None of these characters belong to me, they are all Janet's. I just wanted to see what would happen if they did what I wanted them to.

Chapter 1 – A Really Bad Day

The fire department had the blaze fully under control. Carl and Big Dog had taken my statement and Joe had even stopped by to check on me. Of course he left when he saw I would be fine. Since we finally agreed to stop the merry-go-round of our relationship six months ago he would typically stop by when his scanner gave him reason to believe I was involved in one of my famous incidents. But, once he was satisfied I would make it he left saying it kept his Maalox budget under control.

Just as I was about to give up hope and hitch a ride with one of the uniforms, a black SUV pulled up and Lester and Tank walked over to me. Les pulled off his reflective aviator shades and sat next to me on the curb. He bumped my knee with his and slightly raised one eyebrow. Showoff. It was his way of asking if I was alright.

"Nothing but a few scrapes on my arms and some singed hair. But I liked that car and this time I really didn't do anything. It couldn't possibly be my fault." I said fighting hard to keep the tears at bay. It had been nearly six months since I'd had a car blow up and I was beginning to think my recent training had begun to pay off. Apparently no amount of conditioning can stop your car from exploding outside the 7-eleven even if you are only running in to get a Coke and a Tasteykake for lunch.

"Any idea what happened?" Tank asked stepping so I was in his shadow and he was blocking the sun from my eyes. It was subtle, but that Tank can be a real gentleman sometimes.

"None. Everything was fine. I haven't picked up anybody difficult lately and I don't have any FTAs outstanding with a thing for explosives. I went in to get my lunch, the cashier recognized me and kept me talking for a few minutes, and then as I stepped out of the store the car just blew. No ticking, no beeping, just Boom!" I motioned the explosion with my hands.

Tank squatted down in front of me and put his hand on my shoulder. "Take a deep breath and tell me what we should do next."

Tank didn't need my help, but since Ranger went in the wind last month he had taken it upon himself to oversee my training and he used every possible opportunity to have what he called a teachable moment. He wanted to know if in the midst of the emotion I could calm down, focus and come up with a plan to figure out what happened.

"Well, first we need to get the footage from the video cameras at the door and on the light pole in the parking lot. If anything was done to the car while I was inside it would show on one or the other. Then I need to talk to the fire department to see if once the smoke clears I can have the car towed to Al's. If there is any charred evidence about the device, he can get it off. Looking at it from here, the car's not in the worst shape I've ever seen for one of my pieces of handiwork. If both of those come up blank, we should get the tapes from Vinnie's parking lot this morning. That is the only other place I've been today so hopefully we can get some information about who did this off a tape from somewhere."

I looked up at Tank to see how I did. He was full on smiling at me. "That's right, Little Girl, you got it." He praised.

Lester stood up and held his hand out to me. "Now, let us give you ride back to Haywood so you can clean up and do some damage control on your hair."

I smacked him which caused my hand to throb and Lester to laugh but I got up and hobbled off to the Explorer while the guys talked to the police and the fire department. I would definitely be sore tomorrow. Who knew it was so hard on your body to be thrown down on concrete by the force of an explosion.

After a couple minutes of silence Tank spoke up. "We were on our way to find you when your car went offline."

"Sorry about that. I would have called to let you know I was fine, but my cell phone was in the car." Great, now on top of not having any transportation, I don't have a cell phone either. At least I don't have to listen to my mother's calls about why her daughter had to try and blow up the Burg when Melissa Stepford's daughter never blows up anything. Of course, the fact that Melissa Stepford's daughter isn't five feet tall and is barely able to blow up a balloon is beside the point. My mother will still use this as one in a long line of examples pointing to my failure as a daughter.

"We'll have you another phone waiting at the office." Tank offered. "But we have a job tonight that needs your particular skill set."

"You mean there is a drunk in a bar and you need me to slut up and drag him out." I sarcastically replied simplifying what we call a distraction.

"No, there is a high dollar FTA that will be at a club tonight and it is the last day for his bond so it is important we get him. Unfortunately, it will be crowded and we don't think he will come with us willingly. We've had no luck getting him in the usual ways so we hoped you would be willing to assist us in safely relocating him out of the club and into police custody." When Tank said it a distraction sounded like it took a lot more finesse and skill than my version.

"Are you sure you want me to do this tonight. I mean, the fact I just blew up a car doesn't concern you that maybe I'm having an off day and this might go really badly?" I whined.

