Disclaimer: I do not own Soul Eater :3. If I did the anime would be following the manga 3

Shiizuko: Woot! Time for Truth or Dare with the Soul Eater cast ;D.

Everyone: Aww..

Shiizuko: It's not that bad D:

Kid: Psh. You torture us.

Maka: Yeah

Asura: Even though I torture Maka and everyone else you torture us worse..

Shiizuko: DO NOT!

Maka: I agree with Shiizuko. You really torture us Asura.

Shiizuko: THANK YOU.

Maka: Hehe.

Shiizuko: Ok well, I have one dare for Kiddo-Kun~~ 3.

Kid: NO! What about Blackstar dare him.

Blackstar: No dare Kid :D.

Kid: I hate you.

Shiizuko: Can't you just feel the love in the air 3~? Well anyways here is the dare for Kid ;3. I dare you to go make your suit thing unsymmetrical :3.


Soul: Because you love symmetry.

Kid: Well you love Maka.

Shiizuko: Ok calm down Kid D:.

*Maka grabs a paint brush*

Kid: Maka? What are you doing D:?

*Maka grins evilly*

Kid: No Maka-

*Maka splats paint on his suit*

Kid: Noooooo! I'm unsymmetrical now!

Shiizuko: Thank you Maka.

Maka: Hehe no problem :3.

Shiizuko: Ok guys review! I will do dares and I will let you be a guest star ;3 Tell me you gender and what to call you by.

Hope you liked it :3 This is my first fan fiction :D Please don't flame D: I got an idea for truth or dare from Rin Winters :3 Credit goes to Rin :3