A/N: Hello everybody! Sorry for the long wait, but we just didn't really have time to write this.

There's a little warning for this chapter, we both were hungry when we wrote this (we didn't eat anything all day…) and we kind of got an evil-mind…

Anyway, enjoy yourself and your meal while reading this!

The sun was gone.

No, not gone gone, but… you know, just gone.

The moon appeared.

The reason behind this is: it was night.

It was nice and warm in the tent. And because it was a good night, not to cold and not to warm, Naruto decided to stay awake.

"Ne, ne, Daddy? Can I have a marshmallow?"

"I don't think that's a good idea, Naru-chan." said Minato.

"But I'm hungry!"

"I know, Naru-chan. I'm hungry too."

"Can you two just shut up?"asked… no, demanded, the sleepy Kakashi.

"Naru-chan and Minato are right, Fuzzy, I'm hungry too." said Jiraiya, while he tried to make a decent ponytail of his burned hair.

"Why do you call me 'Fuzzy' the whole time? I'm NOT fuzzy or something like that!"

"Because your hair is fuzzy, and I think that Fuzzy is a better name than Cutie."said Jiraiya on a know-it-all way.

"Who's calling me 'Cutie' then?"asked Kakashi, who really wanted to know who gave him a embarrassing name like that.


"Oh joy. Why can't I just have NO NICKNAMES?"

"If you don't like their nicknames, I can give you a nickname!" insisted Naruto.

"Don't try, Naru-chan. Not now. Let's just sleep." said Minato, fearing Kakashi's foulmouthed words that would be coming if Naruto gave him a nickname.

"But I want to give him a nickname!"

"LOOK! A MARSHMALLOW!" shouted Minato to get Naruto's attention back at the main subject.

"YAY! So I can have a marshmallow now?"cheered Naruto.

"I WANT A MARSHMALLOW TOO!"screamed Jiraiya, his burned hair completely forgotten.

Minato forced himself to smile while he opened a bag with marshmallows.

Kakashi scowled at his sensei, but saw the fake smile. The silver haired boy smiled at encourageful at Minato, because the Yondaime didn't seem to be very happy about eating marshmallows in the dead of the night.

Minato noticed Kakashi's kinda 'helpful' smile and winked to him.

'After this, we will DEFINETLY sleep.' said Minato's blue eyes.

Then Naruto's father turned to the beaming Naruto and Jiraiya and handed them each two marshmallows.

Minato wanted to put the marshmallows away, but the sweet smell lonked him. And the sounds of Naruto and Jiraiya eating sounded so… nice.

No, he had to be strong!

He had to be!

He shouldn't eat a marshmallow!

He was NOT hungry.


His stomach roared.

'Don't listen to their sounds, try to put the marshmallows away… don't listen to my belly…'

Kakashi didn't understand Minato. Did his sensei want to eat marshmallows in the dead of the night?

Minato stared at the bag. He stared like a zombie.

Kakashi shook his head. His sensei wasn't that dumb. Of course he didn't want to eat marshmallows at this moment, when every normal people was asleep.

Minato propped a marshmallow in his mouth and chewed on it.

Naruto smiled when he ate a third marshmallow, and a fourth…

Jiraiya was a very loud eater, and Naruto produced a lot decibels too… And the sticky marshmallows didn't help very much to silence them. No, because they tried to chew their sounds became louder, and louder, and louder…

Even Minato was eating soundly!

Kakashi felt his stomach turn upside down.


The others stared at him.

Jiraiya looked at him and Naruto chewed on a big pink marshmallow. Minato flinched.

Naruto looked concerned. Then a fantastic idea popped up in his mind.

"Marshmallow?" and Naruto tried to give Kakashi a marshmallow.

In Naruto's world, Kakashi was annoyed because he didn't get a marshmallow and the others all got one. Naruto himself always got annoyed when his dad or mum got a cookie and he didn't.

Not having a marshmallow had to be the reason why Kakashi was annoyed!

And if one's annoyed, you have to cheer him up! With a marshmallow this time!

Kakashi looked at the smiling Naruto, who looked very cute in the dim light of the flashlights, and then at the pink, sticky, smelling, almost squeezed marshmallow.

Kakashi tried to smile. "Thank you, Naruto-kun, but I'm not hungry at all. I just want to sleep…"

Naruto looked very questioned. "Why not? You didn't eat anything today!"

"I'm just not hungry… would you please be quiet now, so I can sleep?"