"There is no time to put it off, and there is no one more qualified for this particular field operation." Tank replied making it sound like I was about to invade a third world country instead of dancing in a suburban club. I guess there are worse ways to spend an evening, which gave me an idea.

"I'll do it, but I have a couple of conditions." I added. I could see looks of surprise on both their faces. I never dictated terms, I just did whatever they asked in these situations.

"I can't wait to hear this, Beautiful." Les laughed, "Lay it on us."

"First I don't want to wear anything black. After all the ash today and the constant wall of black around the office I want to wear a dress with some color to it." When I said it out loud it sounded so petty, but surely there were more colors to the rainbow these guys could recognize.

Tank replied in his authoritative tone, "That condition is acceptable. You have full control over your uniform this evening."

"And, secondly if I get the skip to come out peacefully allowing for his capture I want some of the guys to stay at the club with me so we can go dancing. I love to dance and after the day I've had I think some drinks and rhythm therapy would be perfect." There - see what mister tall and silent has to say about that one.

Lester jumped in this time, "That is a perfect plan. I'll get a group together to back you up in the club and once the guy is out we will all take you dancing. I think that's a deal we would be glad to make." Lester already had his cell phone out texting madly. "The guys will love this. Hey Tank, since they would be dancing as a condition for Steph to work do they still get paid?" He asked pushing a little too much.

Tank playfully slugged him on the shoulder and Les winced and rubbed his arm. "Man that was completely uncalled for!"

"What time do you need me tonight?" I asked before Les said something else that would actually make Tank mad.

"I'll come down with your wire about 9:00." Tank replied.

Looking at my watch that gave me six hours to take a nap in my apartment on four, finally have something to eat, and get ready. I thought I might be able to squeeze it all in. Stepping into the elevator I called out to them, "See you guys tonight. Oh – thanks for the ride back."

At 9:00 sharp I heard a knock on my door. I was ready, just barely. My nap had gone longer than I planned and when I woke up I only had ninety minutes to pull off the right look for both catching a skip and a night out with the boys.

I had the perfect little blue dress. Ella got it for me months ago and said it might be something I could use for a fun night out. The dress had long sleeves but no shoulders or neck and was skin tight at the bust and waist flaring to a soft skirt that fell five inches above my knee. The perfectly matched four inch FMPs were set off with a tone on tone design. My hair had been slightly damaged by the heat of the blast so wearing it down was not an option until I could see Mr. Alexander for an emergency repair cut. I piled the curls on top of my head and allowed a few to cascade down softening the look. Some dangle earrings and a solitary pendant around my neck and I was good to go.

When Tank walked in he smiled. Since we were working much closer together now he tended to show me his softer side more often. Don't get me wrong, Tank is still one scary dude, but it is hard for me to be afraid of a man who makes kissing noises when he is petting a kitten.

"You were right, black would have been all wrong for tonight. You look perfect." He said holding out his large hand with the wire and a sticky pad on his palm.

I turned around to give myself a little privacy while trying to put the wire under my left breast. I was relying on the built in bra in the dress so I had to be sure the wire was secure and out of sight. When I turned around Tank was staring at the ceiling looking a little uncomfortable.

He opened the door and we headed to the garage. On the way down he handed me a folder and said, "Our skip tonight is Stephen Bruce. He is wanted for counterfeiting and carrying concealed. He has no history of violence, but since he is wanted by the cops for the gun charge and the US Treasury for the money plates he created he is probably desperate so you need to be careful."

We stepped out of the elevator into a crowded garage. A few of the guys had on their trademark black urban swat uniform, but the other ten were dressed for dancing: ripped jeans, painted on shirts, tight khakis with button up shirts and one pair of leather paints and a tank top. Wow, just - wow! The garage got a little warm despite it being October.

Tank looked at Lester and channeled Ranger by barking, "Explain."

"Hey man, I'm just fulfilling my end of the bargain with Bomber. She said in order to do the distraction she wanted to go out for drinks and dancing. I spread the word, and this was the volunteer base that stepped forward for duty." He winked at me as he finished talking.

Oh boy! I was determined to set a new record for getting the skip out the door. These guys looked positively good enough to eat and knowing I would get to dance with most of them was causing me to need a fan. This was going to be a great night. I needed to remember to negotiate more often.

