Tension - Reborn

"What a lovely day to walk around, right Reborn?" A cheerful girl questioned as she had her arms around Reborn's arm. Reborn simply nodded his head in agreement as they leaned towards each other and continued to walk around the park. The weather was nice and warm with occasional warm breezes that hugged the area.

From afar, the couple noticed Yamamoto running towards them, so they stopped walking as he got close. "Hey, Sakura!" He smiled towards the lovely youthful girl and took a few breaths. Sakura brought her left hand up to her ear and brushed her long black hair behind her ear. She stared at Yamamoto with her brilliantly sky blue eyes.

"What is it, Yamamoto? Needing help again?" She questioned as she tilted her head towards Reborn and smiled kindly. Yamamoto rubbed the back of his head with a sweat drop and nodded sheepishly. Sakura giggled lightly and let go of Reborn's arm. She leaned towards Yamamoto and smiled at him with her eyes closed. "I'd be glad to help again. Will it be like last time?" Yamamoto shook his head.

"No. This time you won't be getting hurt. I only need you this time." He responded as he slightly glanced at Reborn with a straight expression. Sakura obliviously shrugged and turned around to face Reborn who just plainly stared back.

"I guess you won't need me then." Reborn stated as he slightly moved his head to the side and placed his hands in his pockets. Sakura stared at Reborn with concern before putting a smile on her face again. She then tilted her own fedora hat down a bit and smirked. She then tip-toed and gave Reborn a peak on the cheek. Reborn barely reacted but he only opened his eyes and looked down.

"I'll always need you." She stated as she sweetly smiled at him. Yamamoto then reached up to her shoulders and turned her around.

"We should get going." He stated as he began leading her away from Reborn. As they walked, Yamamoto looked over his shoulder and slightly gave Reborn a look while Reborn calmly stared back and took out a hand from his pocket to grip tightly.

"See, that wasn't so bad." Yamamoto stated as he sat down to take a rest. Sakura tiredly sat down next to him and pulled down the white, but now dirty, glove on her right hand. She then placed her fedora back on her head. "Training was easier and more safer." Sakura cocked an eyebrow.

"What do you mean by 'safer?'" She questioned as she placed her elbows on her knees and looked to the side at Yamamoto. Yamamoto looked back at her from the corner of his eyes and then leaned back to look at the sky.

"Every time Reborn joins in training, he goes over the limit and you end up getting hurt. He's your boyfriend but he's not doing a very good job at taking care of you. He doesn't watch himself." Yamamoto explained quietly. A light breeze filled the area and Sakura calmly looked down trying to hold in the anger. Yamamoto then smiled sheepishly and placed a hand on her shoulder. "I just don't like seeing you get hurt. I'm just worr-"

"Reborn is just doing the best for everyone. Sometimes he has to overdo things for people to get better. He's just helping me get better. No one can be safe all the time." Sakura interrupted as she sat up straight and looked away from Yamamoto. She certainly didn't like how Yamamoto was talking about Reborn that way, but he was her best friend and didn't want to snap on him. Yamamoto took his hand off of Sakura's shoulder and looked at her sadly.

"I didn't mean it like that, Sakura.. It's just that.. I've been feeling like this for a while now. Ever since I first asked you to train with me. I don't really understand what these feelings mean, but they are telling me that I should protect you. I'm sorry if I offended you in any way." Yamamoto apologized as he glanced down. Sakura sighed in defeat and turned back around to give him a hug. Yamamoto flinched lightly before hugging her back.

"Are you done, Sakura?" Reborn questioned as he casually popped out from behind. Sakura's face lightened up and she let go of Yamamoto to run up to him. Reborn spread out his arms and brought Sakura into a hug while Yamamoto just watched with a straight face at the scene in front of him, but eventually smiled at Sakura's happy expression. "How was training?" Sakura faced Yamamoto with a smile.

"It was great. I feel very worked out." She responded with a fist out in front of her. Reborn nodded his head once and glanced at Yamamoto. They both quietly exchanged looks towards each other while Sakura looked off to the side sensing the tension. Sakura then let go of Reborn and walked up to Yamamoto. "Let's train again soon, okay? I had fun, but we'll be going now." Yamamoto smiled and nodded his head. Sakura smiled gently towards him until she felt Reborn hold her hand. Reborn then lightly tugged and brought Sakura close.

