I don't own any character. If I did, the monster from Cloverfield would be my pet doggie!

Sakura was working in Tsunade's office alone. She was trying to create a potion to reverse someone's age by 15 years that her teacher had taught her.

"Finally…," she muttered to herself as she finished. She had been working for hours, and was ready to drop. As she grabbed for a towel, her drooping eyelids caused her to miss, hit the potion's jar, and spill it all over herself….


"SAKURA!" the annoying blonde's voice yelled down the hall. "SAKU-"

"Will you shut up?" snapped Sasuke.

"Don't you care what happened to her?"

"Yeah, sort of…but-"


Sasuke rolled his eyes. No point arguing.

As they walked up to Tsunade's door, they heard a faint crying.

"SAKURA!" Naruto yelled. The boys barged into the room, and stepped right into the potion's remnants….