summery; this is what happends if naruto and minato try to make a dinner, and there are a lot of friends who want to help them.

this is our first fanfiction, so please don't flame us ( too much ) where also not english so the grammer is not realy good.

PLEASE READ AND REVIEW ( you can get free cooky's if you want so, but they are made by real Kitchen Knights…


(this is a realy freaky timeline)

Kitchen Knights…

"Well, I guess the Chicken must be… erm…"Minato rubbed his head. "To be honest, I truly don't know."

Minato and Naruto were standing in the kitchen. They had to make dinner, since Kushina had a fever. They were planning to make chicken, but it didn't work out well, since they both only knew how to make Ramen… or how to buy instant-food. That's normal if you are a six year old boy, like Naruto, but not so normal if you are a twenty-eight year old man, like Minato.

"If we… We could just heat it up?"said Naruto. "Or… I'm gonna get a headache of this much thinking. Why can't we just go and get some Ramen at Ichiraku?"asked Naruto his father.

"Because," started Minato, "Your mom is gonna kill us then. She said we can not only live on Ramen. Rin said that to much Ramen is bad for your health and even Kakashi is trying to give us vegetables."

"But Ramen is goodness!"

"I know, Naruto. But we have no other choice than to make… this chicken-thingie…"

Naruto scowled. But as soon as the scowl came, it disappeared. Instead of the scowl, he looked now at his father with a questioned face. "How are we gonna make supper of this eatable bird?"

Minato tried to think. "As you said before, we could just heat it up, the question is… how are we going to do it?"

It was silence for a moment.

"What if we just eat it? No problem with cooking, barbequing or frying it. We could just eat it raw!"said Naruto with a very huge grin for his age.


"Why not?"

"Remember the last time you tried to eat raw meat? You had to stay in the hospital for… almost two full weeks! And I got hitted on my head by Kushina, Tsunade-san and Rin!"screamed Minato in horror. He was a perfect Hokage, a perfect Shinobi, but he wasn't very good in taking care of food… or a hungry Naruto…

"All right dad. You are Hokage! I'm gonna be Hokage! And how are we going to eat this chicken?"

The window blasted open. A very strong wind was blowing through the kitchen. Sunshine was falling on a very, very big man with white hair and a too mischievous grin for his age. The Toad-Sage entered the kitchen.

"YO! NEED SOME HELP HERE, BOYS?"asked Jiraiya.

"….yo, sensei…" said Minato, who looked meaningful to the chicken. "Sensei, do you know what to do with this chicken?"

"Eat it?"

"That's the problem, we want to eat it, but we don't know how to prepare it."

"You want me to prepare the chicken? HA! I will! Nothing is too much for the almighty Jiraiya!" and with that the Toad-Sage started laughing.

Jiraiya stopped with laughing and looked then with a serious face to Minato. "I will do it, but I need something from you…"

Minato looked at his sensei. "What do you want?"

"I need to sell more of my icha icha, and since Kakashi likes books, I was wondering…"

"NO! You're not giving my student… those…. those… books!"

"Well, no chicken then."

Minato looked menacing to his teacher. "You're a perv, you know?"

Jiraiya looked shocked. "Me? A pervert? I'm not… I'M A SUPER PERVERT!"

Naruto was truly shocked. "Daddy? Icha Icha? Weren't that those red and orange books mom discovered under your bed and burned with a Katon Jutsu, at the same time with your Hokage-cloak?"

Minato's head was growing hot.

"She burned your precious Hokage-cloak? Oh god! This keeps getting better and better!" Jiraiya's grin grew bigger.

"And she found those books under your bed? And now you're saying not to give those books to our Scarecrow?" Jiraiya's eyes were twinkling.

Minato's head was like a tomato (no offence Kushina) and his eyes were looking for an escape route. When he found none, he started rubbing his head and tried to talk himself out. "…Ha..ha..ha.. Those weren't your…books… Those were… cookbooks… Yeah, Yeah, cookbooks!"

"Come on, Yondi! You don't even know how to bake cookies. I know you're lying. And I know too!"said Jiraiya smiling. Then the white haired man turned to Naruto, who looked at him.

"Naru-chan, did you see those books?"said he gently.

"Yes! Of course! I'm gonna be Hokage, just like dad!"

"You know that Hokages need to report, don't you? I want a report of how those books looked like."

"Of couse!" And Naruto started telling. Minato looked ashamed at the window when Naruto gave a perfect description of Icha Icha. Jiraiya was laughing and pointed with his finger at Minato.

