~Story 5: Chocolate~

"Hey Sasuke, I'm back." Naruto said walking into his room where his boyfriend was laying on the bed. Sasuke opened his eyes as Naruto plopped down beside him on the bed.

"How was your mission?" Sasuke asked looking over at his energetic blonde.

"It was great. We took care of the sound ninjas in less time than we thought so we checked out the village. I stopped at a candy shop and bought some chocolate for us." Naruto said cheerfully.

"Here try a piece." He said holding a piece of chocolate above Sasuke's mouth. Sasuke opened his mouth and Naruto let the sweet candy fall in. Sasuke let the creamy, sweet chocolate melt in his mouth and swallowed. Opening his eyes he smiled up at Naruto who was now hovering above him.

"So, is that the best chocolate ever or what?" Naruto said happily. Sasuke smiled again and pushed himself up into a sitting position. Reaching over to the box of chocolate Naruto had brought home with him he grabbed another piece of chocolate. He stuck it in his mouth and grinned as he leaned toward his blonde companion. Naruto didn't even realize what was going on until Sasuke had him pinned to the bed and was kissing him. Sasuke licked Naruto's lips and they parted. Sasuke quickly shot his tongue and the piece of chocolate into Naruto's mouth and they started pushing the chocolate back and forth in their mouths. When it was gone they broke for air and Naruto sat up.

"Now it was the best chocolate ever." Sasuke said with a smirk. Naruto smiled and kissed him lightly.

"You know there's still a bunch of chocolate left, Sasuke." Naruto said pointing to the box of candy that was only missing three pieces. Looking over at the blonde Sasuke smiled widely and grabbed another piece of chocolate. They were going to be at this for a while since there was so much chocolate left, but neither of them cared; they were having too much fun.