Tank gave me the details in the SUV outside the club. "The skip is confirmed at the bar. He has a suitcase with him that we believe may have some information about his money printing scheme so if possible, we would like to get him and the case. Junior is behind the bar and will fix whatever you order without alcohol. Vince and Binkie are your back up inside and I will be waiting at the back door with Woody for the take down. Any questions?"

I looked at his picture one more time and I got a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach. He was a large man, and handsome taking into account this was a mugshot I was looking at. His history wasn't violent and he was not from Trenton so he shouldn't recognize me. There was no reason for me to feel this way. "My spidey sense is a little out of whack after the car this afternoon." I confessed.

"You'll be fine, we'll get this guy hauled off and then you can go back in and have fun. The guys are excited about having a night off with you." He said softly.

I nodded my head understanding that was all the pep talk I was going to get from Tank. I got out of the Explorer and walked past Erik posing as a bouncer. He looked me up and down and nodded while opening the door for me. As I walked past him he asked if I was okay, "You look worried, girl. Are you alright?" He had his hand on my elbow.

I shook my head. With each step I took my gut was yelling louder for me to turn around and run away but I didn't want to let the guys down and I wanted my night out. I nodded and tried to plaster on a smile.

I took a few seconds at the door to identify the skip, Junior, Vince and Binkie. Seeing Bruce at the bar with an empty seat on either side I walked over and slid on the stool to his right.

I could feel his slimy eyes looking me over immediately. Junior walked down and took my order for a gin and tonic and brought me back a tonic over ice with a lime and a thin straw. Not the best tasting of drinks, but it looked real and would keep me from getting tipsy if I had to consume more than one to get the attention of the skip. I plastered a fake pout on my lips and tried to look upset over something.

Fortunately, luck seemed to be on my side and he pointed at me and said, "You look like a girl that could use a few more drinks to improve her night."

"I could use something, but I don't know what yet." I replied.

"Want to talk about it. I might be able to help." He offered.

"I was laid off today and when I went home to tell my boyfriend he was gone. Packed up every single thing he owned and was no where to be found. I thought I'd come out tonight and drink until I forgot about not having a job and until I no longer remembered having a boyfriend." I said before sucking my drink through the straw and then licking my lip as though a drop had somehow missed my mouth.

Bruce threw some bills on the bar and caught Junior's eye, "Just keep those drinks coming for the lady."

"Thank you, but you don't have to buy my drinks," I said while re-crossing my legs to allow my skirt to ride up and pointing my newly bared thighs at him.

His eyes got bigger telling me he was unaccustomed to having a woman flirt so openly with him.

"I'm sure a man like you has more important things to do than sit here keeping me company." I said while batting my eyes at him and leaning forward enough to show him my modest cleavage.

"I admit there are things I would rather do with you besides buy you drinks but I didn't want to interrupt the evening you had planned." He smirked.

Seeing this as my opportunity I put my hand on his knee, making him jump and challenged him, "What other things would you like to do? I'm more than open to changing my plans if you can offer me a better alternative."

Bruce paled slightly and shifted in his seat. He put his hand over mine and said, "Why don't we step outside and I'll lay out some options for you."

It was too easy. That was my first clue something was wrong. When something seems too good to be true it usually is and this was no exception. Junior was smiling behind the bar. Binkie was giving me a thumbs up both indicating everything was fine. My fear must be all in my head. They would know if something was off and warn me.

The guys wanted me to exit from the back because the door at the rear opened to a bridge of sorts over a fall off that was perhaps ten feet long. It was fifteen to twenty feet off the ground with cement and rocks under it. The bridge would allow them to grab Bruce in an area that had no side escapes. If one man stood at the end of the bridge and the other at the side near the door, Bruce could not run. It was an ideal place to capture him.

He picked up his small leather briefcase and walked toward the front door but I shook my head no and gave him a come here motion with my finger. He followed me looking nervous but without question.

I put my hand on the door to push it open wide warning the guys Bruce would be behind me. What happened next, none of us expected.

Bruce grabbed me by the waist drawing my arms against my body and lifted my feet a few inches off the ground taking away my ability to get any leverage to fight back. Then he dropped his briefcase and pulled a knife from his back. My first thought was how could he get a knife into the club with RangeMan working the front door? Realizing that line of thought wasn't helpful I tried to focus on squirming to make his grip on me falter.

I looked at the end of the bridge and saw Woody's face was completely blank. He had his glock out and had it pointed at Bruce but with me directly in front of him there was not a clean shot. Woody wouldn't risk hurting me to take him down.