"Minato! Do you like my books?"

"NO! Of course not!"


"Yes… No… Maybe.. Maybe I like them a little…"

Jiraiya stared at Minato.

"Maybe I like them more than a little…"

Jiraiya continued staring.

"Okay! I admit! I LOVE YOUR BOOKS!"

Minato started sobbing in the so called 'Emo-corner'. "I LOVE them. So what? Please stop looking at me! It's not my fault, they're just… well-written."

Jiraiya smiled. "Wait, I've got a better idea. If I roast your chicken, I can eat with you. If I give you the newest Icha Icha, you allow me to give my Icha Icha-books to Kakashi."

Minato was still sobbing. "Just do what you want, but please don't tell Kushina this!"

Naruto was stunned. What this Icha Icha-books were was a mystery for him, but he knew that it wouldn't be a good idea to read them, since they were written by Jiraiya. He also didn't understand what this all had to do with Kakashi and were this chicken fitted in. But the fact that his father was sobbing in a very dark corner that wasn't there before, didn't seem very good. Why his father liked those Icha Icha was also a mystery. And why would Kushina not only burn the books, but also the very important Hokage-cloak? Naruto didn't understand a single thing.

And because Naruto didn't have very much concentration, he went to explore the cupboards to find something useful to make diner of the chicken.

"This isn't much use. Dad and Ero-sennin are talking about something I don't know and I am hungry. And what do I need to prepare chicken?"whispered Naruto to himself.

Between all the pots and pans, laid something shiny.

".Oh… Shiny…" Naruto, who was six year old and not very bright, tried to take it. He took the shiny thing with his hands and tried to take it. The shiny thing was stuck. He pulled harder. He started growling. He wasn't in the Academy yet and couldn't use any ninja techniques, so he pulled harder and harder.

Finally the shiny thing came loose, and Naruto wasn't suspecting more than the shiny thing. Too bad all the pots and pans decided to drop down and fall on the ground with a loud 'KLANG'!

Jiraiya and Minato startled. Naruto sat on the ground, between very much kitchen stuff with the shiny thing, which was a colander, on his head.


Minato and Jiraiya sweatdropped.

"Well, well, what happened here?"came a voice.

The trio turned quick around, only to see a very amused Kakashi standing in the doorframe.

Even with his mask on, it was loud and clear that he was smirking beneath it.

Naruto smiled and launched himself at the silver haired boy. "Look at my Shiny Helmet!"

Kakashi dodged and smiled gently at Naruto. "It's…nice Naruto-kun."

Minato started giggling. He knew what was coming now. His student didn't know what kind of disaster he had called upon himself when he told Naruto he 'liked' it.

Naruto's smile flashed. "Do you really think so? Really? Really? Really?"

Kakashi looked a bit dazed at the bundle energy before him. Then he smiled, unsure of what to say.

Naruto looked really happy. Then he bounced away, shouting "If you like my helmet, you should have one too!"

When Kakashi heard those words, he became pale and tried to move behind Jiraiya, who was also staring at him with a weird look.

Minato laughed when he saw Naruto seeking a pan that should fit Kakashi.

Naruto found a pan (grey, but still 'shiny') and putted it on the head of the silver haired boy, who tried to move away, but couldn't escape.

"…heh…"was the only answer the Hatake could give, and he adjusted the pan on his head, much to Jiraiya's and Minato's surprise.

Smiling, Kakashi walked to the chicken on the table and poked in it with one gloved finger. He poked again.

"Stop poking, Kakashi, we have to eat that dead bird." said Minato, looking unhappy to Jiraiya who was grinning, smiling and glancing at Kakashi.

"Minato-sensei, since when did you decide to cook?"asked Kakashi, who stopped poking.

"Since he found some 'cookbooks'." answered Jiraiya, still grinning.

"Minato-sensei? Cookbooks? Don't waste my time with that crap, Jiraiya." said Kakashi cold as ice. He had noticed Jiraiya's grin, and he didn't like it one bit.

Minato came out the 'Emo-corner' and told Kakashi the story, from the beginning of Kushina's fever 'til the moment they were now.

"You and Jiraiya had a fight over a certain 'Icha Icha'? What's that?"asked Kakashi.

"Ah, Icha Icha are books, MY books to be precisely. I've written them, but Minato said they were crap, and then he said they were great. So we decided to let you read them so that we could know if it's rubbish or true books!"answered Jiraiya, while he took a orange book from his pocket.

