OK chapter 3! Ha! Aren't you excited? I still need more votes though . . . so if you haven't yet, get ta votin'!

Ready, on your marks, get set, READ!

Ed: Hey! Wait a sec!


Ed: Delete this story. It's all about the colonel and the lieutenant!

Me: Yeah, that's kind of the point with Royai . . . O.o

Ed: Yes, but I'm the main character of Fullmetal Alchemist.

Roy: Shut up, and go find the pot of gold under the rainbow, leprechaun.

Me: Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I do not own Fullmetal Alchemist or any of the characters.

Chapter 3
Royai: Death of Whom?

He stood frozen. Hawkeye, Riza Hawkeye, had a gun to his head. Ready to kill. What should he do? He didn't have much time, and in the blink of an eye, ducked before she pulled the trigger. He knocked the gun out of her hand, then came to snap. He froze again. He thought, Why? Why am I ready to kill my lieutenant. Someone I've known and cared about for nine years? He slowly slumped to the ground and she picked up her gun, aiming once again.

"I-I can't do it. I could never hurt you anymore than I already have. I also can't live without you. So shoot me. But before I die, Riza I love you. I always have and I always will. No matter what happens." He bowed his head closing his eyes, ready for the shot. He sat there, waiting, after some time he looked up. He saw her there, crying. The gun shook as she trembled. Cautiously he took the gun from her. He stood, pulling her closer to him. He caressed her body as she cried.

"Colonel, I'm s-sorry, I couldn't c-control my body."

"Shhh, I know." he whispered. "It's okay." He buried his face into her hair, taking a deep breath. She hadn't realized how cold she was until she was in his arms. Or how tired she was before he had caressed her. After the tears dried up, she snuggled into him. Both heard a noise of footsteps.

"Hey, what's going on in here?" Greed asked. Hawkeye ignored him, and Mustang snapped. Letting the flames engulf the artificial human, then blowing him out of the building. Turning his attention back to his lieutenant, he soothed her.

Things seemed to turn to normal after a week. Except for one thing. Roy and Riza spent a lot of time together their subordinates noticed. Event though they didn't make it public, it was obvious they were seeing one another. Ed and Al had to go back to Resembool for a new arm. Ed's old one was melted by a certain alchemist. Greed was already dead inside, and Roy hoped, dead for good.

I know short. But oh well. Vote! That's right, either boy or girl. Then if . . .

Girl choose, Elizabeth or Ren. (Mia was knocked out: no votes)

Boy choose, Maes (after his deceased friend) or Ron (Seth wasn't to popular either.)

Please review! Thanks, Hawkeye-Fan-101

P.S. Look out for my next two stories! Royai: Dead or Alive? and Royai: Baby.