A/N: Hi there! This is my second crossover story. It was inspired after watching the SK anime, a bit of the manga, some Pokemon episodes, the Pokemon Special opening with 'Northern Lights' on YouTube, playing a lot of Platinum, the Special Pokemon Manga and an image of Hao with a Vulpix I found on DA and recently Rain on Your Back's fic "Souls". Hope you like this new idea of mine. Now onto the story.

Disclaimer: I don't own Shaman King or Pokemon. They are the property of Takei Hiroyuki and Tajiri Satoshi respectively.

*This* is for Pokemon talking

This is for spirit's talking

Shaman Pokemon

Chapter 0 (Prologue) – And then they were born

In the beginning there was nothing but darkness, until a speck of light appeared. Eons passed and the speck gathered more and more energy until it exploded creating everything. Time, space, everything was born in that moment. It was the beginning of the first era.

When the planets formed, one stood upon the others: Earth. It was in this planet where life bloomed and with that, also death; this was the beginning of the circle of life. With life and death cycling each other in an endless cycle, the spirits gained flesh and life and then they lost it, some were able to be reborn, others remained homeless. This homeless spirits, afraid and lonely, started to gather in an effort to get rid of their loneliness and fear, but what they didn't notice it was that their power actually increased with every new soul that gathered with them. This continued for centuries.

After a long time, a new life-form appeared on Earth: Humans. These creatures evolved after many millennia and became one of the top species in the planet, but as every other species, they were bound to the cycle of life and death; thus their souls also became a part of this humongous amalgamation of souls. Almost a few millennia after the first humans started to learn stuff that would lead them to many discoveries; these entities gained a superior consciousness, a greater self-awareness and an incommensurable power. After a long deliberation, these almighty entities found a name fitting to themselves: Great Spirits

The millennia passed like water and for the Great Spirits' dreadfulness, things began to go pretty much downhill. Humans, animals, plants, every life-form; it didn't matter what, they all began to disappear, something was wrong. The Great Spirits tried to wait to see if something improved, but to no avail. Seeing that something was wrong not only with Earth, but with the entire fabric of reality as it was slow but steadily tearing itself apart; without any other option, the Great Spirits used their almightiness to reset everything to zero with a cataclysmic doomsday event which erased everything, but themselves; this event would come to be named as 'The Great Eradication'. This was the end of the first era.

Now that nothing existed but them, they would start from scratch; although it would take them several eons to deliberate what would be done; a funny thing, since time and space had also been annihilated during the Great Eradication. They knew that there was no way they would create this new universe identical to the original; it could also lead to the same catastrophic failure as the former. No, they needed to give something new to this one that would make it an even better one, even if they had to pour every part of themselves on it; that's when they hit the jackpot. They now knew what to do.

Concentrating themselves, they split five large portions of souls from themselves and empowered them with different elemental energies that had been stored within many souls that had joined them in the past. Silently they gazed as the elemental energies and their supreme will shaped these five mixtures of souls into five spirits who would come in power, only second to them. The first one was a small, horned crimson spirit who opened his innocent emerald eyes for the first time to gaze at his parents' vastness; the Great Spirits gave him a name according to his elemental power, he now was Spirit of Fire. The second one, also a small one, was an ocean-blue color; with a bump coming out from behind his head also opened his burgundy eyes emulating his brother's actions to gaze for his first time and as his brother he was given a name too, Spirit of Rain. The third one, sharing his siblings' size, but this one possessing two sharps edges at his head's sides, was a rich emerald color with golden eyes, which as previously shown by his siblings, made his first actions; this one was named Spirit of Wind. The fourth one, although also sharing his siblings' size, it was considerably bulkier than them with what looked like little shoulder pads; it was colored a rich brown, like that of fresh soil, he also opened his green eyes to existence. His name became Spirit of Earth. The fifth and last one, had a small pointy edge in the top of his head, it mimicked his other siblings in size, yet he was very thin, he was purple colored with several silverish streaks running across it and his wide open eyes were a very dark blue color, like the color of the clouds in a stormy sky. His given name was Spirit of Thunder. These five relatively young but powerful spirits would come to be known as the Godaiserei (Five Great Elemental Spirits).

