Author's Note:

This is my first multi-chapter fan fiction story, ever. This is the first multi-chapter story I have written at all in like, 8 years, so forgive me. I will try to have an update at least every week until the story is finished. I work 25-30 hours a week as well as go to school full-time.

I do not own Criminal Minds. All belongs to the creator, cast, producers and definitely the writers. They deserve all the credit for all the great episodes. Also, CBS, even if I do not agree with the financial causes to let AJ Cook leave.

This is set in Season 5, following Foyet killing Haley Hotchner. Maybe half way in the season.

Thank you for reading, if you like it, please review. This might help with updating quicker. If you don't like it, please review. I am looking for criticism to help my writing.

Also! (This is it, I promise.) This is not edited (at this time), if there are errors, leave a review and I will fix it! Thank you and enjoy!

Spencer closed his eyes. He took a deep breathe before he opened them. He was still awake, still in Hotch's office. It was still Monday. He looked at his watch: It was 2:11pm now. 15 minutes had passed. He had been sitting here for fifteen minutes across from Hotch.

"I don't understand."

Hotch sighed and rubbed his head. "How many times are we going to go through this, Reid. It's not that hard to understand."

Spencer licked his lips. "Just..." He paused. This was dire; he needed to completely understand every single word Hotch saying.

Hotch looked at the man. "You have been chosen to head a BAU team in Las Vegas."

"No, no. I understand that part. The part I don't understand is... why me?"

Hotch rubbed his forehead.

"There are two teams in Qua-"

"Two teams in Quantico, two teams in New York and then there are four teams in California. Why do they need me? They can have any of those team members or.. someone else!"

"There are three in California now. One in Las Vegas."

Spencer sighed. "Okay. I understand that. I still don't understand why I am the one that is going to be leading the team."

"Strauss." Hotch said simply, before shaking his head. "She's...well, honestly, Reid. I don't know. All her previous attempts to tear us apart have failed. Prentiss didn't spy, Morgan took over when I had difficulties. She figures the only way she can pull us apart is by taking you away."

Spencer sighed. "What if I refuse?"

"Then you're fired. She still has your positive drug test, Reid. She's now showing us her cards on why she let you stay."

Spencer shook his head. "This isn't fair."

"This is how it is."

Spencer sighed again. There was obviously no way to get out of this.

"When do I leave?"

"The first of the month."

"That's in two weeks!" Spencer's voice raised, in both volume and pitch.

Hotch nodded, ignoring the fact that the man was basically squealing. "It's done. You should start looking for a place in Vegas."

Spencer looked at him. He hadn't even thought about any of that. What would he do with his apartment? He sighed and rubbed his head.

"But, I.. Henry."

Hotch didn't say anything. He wasn't sure that the genius was even talking to him. He watched as Spencer sighed again, for the third time, his shoulders deflated. He stood up.

"Is that all?" Spencer asked, looking at him.

"Spencer, I'm sorry."

Spencer smiled a little. Hotch never apologized, never for things he had no control over.

"It's not your fault, Hotch."

"I'll try to get you back."

"I know." Spencer nodded, making his way down to the bullpen. He sat at his desk and just stared at his paperwork. He didn't understand what the use was to do it. He would be gone in two weeks. Less than two weeks. 12 days. He frowned. He ran his hands through his hair. How could he leave right now? Hotch had just got back from bereavement leave. They were a family and Hotch needed them and he was leaving. He rubbed his eyes. Family. Henry. He was going to abandon his godson, just like his father had abandoned him, just like Gideon had left in the middle of the night.

"What's eating you, Kid. Hotch give you more paperwork?"

Morgan frowned when Reid didn't answer. He watched the young man. His eyes were going back in forth as if he was conversing with himself, debating something. Derek looked up at Hotch's office, wondering if he should go talk to him to find out what had gotten to Reid. That was an invansion of Reid's privacy and Hotch probably wouldn't tell him anyways.

"Hey, Reid. Reid!" Morgan said, a little louder, causing Emily to look up at the genius. He seemed totally out of it, completely in his head. She reached out and touched his hand. Spencer pulled back, looking up.

"What?" He asked.

"What did Hotch say that got you all analyzing in your head?" Emily asked, looking at him, slightly worried. She hadn't seen him like this since... Adam. He had spent days after returning back to work, going through the case in his head, trying to figure out he could have saved the boy or what he could have said to Amanda, trying to figure out what to say to her to let Adam come back out as the main personality.

"Is everything okay with your mom?" Morgan asked when Spencer didn't answer right away. Spencer looked at him and shook his head.

"It's worse."

Both Emily and Morgan looked at him, confused. He thought about it.

"Okay, it's not worse. It's as bad though. I'm being transferred!"

"To?" Morgan asked, wondering if Reid was just over reacting. Being transferred to a different unit or a department sucked, but if he was staying in Quantico, they would deal. The younger man was like a brother to him, they would still be friends. They would still hang out. Hell, he was Henry's godfather, so it wasn't like he wouldn't see JJ, Will and Garcia either. Emily, as well, would still be with them. After the cult case, Reid and the brunette had bonded again after their falling out.

"Las Vegas." He said, looking up at them. "I'm transferring to Las Vegas."