CH 12

Kaiba POV

When the first light of morning peaked through my curtains I jolted awake. Some people wake up calm and relaxed, I wake up in a panic. I've gotten used to it, it helps keep me alert. My first thought was to look at the clock. 5:30 AM. I was late. My second thought was why I was still in my clothes, I backtracked to falling asleep on the couch. How did that little girl get me to my room? I though.

My thoughts continued as I started my morning routine, push-ups first, then crunches, then jumping jacks. I usually did laps in the pool, but since no one set my alarm, I had to settle for this. Physical fitness was important to me. I quickly showered and dressed for work. I checked my Rolex. 6:00 sharp. I smirked, I was on-time again. Efficiency is key.

I grabbed my briefcase and headed to the kitchen to grab my coffee. I was still a ways away from the kitchen when the smell hit me. Burnt toast. My empty stomach cringed.

"Oh no" I thought. This girl had been getting up to have breakfast with me recently, like it was 'our thing'. Normally I didn't mind, I wouldn't make food this early but if its already made it just helps my day. My thoughts drifted for a moment to how she looks in her pink bathrobe and messy hair, the way she tries to hide her sleepiness...her muffled yawning.

I snap back to reality seconds later to the smoke alarm. I hear her running around, presumably opening windows.

I sigh and push through the door, the room is smoky to put it lightly. I wasn't expecting lungs full of smoke so I started coughing, that's when she sees me. I notice, before she even says anything, her face goes through a range of emotions: embarrassment, blushing, nervousness, and concern.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry!" She says running over

"" I cough out

"One second" She says as she darts around, she turns the fan on and opens the last window.

The room slowly clears. I take a seat, less smoke in my face when I'm seated. She's staring at me. She tends to do this when she thinks I'm not looking or noticing, but I catch her all the time. What does she think? I'm gonna explode or something? I'm really not sure why she stares but she looks like a deer-in-the-headlights.

"So..." I start "You attempted to cook again?"

Her innocent look vanished and she looks annoyed.

"I'll have you know I AM a good cook" She says defensively

I love it when she's feisty.

I just smirk and gesture around the room. She bites her lip. I can't help but stare for a second, then I catch myself and look away.

"Well I made you coffee?" She offers, I assume as proof that she's 'a good cook'

I hold out my hand and she hands me a mug. I sip then chug it. Something about coffee just hits the spot. It's like drinking focus, and it's delicious. She just sips hers.

I check my watch again 6:15 AM. I have 5 spare minutes.

"Are you hungry?" She asks

"That depends" I answer "Are you planning on burning me some more breakfast? I don't like to eat ashes"

She glared at me. She's not a morning person. Her version of a glare made her look...cute. For lack of a better word. Like if a newborn was angry. It didn't suit her though.

"I'll make my own" I said, knowing full well she expected some too. She wakes up early 'too be with me' and I have to do all the cooking. I check my watch again. There's no way I'm leaving on-time if I have to cook. I sigh and head to the fridge. A couple minutes later we are eating pancakes.

"Mmmmm! Thank you!" She says. Talking with her mouth full. Again.

"Glad you like it" I say, cutting mine up. Our plates look so different. She has a mess of pancake, syrup, strawberries and ready whip. I have almost a checkerboard of perfect geometric shapes and fruit, evenly spaced. We are complete and utter opposites. I shake my head slightly, and check my watch. four minutes behind schedule. Normally this would bother me but I felt oddly at ease.

"What's wrong?" She says mid chew.

I make a face "Nothing" and proceed to efficiently consume my food, and drop my plate in the sink. I straighten my tie, check my watch, and head to the door.

"Wait!" she runs over to me. She always need to end a interaction with a hug or a goodbye. I hate goodbyes.

She grabs me and hugs me. If she is trying to squeeze me, it's not working. Her little arms and puny strength hold me and release me.

"Have a good day!" She smiles. She has crumbs on her face.

I give her a small smile, not a smirk but a small grin. "See you later" I say and walk out the door. I'm only thirteen minutes behind schedule.