Meanwhile Naruto was drumming on the pans, but nobody seemed to mind and they all ignored the sound.

Kakashi eyed the book. Then he took it, and started with reading through some pages.

With every page he finished, he became redder and redder. After ten pages, he snapped the book shut. He looked like he was boiling!

Jiraiya smiled and said, "Well, what do you think about it?"

Kakashi started stuttering, "I…it's… I..this…it's…"

Jiraiya's smile grew bigger, "Yes, it's…?"

Kakashi's eye narrowed. "…It's horrible!"

Minato closed Naruto's ears quickly, afraid of Kakashi's wrath on Jiraiya and the fool words that the boy could be using when he was mad, or becoming mad and irritated.

But it was not Kakashi who exploded. It was Jiraiya.


"Jiraiya, I´m fourteen…"

Minato looked at Jiraiya with a smile that said 'told you so'.

"And, Minato-sensei, didn't you say you like these…these…stories?"

Minato's smile of triumph was destroyed with one comment of Kakashi, who was still looking at the orange book.

"…I….Kakashi…I can explain! …Really!"

Minato was still holding Naruto's ears, and the little boy became annoyed, so he started drumming again. Let's tell you one thing, it wasn't pretty music… but again, nobody cared.

Kakashi looked menacing at the book. Minato tried to hide behind his (drumming) son and Jiraiya was giggling (again). Like father like son. Naruto was alike with Minato, and Kakashi wasn't better than Sakumo. Not that he that ever would say to Kakashi, he didn't want to die yet, but is was true.

After an awkward silence, Kakashi smiled again and threw the book in the sink. Minato and Jiraiya let out a scream.

"Maybe I will read it later, when I'm older and I'm allowed to read it, OK?" Kakashi smiled.

Jiraiya's grin became wider. The boy was indeed like his father…

And because he was like his father, he would most likely ran the next day to the bookstore, try to buy the book and look what's actually in it, and what his sensei liked about it.


Surprised Minato jumped back, Jiraiya stopped grinning and the pan on Kakashi's head hung before the eyes of the silver haired boy.

"Naruto is right," said Minato, "this whole conversation is far above his age, and probably just pure crack. And we are all here because we want to eat, aren't we?"

Jiraiya looked at Kakashi, "You came for a free meal, right?"

Kakashi shrugged, "Well, that's true. I didn't have any food at home, I don't have enough money to buy food in a restaurant… and somebody destroyed the supermarket, so I hoped that I could get dinner here."

Naruto heard the last sentence of Kakashi and his eyes started twinkling. "Supermarket destroyed? Then there must be an evil ninja who did it walk around somewhere!" He looked at his dad, who looked with a glance filled with suspicion to Kakashi. "We need to catch that ninja, Dad!"

Kakashi rubbed his head. "It wasn't an evil ninja Naruto-chan. In fact… it was Tsunade-hime…"

Jiraiya looked at Kakashi. "She became mad in a supermarket. Poor supermarket. But why?"

Kakashi looked down, the floor was very interesting.

Minato smiled, "I don't care if you anger Tsunade, but please, don't do that in a supermarket, Kakashi."

Kakashi looked up, shocked. "What…I didn't!"

Minato smiled more. "I know you only tried to help this old woman with carrying her luggage, don't worry, but please don't call her 'old woman' again, okay?"

Kakashi smiled and adjusted his pan again.

Naruto's face lit up. "Can we eat now?"

Jiraiya smiled too. "YEAH! LET'S EAT CHICKEN! But how we're gonna make dinner of it?"

"We could just put it in the microwave?"


And so the chicken landed in the microwave. It was a shiny new microwave, and Minato didn't know how to use it. Naruto was too small to touch it and the other two weren't in the brightest mood, so…

"What's this big red button for?"asked Kakashi.

Not waiting for an answer, he pushed it and…


The microwave exploded.

"Well done, Fuzzy." Jiraiya.

Kakashi scowled, "Fuzzy? I'm not Fuzzy."

Jiraiya opened his mouth to answer, but Minato came first.

"Hey, hey! Let's just forget this whole kitchen incident! When Kushina asks what happened, there was a roughe ninja who attacked us. I'm buying Ramen for all of us."

And so our Kitchen Knights were walking to Ichiraku Ramen.


maybe there comes another chapter but we don't know jet. ( only if the readers want us to write another chapter so please R&R)