Kakashi looked really bored. "Are you done?"

Jiraiya watched this all happen with a grin on his face. It was almost the same speech Kushina did earlier this day.

Minato shuddered. He hoped that Naruto wouldn't become like his mother. If his son got her temper, he would be dead in an instant. No, Minato wouldn't like it if Naruto got her temper. Not at all…

Then Naruto remembered something. Kushina had told Naruto once, when he had refused to eat for two days (he wanted Ramen, she tried to feed him carrots), that if his body didn't get enough food, he would become sick.

After Naruto had heard that story, he had eaten the carrots, and nearly chocked in them because he tried to eat FIVE carrots at once.

Then Kushina told him that it was not good for you to eat too much.

But Kakashi didn't eat anything, so that was bad.

In fact… Kakashi was refusing to eat… Like the yellow haired boy had done with the carrots…

Naruto got an idea!

Kushina had been trying to feed Naruto the carrots… He could try to feed Kakashi the marshmallows!

"Lower your mask, 'Kashi…"

Kakashi looked strange at the small boy with the squished marshmallow in front of him.


"Just because."


Minato looked at Naruto, who's eyes were gleaming with determination.

Yep, the wannabe-Hokage was up to something.

Jiraiya, who's mind was like that of the six year boy, saw immediately what Naruto was trying to do.

"…Hehehehe…." The Toad-sage was grinning. It reminded him of something that happened between him and Sakumo, Kakashi's father. Jiraiya had been trying to feed Sakumo some ice-cream, but it got into Sakumo's hair, back, nose… everywhere but his mouth.

"Jiraiya-sensei, is there something funny that you want to share?" asked Minato with a suspicious look to the white haired man.

"…You'll see. Watch your son, Mina-chan."

"HEY! Don't call me 'Mina-chan'! And why do I have to watch Naruto?"

At that moment Minato looked at Naruto.

The yellow haired boy launched himself at Kakashi and tried to pull his mask down.


Minato looked in awe at his son.


Minato groaned. Why, of all lectures the boy had, did he only remember this one?

Jiraiya started laughing. "Minato! Isn't this the lecture Naruto got when he refused to eat and you were laughing at Kushina and got a carrot shoved in your nose because of that?"

Minato rubbed the back of his head. "Yeah… it was that 'carrot-in-nose-because-you-were-laughing-at-me-incident'."

Scowling, Minato looked at his sensei, "Thanks for remembering me, I was almost forgotten about it." His words were swimming in sarcasm.

Jiraiya smiled. "You're welcome. But I think you have to save your student from Naruto now…"

Kakashi was hiding in his sleeping bag, trying to escape the marshmallows. Naruto was trying to stuff a marshmallow through the sleeping bag and he was trying to make an opening so he could stuff a marshmallow in Kakashi's mouth, as soon as he got rid of that stupid mask, of course.

"I'll eat tomorrow! If you let me sleep now, I won't use any ninja techniques or the Sharingan on you!"

"You're not going to use the Sharingan on my son ever in your life Kashi-kun!" shouted Minato. Sharingan used on Kushina…okay… but his son… NO WAY.

Naruto, because his father was at his side, jumped again. This was not something Kakashi liked – little brats can be really heavy – and Naruto jumped again. And again.

Naruto's antics caused the tent to fall down upon them.

Minato didn't see anything. The tent was all draped over him and he was getting more and more tangled in the tent-sheet. He could feel Jiraiya wriggle next to him and he heard Naruto's surprised yell.

Then the fingers of the blond Hokage landed in something soft and sticky. The marshmallows.

Minato groaned, "Kami-sama! Why did we deserve this?"

Naruto was panicking. He didn't see anything. It was warm. And most of all, his dad sounded strangely troubled, so Naruto's tiny brain only understood that his dad had to be afraid or something. And the marshmallow he wanted to give Kakashi had magically appeared in his was still a bit of space around him. And where in the world had Kakashi gone to? Naruto started crying and his legs moved on instinct. The little boy started to run, the tent-sheet still over his head.

Jiraiya who was trying to untangle himself felt the sheet pull and disappear. Naruto was on the run, with the tent! Oh god, this can't be good.

Jiraiya started running after the little boy and tripped over the remainings of the 'camping-kitchen-fire'.

Meanwhile, Minato was still fighting with the tent. He was stuck, most definitely stuck and he was caught by a tent-sheet. No, wait. It was not the tent-sheet, it was a sleeping bag.

