Arthur 's way, but the boy just ignored her, preferring to watch as his brother came into the room. He waved at Arthur who nodded at him fondly. The boy skipped to the counter happily as his mom placed a bowl down in front of him.
"Hey Peter," Arthur said smiling at him the boy grinned his way and nodded. He was mute; generally only Arthur could understand what he was trying to say. The boy looked at his bowl then at his mom, who frowned.
"Arthur what is he…?" she asked the boy who grinned; his mother sent him a warning glare before she looked back at her son.
"He wants his cereal, the Honey Bunches." Arthur smirked as his mother stood flustered for a moment then went to the pantry, grabbing the boy's breakfast. There was a noise from outside and his mother grinned sadistically,
"That's your bus," the woman sneered, Arthur shrugged and waved to his family and left the house, ignoring his brother who tried to chase after him and his even younger brother screaming, upset.

Arthur sighed in relief, he could finally drop his façade and be himself again
The bus was a charter bus, meaning he had a long way to go. The blond sighed and pulled his hoodie further up on his shoulder.
The bus driver sent him a glare as he walked on the bus, obviously he was a bit late, the blond shrugged and made his way to the back of the bus where his friends were sitting. The only girl in their group glanced up and nodded at him before returning to reading her gothic horror stories. The boy with platinum blond hair smiled at him and went back to typing on his laptop, probably talking to his other friends.

"Hey Arthur, aru," a boy with his hair in a long ponytail said grinning at him happily, the blond nodded in his direction before taking a seat next to the empty window, deciding to catch up on the sleep he was deprived off earlier that week, not before changing however. He quickly changed from his emo style clothes into a button up shirt the very one his mother had told him to wear, and put on a pair of jeans deciding he looked okay he went back to his seat where he laid on his side, using his other clothes as a pillow

The bus rumbled down the road other people on the bus talking quietly amongst them, till it pulled up to a house. Two more people boarded the now silent bus. A tall boy with caramel brown hair, and bright green eyes and a shorter brunet with hazel eyes and a curl coming from his head, the taller boy was smiling widely while the shorter one was glaring at anyone who glanced his way. The pair made their way to where we were sitting.

"Hey Antonio, Lovino, where's Feliciano? Aru?" The Chinese boy asked smiling widely at them as they took the seat across from him. Lovino sent him a glare and looked out the window angrily. Antonio sent him a smile before looking at Yao "Feliciano is catching a ride with Ludwig, they're driving because Ludwig can't stand the hygiene levels on buses," Antonio explained smiling obliviously. The oriental boy nodded before playing with the panda club he insisted on carrying around with him. The panda stared at him for a moment before letting loose a cry and batting at him gently, signifying it was hungry. The boy pulled out a bottle of panda milk (don't ask where he got it) and began to let the Panda suckle on it thirstily.

The group was used to this action, having known the boy even before he owned the small cub.

At the front of the bus a small group of people walked back to them.

A girl in a pink Asian style outfit, with flowing sleeves, carrying a small tiger cub, pushed her long black hair back behind her ear; revealing that her flowery clip was just for decoration and did nothing to hold back her hair; as she sat next to Yao who smiled at his younger sister happily

Another girl with long brown hair covered by a bandana sat in front of Arthur her green eyes looking at him mischievously; no one wanted to know what went through the girl's head. She pat down her green dress and begun polishing the frying pan she held, lovingly.

A boy with chin length brown hair and bright teal eyes moved to the free seat behind the platinum haired girl who nodded in his direction as he sat down, the small black kitten on his shoulder meowing fondly at her and jumped from it's spot and moving to sit next to her head. One of the other kittens the boy had meowed curiously from it's spot on his head, the boy scratched behind it's ear sweetly as it purred, before leaning his head against the cool glass.

The other boy sat next to the brunet, his face and eye color was a mystery, as he wore a mask across his eyes. His warm brown skin was covered by his military green jacket which rustled as he sat next to the younger boy who moved his head to his shoulder, snoring softly as the man wrapped an arm around his waist, sending the girl with the frying pan into as a frenzy as she snapped picture after picture of them. The kitten began rubbing against the older boy's cheek as he leaned his head on the smaller brunet's head.