Bruce then said, "Did you think I would not be expecting you?" He pressed the tip of the knife above my collarbone and I would feel it cutting into the exposed skin there. "I suggest you be still or a scar on your chest won't be all you the damage you'll get tonight Bombshell."

I tensed when he said my nickname. How did he know who I was? Of course the incident at the 7-eleven was all over the news this afternoon with my picture prominently displayed for anyone to see. I told them a distraction tonight was a bad idea. Now I was mad. This was ruining my evening out with the guys and I wasn't going to hang here and let this creep cancel my fun and get blood on my dress.

I began to struggle again kicking his shins with my pumps. He growled either from my assault or from Tank's sudden presence in front of him. Tank had no visible weapon in his hand and had his palms up in a mock surrender position trying to show Bruce he was not trying to harm him in any way.

I noticed movement from the corner of my eye and some the guys had come around the building and were standing behind Woody. If looks could kill I would be free, but it only caused Bruce to tighten his hold and press the blade harder into me.

I could not hold in my whimper of pain where the blade was cutting into the tissue beneath the skin now.

Tank spoke, "Just let the girl go Bruce and we can talk about how to get you out of this. You don't want to have assault charges added to your sheet."

Bruce laughed. "I could care less about the charges on my sheet. I am just a pawn in a much bigger game. My role was to be a distraction just like your whore here." With that insult he pulled the knife from my chest and put it at my back. He readjusted his hold on me and stepped over to the railing on the bridge.

"You need to call off your goons at the end or little missy here is about to have a terrible accident." He threatened.

I couldn't help but look over the edge. As far as distances go I've fallen that far before and survived. My concern was that the landing would be on jagged rocks and broken concrete. I knew impact on that surface would mean a trip to the ER. Still, better the ER than the morgue.

Then my anger came back in full force. If I had to go to the ER that meant I was definitely not getting my night out with the guys and that brought out the rhino big time.

"No!" I screamed. "Just shoot him."

I could hear murmurs from the guys at the end of the walkway and a few stepped out of the way. It was then that I saw Ram. While I knew Woody would not take the shot for fear of hurting me, Ram was a Ranger sniper – a perfect marksman. He had no concerns about missing his target and I didn't think Bruce was aware of his presence. Ram approached the bridge slowly and as he raised his weapon to take the shot I felt a searing pain in my back causing me to scream against my will. I wanted to fight him and kick again but my legs were not getting the signal to move and were hanging uselessly from my body.

I heard Bruce say, "I warned you to be still." Then I felt myself being hoisted up over the edge.

I was falling when I heard the shot ring out. Knowing Ram had been the one to pull the trigger I didn't bother to look up, I knew Bruce was dead. Ram could have shot to take him down without a lethal injury but Bruce did the unforgivable in hurting me in front of the Merry Men. There is no way they would let him see another day.

I remember feeling as though I was out of my body. Everything was surreal. The pain in my back and legs was gone only to be replaced by pain everywhere else. My head was throbbing so that I didn't need an EMT to tell me I had yet another concussion and my right arm was twisted in a way that I knew meant it was broken. I tried to look down at my dress to be sure I was covered up but Bobby reached me first and held me still.

"No Bomber, you have to be still. Don't move." I've seen Bobby in many different stressful situations, but this was the first time I had ever heard panic in his voice.

"What's the damage?" I asked.

Bobby was carefully cataloguing my injuries calling out for an ETA on the ambulance so it was Cal that finally answered me. "You took a pretty bad fall and these rocks weren't kind in catching you, but we've got you now so you are going to be okay." It sounded more like he was trying to convince himself instead of answering my question.

"I'm cold," I said to no one in particular. I felt a jacket being laid over me. It smelled of Old Spice and I wanted to thank Hal, as I recognized that as his scent, but I was beginning to cough which prevented me from talking. Bobby gently rolled me so I was not flat on my back to help me clear my mouth from the coughing. I knew from the coppery taste in my mouth and the swearing around me I had gotten up blood. This wasn't good I thought as little stars began dancing in front of my eyes.

Then I heard it, "Fuck!"

"What is it?" someone yelled back.

Bobby answered, "That scumbag left the knife in her back and it is right at her spine. The fall just pushed it in further."

I could hear the siren of the ambulance growing louder. There were voices all around me but I could no longer make them out. The stars grew faint and I finally give in to the darkness.