His own sleeping bag.

The blond man let out a surprised yelp when he felt his sleeping back moving around. He was even more surprised when he saw the stars once again and saw threes and grass moving rapidly past him. And a flying tent-sheet.

Wait a sec.

The tent was moving on his own… and his sleeping bag too! It was trying to kidnap him!

Minato freed one hand and tried to stop the tent and his sleeping bag from moving any further. They were racing towards the little pool! And one thing Minato didn't want was a tent bent on revenge and a nearing pool filled with cold water that would soak him.

Minato was so sleep deprived that he was forgotten that he actually was a ninja and that tents don't move around of themselves and weren't trying to get any revenge because there was marshmallow rubbed in its sheet.

Then Minato heard Naruto scream.

The tent bent on revenge was a panicking Naruto!

"NOOOOO!" Minato screamed. He didn't want Naruto to jump in the pool and thus drowning them both since Naruto wasn't able to swim yet.

And because Minato was too caught up in thinking about a way to save Naruto, his son had reached the pool and had fallen into it.


Naruto felt the water and was really scared now.

"Please help me!" Naruto cried. The tent was choking him now and the water was soaking him.

"Help me!"

Naruto felt a gloved hand grab the tent-sheet and pulling out of the water.

The same hand tore the now wet tent-sheet off him.

Naruto blinked a few times.

Kakashi was helping his father escaping from his sleeping bag.

"Pathetic. Really, just pathetic." The silver haired boy shook his head, "Sensei, you know you just got stuck in your sleeping bag."

Minato rubbed his head, "…sorry…"

Naruto saw his chance and jumped on Kakashi, grabbed a lost marshmallow from the ground, pulled Kakashi's mask down and stuffed the sticky sweet in Kakashi's mouth. The silver haired boy stared and swallowed the sweet.

Naruto, wet and cold, beamed, "See! I knew you were hungry!"

Jiraiya grabbed the remaining thing that was a tent once and laid it down on the place where the old fire had been before. Then he formed a small Fire-jutsu and the had a fire to warm themselves.

Minato sighted, patted Kakashi on his head and tossed the marshmallows he still had to the Toad-sage, "I'm hungry. Try to cook something with them."

Jiraiya nodded and tossed the marshmallows in a pan – one that hadn't been destroyed. The Toad-sage set the pan on the fire and watched the marshmallows melt.

Naruto smelt the marshmallows and saw the 'shiny' fire and he walked to Jiraiya, who was trying to get the fire better. The fire was going out and Jiraiya was trying to cook marshmallows.

Jiraiya saw Naruto coming, "Naru-chan, can you get me something to get this fire better with?"

Without asking anything, Naruto gave Jiraiya one dry sleeping bag. Jiraiya tossed in on the fire. The sleeping bag was immediately on fire.

Kakashi's eye twitched.

Minato saw what happened and looked to his student who was silently boiling with anger.

"That… was your sleeping back, hm?" Minato asked.

He got a strangled 'yes' as an answer.

Jiraiya smiled when he poked with a stick in the marshmallow-thingie. Cooking wasn't that hard!

Kakashi walked over to Jiraiya, first to hit Jiraiya on his head, but then because he was feeling a little hungry and guilty because he hadn't done much except from being moody. (this was how Kakashi felt about himself, but he had done more than enough if you ask us…)


Jiraiya looked up, surprised.

"I'm sorry that I wasn't much of a help and… when are we going to eat?"

Jiraiya's mouth fell open.

The Toad-sage started ruffling Kakashi's hair, "You were a big help today Fuzzy! And the… marshmallow-stew is almost done! Look at it!"

Kakashi, after glaring at Jiraiya, bend over to look in the pan and… the marshmallow-stew kind of exploded and was now all over him.

"…it's all over me…"

Jiraiya couldn't help himself and started to laugh.

Naruto thought it was funny too and his laughter filled the air.

Minato tried to stop himself but he failed miserably.

And when Kakashi heard this, he smiled a bit and tried to get it out of his hair.

"Kashi-kun!" a female voice sounded and they all turned around.

"Kushina?" Minato stared.

Tsunade, Kushina and Rin stopped in front of the Kitchen Knights.

"What in the world happened to you guys?" asked Rin, eying Kakashi, who was grinning like an idiot with marshmallow-stuff all over him.

"It's a long story…"

A/N: A little tip: don't try putting marshmallows in a microwave either. If you do, it will be very, very messy.

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