"Elizaveta, why do you insist on taking pictures of Heracles and Sadiq?" Arthur sighed, he didn't really care but he did want to respect the pair's privacy. The girl turned to look at him, a glint in her green eyes.

"Would you rather I took pictures of Ludwig and Feliciano? Or how about Antonio and Romano?" she asked calling Lovino by the groups nickname for him. Arthur shook his head, the worst Sadiq could do was ask for a copy of the pictures while Lovino would strangle the strange girl and Ludwig would manage to find away to get her deported back to Hungary.

"I wouldn't mind if you took pictures of me and Ivan, aru." Yao said smiling at her from his seat in front of her, the girl nodded excited.

"How is Ivan anyway, I haven't seen him all summer." The girl asked smiling, Yao's smile softened as he thought about the Russian.

"He's been well, Natalia would know better than I however, Aru." He said nodding towards the platinum blond girl who was sending a death glare at him for mentioning his relationship with her half-brother.

"….Ivan is fine. He got to spend all summer growing his sunflowers and working at a flower shop," the girl ground out glaring at Yao and resisting the urge to take the small knife she had hidden in her sock, and stab the Chinese boy. Elizaveta nodded, picking up on the hate waves resonating off of the girl she clutched her frying pan tighter, just in case she had to intervene.

"So Antonio how was your summer?" the girl asked smiling at the boy eyes closed. When she didn't get a reply she looked at them to see Antonio and Romano were no longer in sight. The group shared glances before looking at the small bathroom next to them.
The rest of the bus paid no mind to the weird group who begun to look paler and paler. Elizaveta stood up, camera in hand she slowly moved to the door, not even bothering to knock she opened it a crack and peeked in before slamming it shut, blushing brightly. The group looked at her, their fears confirmed. Antonio and Lovino were screwing in the bathroom of a bus.

Arthur glanced at Elizaveta as she took her seat in front of him.

"I thought you would want to take pictures of them?" he asked curiously, Elizaveta shook her head wide eyed.

"There are some things I wouldn't even take pictures of." The girl said staring wide-eyed at the bathroom, Arthur nodded understanding.

About seven hours later the bus pulled up in front of a set of large, intimidating gates. They were wrought Iron, curling in many different patterns. The gates were attached to large brick pillars with cameras pointed at the front so to be able to see whoever was walking around there.

The bus driver leaned out the window flashing his ID at the camera, and the gates began to slide noisily into the wall. The bus driver put his head back in the bus and drove through. The bus was now on a cobble stone path leading to a tall even more intimidating building which served as the entrance to the school. All the kids on the bus twittered excitedly and began to gather up their stuff.

"Hey Arthur, we're here," A voice murmured in the sleeping boy's ear. The British boy groaned and sat up rubbing his eyes. Elizaveta was smiling down at him, holding his bag out for him. The boy snatched it and sat up, moving off the bus grumpily. His friends were already at the entrance waiting for him and Elizaveta to catch up. The group nodded and walked up the marble stairs to the entrance. On the other side of the stairs was an archway, leading to the school grounds. The group slowly entered, no one wanted to be here, not even the smarter kids. It was basically a prison disguised as a school, as they entered they confiscated their phones and their computers and all electronics, they would only get them when they left the school grounds or went to the small town in the center of the school.

Arthur looked around and sighed, he could already feel the stress of school pressing down on him. Mae, feeling the same patted his shoulder, before letting her Tiger cub jump onto the ground next to her.

"We need to go get our dorm assignments ," Arthur said frowning, he had been relaxed till he had to come back to school. The group nodded and begun to disperse, towards their respective dorms, the girls headed towards the closer dorm while the boys headed to the farthest.

It took the group about ten minutes to walk across campus to the dorm, the group being Yao, Sadiq, Heracles, the platinum blond boy, Antonio, and Romano. The boys entered the boy's dorm building, noticing some girls were somehow in there. Yao, who could easily be mistaken for a girl walked up to the group, ignoring his friends stares he tapped the lead girl on the shoulder

"Why're we in the boys dorm? Ahen," the boy asked trying his best not to act like a boy so he could figure out why they were here, the girl looked at him for a moment.

