I sure am making a lot of new VA crossover sections. I mean, I created VA-House, VA-Sonny With A Chance, and now VA-Avatar. What's next? Mulan? (that's actually not a bad idea….)

And now for the sexi man to do the disclaimer:

Sokka: Cam does not-


Zuko: *smirks* Camy does not own VA or ATLA

-With the Avatar gang-

"So…" Sokka drawled. "Where we going?"

"Missoula." Aang said like it was the most normal thing in the world.

"And why are we going there?" Sokka asked.

"Because it's the place my mom should be, but I don't really know. It's not like my dad is very trustworthy when it comes to information." Zuko said while boredly looking at the ground below. Suddenly he saw a building, it was strangely designed like a messed up collection of mini castles. "There." He said, pointing below. "That could be a good place to rest for a while." Then he noticed the guards. "Disguises! At least until we meet them. Some people liked my dad being in power." (Smart Zuko! Yay!)

And with that we landed.

So…. Wat u think? Who is Zuko's mom? Who meets them at the gate? Do they take classes? You will never know unless you REVIEW! You guys keep the stories alive. I love you all!

Aang: P.S.-I will give all the reviewers free gliders!