Many timeless moments passed after the birth of the Godaiserei, the Great Spirits resolved to begin the next phase of their plan, to create a new kind of being for this new universe. Again focusing their power in a single point and taking far more time than with the Godaiserei, since this being would not be a spirit but a living being of flesh and bone, finally their handiwork appeared; a single white, golden-striped egg appeared, being surrounded by the curious infant Godaiserei. The Great Spirits gave their first children an important task: To watch over the egg. Moments passed again, but for them, time didn't exist yet, and the egg stated to glow and produced a dazzling burst of light and a new creature was born. She somehow looked like a fox, with a horse-like form, with an emerald-colored sclera and red eyes; her face was something like a black mask with stripes, a long plume coming from her head and an oversized golden ring in her midsection. While the Godaiserei stared at their new little sister with curiosity-filled eyes, the Great Spirits introduced her to them, they said that she'd be the one who would, along with them, bring this new era to its zenith; she was named Arceus.

As the new siblings spent their existence together as long as they could, the Great Spirits had to feed them all. While Arceus, for the time being; only needed the raw energy to exist, the Godaiserei were a whole different matter. Since they had an ability that their sister didn't; the ability to further enhance their power by devouring souls, given that they themselves were amalgamations of souls with power over a different element, so the Great Spirits gave part of the myriad of souls that they were formed to feed them. This would continue until the day came. When they reached the top of their development, Arceus stood 10'06 while her siblings stood at 50 feet in height. The Great Spirits gathered them so to give them their duties and bestowed Arceus the power so she could shape the universe; after saying her goodbyes to those she cherished and loved, she stepped into the endless void that was outside the safe haven that she had been all her life to fulfill the duty given to her.

Once out, she gathered her power just like her parents did long ago and created two eggs, a blue one with gray stripes and a pink one with purple stripes, from these two eggs two beings were born; Dialga, who would have control over time and Palkia, who would have control over space. As Arceus, when they hatched they released a burst of light that shimmered the surrounding void and when they gave their first cry, time and space were created again, stronger than the last time and with this, everything began to bloom again to life. After having the time-space continuum secured, Arceus decided to create her opposite, since she would be the bringer of life, she would create the harbinger of death. Repeating the process again, she created a third egg, this one was mostly white, with a black stripe running down from top to bottom and a golden design on the top; when the egg hatched it gave birth to the Death God, Giratina. After creating him, she asked for advice to her parents about how to name her kind, since they were not spirits like her siblings, but living beings who thanks to the ability her parents had bequeathed on her, they were not related to her or to each other, they were their own beings, only attached to her and each other by loyalty. The Great Spirits and the Godaiserei pondered for a while and gave out a name that was accepted for them: Pokemon.

After being christened, Arceus and her creations descended on the newly created Earth, which like at its first incarnation was a smoldering orb. Wasting no time, Arceus created two more eggs of her power; one was blue with red stripes and the other was red with blue stripes, when they hatched, the blue one became Kyogre, Mistress of the Sea and the red one became Groudon, Lord of the Land. Once these two wailed their first cries, water rained and cooled down the lava until several kilometers until I remained in the molten inner core surrounded by the outer solid one. As soon as the planet had the necessary conditions, she uttered to the skies…

"*Come forth, thy siblings*" She declared "*Come forth and grace this world with your divine presence*"

As these words were spoken, five shimmers of power were felt, gaining the attention of the younger ones. The air blazed in flames as Spirit of Fire materialized in that plane of existence, from the water in the oceans, Spirit of Rain appeared; with the roaring winds heralding his advent, Spirit of Wind arrived, the ground trembled, making the younger lady and lord of Sea and Land respectively to fall, and from it, Spirit of Earth appeared and by last the clouds gathered and a bolt of lightning aimed at the ground, only to stop mid-way and gain a humanoid form, with this Spirit of Thunder made his entrance.

"*May I ask for you opinion on this work of mine, siblings of mine?*" She asked to them

"*Not bad, Arceus, not bad at all*" Spirit of Fire said, his voice sounding like the very flames he was composed of.

"*At least the place has water, squirt*" Spirit of Rain said in a cheerful tone, which reminisced of a calm river, gaining the attention of the chibi Kyogre.

"*Good work*" Spirit of Wind said in few words, like a swift gust.

"*Seems cozy for me, sister*" Spirit of Earth said in a solemn yet kind voice, which as with his brother, gained the attention of the chibi Groudon.