"Didn't you hear silly? The girls dorm was shut down, now it's divided up by schools," she giggled at him, the boy nodded, "you know you could almost pass for a girl almost. Are you a tranny?" she asked as Yao spluttered indignantly and began to blush like a tomato. The groups laughed for a moment before Yao began to run away, mortified. However, his attempt to run was stopped when he ran into a large chest.

"S-Sorry, Aru," Yao muttered looking up only to see the one person he had missed the most. The chest belonged to a tall blond haired boy, with bright purple eyes, which closed in a smile. The boy, wrapped an arm around his waist and another around his shoulders, holding him close. He smelled like sunflowers and snow.

"I-Ivan," Yao stuttered wide-eyed. The boy looked down at him smiling as he moved his scarf so he could get a better hold on the boy.

"Someone had been making fun of you, da?" he asked, smiling sweetly, it would take only someone he had known for a while to be able to tell he was angry. Yao nodded burying his head in his chest; the Russia boy moved a hand on top of his head and looked at the group of girls.

"Who made him upset?" he asked icily as the darkness in the room begun to swirl around them, the room getting icy cold. The girls shuddered and Yao gaped up at Ivan before shaking his head.

"I-it's fine, aru," he said pulling on his sleeve, Ivan nodded and the darkness returned to its natural place in the room. He smiled down at him and pecked him on the forehead.
"My Little Sunflower," the boy murmured, calling Yao by his nickname, Yao blushed and hugged him, ignoring everyone in the room, " Your to bright for your own good," he said pecking his forehead
"AAAAH! NOONE TOLD ME THE RUSSIAN WOULD BE HERE! KESESESE!" A voice cried in horror startling everyone in the room, a boy stood in the doorway pointing at Ivan. He was an albino boy, who was actually older than he appeared; the bird, which was usually nestled in his hair, began flapping around him in frenzy. Ivan turned around and smiled, his eyes closing, even though it was obvious he was very angry.

"Gilbert, what a surprise," he ground out as the temperature in the room dropped and the shadows in the room rushed towards the boy, Gilbert frowned and the area around him began to heat up , the light around him forming a giant bird which began to attack the tendrils of darkness around him.

"This is so UNAWESOME!" he groaned shaking his head as his small bird landed on his head mournfully.

"Gilbert, Ivan I ask you to refrain from using your powers in the dorm." An older voice said in a commanding tone. Everyone in the entry hall turned to see a man with long blond hair walking into the room. He moved to the front of the crowd that had nearly doubled in people since Arthur and the others got there.
"Now I understand your all very confused." He started while someone spoke up,

"Heck yeah!" It sounded a lot like Gilbert. The man sent a glare in his direction before looking back at the group in front of him.

"There have been some…problems and we've had to move the girls dorm with the boys dorm. We are building another one close to here but it will take a while to be built. Until then deal with it." The crowd was silent as everyone thought the same thing. What kind of Problems? Only on person in the crowd was daring enough to ask the question.

"What problems?" A tall boy asked. He had wheat blond hair and bright blue eyes, covered by his glasses. He wore an old bombers jacket from WWII it looked like. His stance was very cocky looking and determinedly at the vice principal who frowned at him.

"We cannot disclose the problems at this time, though it will be revealed later," The vice ground out, causing more murmuring in the crowd, "However we do have important news, due to the increase in problems we have opened a middle school and am elementary school so do not be surprised if you see siblings and such." The principal said as Arthur's eyes widened, he grabbed his friends and pulled him out of the dorms to the courtyard, not even registering that it had started to rain. Thundered rumbled overhead as the group gathered around the blond boy.

"I have a bad feeling about this year," Antonio said looking up at the sky. The others nodded and looked back at England. Who looked at them seriously, his green eyes almost luminescent against darkened sky.

"Antonio's right, we need to be careful this year. Keep on your toes everyone, we can't let anything happen…this year," the group all nodded sadly, last year they had lost their friend Scottie when he had turned to the other side, he was dead.
"Promise we'll all stay together this year, aru." Yao said putting his hand in the middle, Ivan was the first to put his hand in the middle with him, the others slowly joining in, the group grinned at each other before stacking them in a promise.

ok so this is my new fic, I actually like the writing style I did on this one
tell me what you think! Review!