"Let's go." He stated as he intertwined his fingers with her's and placed his other hand on her shoulder. As they were further away from the area, Sakura leaned back on Reborn and stopped walking. "What's the matter?" Sakura looked up at Reborn and messed with his hands.

"Why do you always give Yamamoto those looks?" She asked as she fully turned around and started to fix his necktie. Reborn only responded with a "Hmm?" and Sakura give Reborn a look. "Oh come on. I know you too well and even though you barely give off expressions, I can tell how you feel. So why don't you tell me why only towards Yamamoto."

"You're awfully close to Yamamoto." Reborn finally responded as he glanced off to the side. Sakura's eyes slightly widened and paused.

"Awfully?" She questioned that specific word. "You know he's just a friend, Reborn."

"Of course, I know. But you spend why too much time with him. Sometimes it looks like you're more happy when you're with him." He explained as he adjusted his fedora down and positioned his head up. Sakura looked at Reborn slightly sad.

"Yamamoto told me that he didn't like you helping with training. He said that he hated it when I got hurt and he's recently been feeling like he should protect me from you. But, I understand why you work us so hard, Reborn. I'm happy when I'm with you. I only want to be with you." Sakura informed as she glanced down. She slightly felt Reborn grip her hands and then he began walking.

"Let's go."

"Why am I feeling like this?" Yamamoto questioned himself as he walked out and placed a hand on his head. He couldn't help but feel certain emotions when he had that talk with Sakura. When she got anger, he felt guilty. When she got happy, he felt happy. "This is frustrating."

"OY! Yamamoto! What are you doing out here?" Ryohei shouted as he appeared around the corner. Yamamoto slightly smiled and they both stopped as they got close to each other. "Something wrong?"

"Just thinking, Senpai. Recently, I've always had the urge to protect Sakura. I can't really catch why, though." He explained as he sat down at the curve and placed the palm of his hand on his forehead. Ryohei placed both hands on his waist and stood firmly in front of him.

"Maybe you feel the same way I feel towards Kyoko! She's my sister and I have to protect her! I always protect her! I'll do whatever I can to protect her and make her happy, TO THE EXTREME!" Ryohei shouted as he punched the air twice and hand both arms in the air with a determined smile. Yamamoto laughed and smiled.

"You're probably right, Senpai! I should go tell her that right now." Yamamoto stated as he stood up and started running off. As he ran around, he spotted Sakura and Reborn together by the lake. He noticed that Reborn was leading the way. "Sakura!" Both Reborn and Sakura looked towards the direction of his voice and Yamamoto ran up to them. Reborn, however, stood firmly in front of Sakura and Yamamoto stood in place with a calm expression.

"What is it Yamamoto?" Sakura questioned as she titled to the side to see Yamamoto. Yamamoto smiled and laughed. Reborn and Sakura cocked an eyebrow.

"Sorry about the way I've been acting towards you, Reborn. I guess the reason I always seem to take Sakura away is just to protect her from your harsh methods. But I understand that you fit each other perfectly." He confidently explained. Reborn slightly relaxed and Sakura stood next to him. Yamamoto then looked at Sakura with a smile. "And I found out the feeling I had towards you. It was a brotherly love. I just wanted to protect you as if you were my sister. That's all." Sakura laughed and Yamamoto joined in. "Training tomorrow again?"

"Sure." Sakura responded back without hesitation. Yamamoto smiled brightly and dashed off happily. Sakura smirked and turned around to looked at Reborn. "See? Everything worked out fine. No more tension, right?" Reborn looked off the side and Sakura smiled warmly. She tilted her fedora down before tip-toeing and giving Reborn a kiss on the lips. "No more jealousy." Reborn instantly looked at her.

"Jealousy? You're kidding right?" Reborn questioned as he wrapped his finger's around Sakura's and began walking away. Sakura smiled and followed happily.

Um, sorry if this didn't turn out the right away. This one-shot seemed more of a Yamamoto one shot then a Reborn one shot. AND it appeared a bit longer than I thought it would have been. I still hope that it was to your liking in some way. Review? Bye!