"*You're doing great, little sis*" Spirit of Thunder exclaimed while crossing his arms.

Beaming with her siblings' compliments, she decided that she and her creations would need a place to live, so summoning more of her strength; she created what would come to be known as the Hall of Origin. Deciding to take a small break, she pondered what she should do now…

"*Earth has finally been created, yet…*" Arceus pondered for a moment "*I think something's missing*"

"I think I know what you're missing, squirt" Spirit of Rain said as he ruffled Arceus' head

"*Would you please refrain yourself from doing that, brother of mine?*" Arceus glared playfully at her brother "*It's embarrassing and would you please tell me what is it*?"

"*That's my job as your older brother*" Spirit of Rain chuckled "*But what you are missing is what we are and all beings have, including you and your creations*"

"*What you are and what all beings have, even me and my creations?*" Arceus contemplated what her brother said and exclaimed "*Do you mean…a spirit?*"

"*And as it was said before, you hit the nail in the proverbial head*" Spirit of Rain laughed and then settled to speak to Arceus. "*So now that you know, what are you gonna do?*"

"*I know what I need to do, but I ask of thee, siblings of mine, what does a spirit have?*" Arceus titled her head towards her siblings, she was sure they'd have the answer she sought after, since, after all they were spirits as well as their parents.

"*What we have?*"Spirit of Wind half-asked, half-answered in his quiet tone, Arceus knew her brother was like that, so she wouldn't press him.

"*A spirit has the willpower to exist*" Spirit of Earth declared.

"*A spirit has the knowledge to make its own decisions*" Spirit of Thunder said.

"*But after all, a spirit also has emotions , which along with knowledge and willpower will burn a path to their existence*" Spirit of Fire said as Arceus giggled, it was normal for her brother to put something according to his element in one of his sentences.

"*Willpower, knowledge and emotions*" Arceus repeated "*Now I know how I can do this, my eternal gratitude, siblings of mine*"

"It is not needed, but thanks anyways" The Godaiserei replied.

And as done before, she created three eggs all light gray in color but some differences. One had a pink top with a red spot; the second had a darker shade of blue at the top with the same red spot and the last one was yellow on the top and it shared the spot too. Now to wait until they hatched.

"*Why is it taking so long? The squirt hatched faster!*" Spirit of Rain yelled, a bit impatient

"*How can you tell?*" Spirit of Thunder rebutted "*When we were born there wasn't even time!*"

"*Maybe, but I'm bored!*" Spirit of Rain screamed at his brother as they kept arguing

"*Are you going to stop them, SOF?*" Spirit of Earth inquired to his brother

"*Something tells me they will stop somehow or there's going to be a mess in Arceus' place*" Spirit of Fire muttered the last part and his prediction came true

"*Shut up!*" Spirit of Wind howled uncharacteristically and that calmed the two arguing spirits, but it also scared Arceus. Her brother rarely raised his voice and that was only when it was needed or he was pushed over the edge. "*They're hatching*"

And with a burst of light the three beings came out, the pink one had a style that looked like four dreadlocks and amber eyes, with a red in jewel on her forehead and two tails, the second one had a pointy blue head, the red jewel and same amber eyes and the last one was gray colored as the other three with also two tails, with a yellow top that looked like a helmet with the red jewel, but the remarkable feature is that he kept his eyes closed

"*Who are them and what are their names, sister?*" Spirit of Fire questioned

"*The first one is Mesprit, the Being of emotion*" Arceus pointed a hoof to her "*But be careful, if someone threatens her, she can take away every emotion in the one who does so.*"

"*Ouch, kinda nasty, don't you think so, squirt?*" Spirit of Rain flinched as he said this.

"*Maybe so, but necessary*" Arceus pointed out "*The second one is Azelf, Being of Willpower, as with Mesprit, if he gets threatened, he can zap away the will to even live.*"

"*As Rain said, nasty…*" Spirit of Thunder cringed as well.

"*Nasty, But necessary. But don't worry, my thunderous brother*" Arceus said with a laugh. "*Since we were created directly by our parents, we won't be affected by them in any harmful way.*"

"*Glad to hear that, sis!*" Both spirits chorused.

Both Spirit of fire and Spirit of earth sweatdropped at this and Spirit of wind just glared at them and softened as he looked at the last one.

"*What about the last one?*" Spirit of Wind proceeded to inquire and Spirit of fire continued "*Why doesn't he open his eyes? Is there something wrong?*"

"*His name is Uxie, the Being of Knowledge, and the reason his eyes are closed is because…*" Arceus took a breath and continued. "*Since he is that, he'll seek the knowledge as every other being, but if he were to open his eyes he'd take away all the knowledge of the one he sees*"

The Godaiserei shuddered, but then felt relief, remembering he could not affect them

"*I think I shall take a brief rest and then I shall proceed with the shaping of the world*" Arceus slumped tiredly on her throne while her siblings looked at her in a concerned way. "*What is the matter?*"

"*I think I speak for the five of us when I say it was about time, squirt*" His four brothers nodded and Arceus felt touched at her siblings' concern. "*Besides, all work and no fun make Arceus a dull girl!*"

This little teasing proved to be too much for Arceus

"*I'm not dull! I just like to do my job!*" Arceus bellowed while red in the face

"*Take it easy, squirt!*" Spirit of Rain tried to calm down his little sister while being object of his siblings' glares "*I'm just trying to lighten up the mood! Geez!*"

Everyone calmed down and then the Godaiserei remembered they had also come for another reason.

"*Sister, we have something for you.*" The Godaiserei paused for a moment "*It's a gift from us and our parents to help you*"

"*A gift?*" Arceus was ecstatic but would show manners and decided to wait. "*What is it?*"

Smirking at their little sister's poor attempt of subduing her impatience, they opened a rift in the space and sixteen coffin-shaped plates came out of there.

"*What are these plates for, my dear siblings?*" Arceus was quizzical about the plates, but knew her siblings and her parents wouldn't do anything to harm her

"*These plates have been infused with different powers, some you are already familiar with, since you gave those powers to your creations*" An all-knowing look flashed in their eyes "*The powers contained in them are this: Dragon, Darkness, Ground, Fight, Fire, Ice, Bugs, Steel, Grass, Psychic, Fly, Water, Ghost, Rock, Poison and Lightning and with the ability granted to you, you can use any as these abilities as you see fit*"

"I…I don't know what to say…" Arceus said "*Are you sure I can handle this kind of power?*"

"*Arceus, we have known you even before you hatched, we have been together all our lives and our parents knew about us even before that*" Spirit of Fire claimed and knelt to hug her. "*We are unwaveringly sure you will, you have our and our parents' trust*"

Arceus felt such joy at those words and not only that, but each of her siblings gave her a hug to give her confidence

"*I shall not let you down, family of mine*" Arceus said as she absorbed the plates in her body and started to get used to her new powers.

Some time after this passed (A century or so) Arceus kept creating other Pokemon to help maintain the balance of the world. To keep a balance between land and sea, a guardian of the skies was created, Rayquaza, he reminded her of Spirit of Wind, even with the horns. To help Groudon with the lands and their movement, she created a golem-like Pokemon in homage to Spirit of Earth, Regigigas, which to get help he created three golem Pokemon from ice, rocks and metal that had been tempered in the deepest bowels of the planet; these golems were Regice, Regirock and Registeel. And to watch from within the planet, Heatran, the fire salamander, was created. By her own subconscious wishes she created the one who could grant them along with a comet from her parents who said they were used to be asked for wishes for; this one was Jirachi, the Wishmaker. To guard nature, which was her siblings' prime domain and home, she created the pixie, Celebi, who also had the power to time-travel. To guard the powers of Fire, Lighting and Ice, she created three birds, they were Moltres, Zapdos and Articuno; Zapdos was a male while Moltres and Articuno were female. To balance their power, she created a guardian of the waters. An aquatic female dragon named Lugia and also the prince of oceans, Manaphy. Another bird was created, whose feathers glowed like a rainbow. This was Ho-oh. Arceus knew that sleep was necessary so to give meaning to it she created two. One looked like a blue and golden metallic swan with crimson eyes and three crescent-like protrusions; this was the Queen of Dreams, Maiden of the Full Moon, Cresselia. The second one looked like a phantom, with only one visible azure eye, an ivory plume and a red necklace, this was the King of Nightmares, Lord of the New Moon, Darkrai. To also watch over nature, the flower hedgehog, Shaymin was created. Then she created the Eon Dragon twins, one who was giddy and playful, the other calm and kind, these were Latias and Latios. Then with a blinding burst of light she planted the seeds for the new Pokemon who would populate the earth and with that she created two more of the same kind, who would have the ability to turn into every one of them, one female and one male, they were the Mew siblings.

The millennia passed and the Pokemon began to develop and evolve. Here and then came fights of some of the legendaries, but thankfully they were stopped by either Aceus or one of the Godaiserei. Again, humans appeared on the world but this time, the Great Spirits wished for them to be more than the original ones; so, they gave the ability to see the spirits, even if many of them wouldn't get it, the great Spirits hoped they could help this new world. They developed and evolved too. They created many civilizations, which worshipped Arceus and other Pokemon, building monuments to them. Arceus sent some of the Legendaries to this places: The female Mew to guard what was know as Kanto, the male one to the Tree of Beginning, where she also sent the three legendary golems, because this Regigigas created several copies of the originals and he went to sleep in a place where it was snowy all time until he was needed. Latios and Latias were sent to Altomare along with the Soul Dew, an item that would help the city, Groudon remained in one of the many underground cave, where also Heatran resided, occasionally taking a swim in the magma. Kyogre remained in her domain and Manaphy helped the Sea People civilization. The legendary birds moved to an archipelago where they had their own islands with orbs given to them by Arceus herself, Lugia near since they were her trio. Shaymin chose to be in a place full of flowers named Gracidea. Mesprit, Uxie and Azelf move to three different lakes in Sinnoh (Verity. Acuity and Valor) and resided in their depths. Jirachi placed himself in random places to sleep and grant wishes for a week when his comet passed near the planet. Darkrai and Cresselia, moved to their own islands, which were close to each other, Newmoon and Fullmoon Islands. Palkia and Dialga moved to the Spear Pillar inside Mt. Coronet, which Spirit of Earth creating, dividing the region in two halves. Celebi moved from forest to forest, making them greener and more beautiful. Giratina was given the duty of guarding the gate to the afterlife located in Turnback Cave; a place difficult to reach for the living and guide the souls there, which after was to go back to the Great Spirits, since Heaven and Hell were a part of them and also a parallel realm known as the Distortion World where he could live and balance the original one. Arceus herself remained in the Hall of Origin, watching over.

As the Great spirits watched over their creations, several events made them ponder the course the entire universe could undertake. First, in a war caused by humans, three Pokemon died in the Tin Tower where Ho-oh used to reside due to a fire, Ho-oh felt sadness and asked Arceus if he could do anything; Arceus allowed him to revive them but infuse them with a part of her power, thus Entei, incarnation of volcanoes, Suicune; embodiment of the North Wind and Raikou, personification of the roaring lightning. Second, an insane ruler of Pokelantis tried to capture Ho-oh to use as a weapon to take Arceus on; this made them seethe in anger and Arceus (by their request) asked Kyogre, Lugia, Groudon and Regigigas, along with her siblings, to sink the continent and everything on it to the bottom of the sea, not before sealing the spirit of the evil Kingh in a stone pokeball for eternity. These and many other events led the Great Spirits to realize they needed to interfere more, but the question was how? Then it came to them. Since they gave the ability to see spirits, several humans were not only able to see them, but to channel their power, these humans were called shamans. And there was a tribe that was really good at shamanism; this was the Patch Tribe; so after calling back his first children (much to Arceus' chagrin) they made contact with this tribe nad after locating themselves with them and them taking the Godaiserei as their gods, they discussed a way for a shaman to gain their power to point humanity to a better future. Though this proved to be a difficult issue, they settled to have a tournament every 500 years where the winner would be called Shaman King and this is how the Shaman Fight began.

As time passed, no one knew what it's sands would bring…

To Be Continued….

A/N: So here's my SK/Pokemon crossover, this chapter was an introduction as a way to meld the two worlds together. Please tell me your opinion or if I missed any legendary except Mewtwo and Deoxys, since the first one was man-made in modern times and the second is a mutant bacteria. As you may find, there will be several Legendaryshipping couples in here. Next chapter, our slightly insane pyromaniac shaman will make his entrance! Hope you like it. Leave your reviews, please! I'll post the next one as soon as I can.