I walked outside ready to go meet Sakura, Tenten, and Hinata at the park. We haven't had a mission ever since Orochimaru was defeated along with the Akatsuki. Sasuke's back in Konoha and things have been going great. I smiled seeing how beautiful the village was today. Bright blue skies, kids playing games in the street, couples walking hand in hand. Life was so simple.

I made my way to the park to find my friends sitting on a bench. I walked up with a big grin on my face. "How's my favorite people?"

"Ha ha, we're great Ino." Hinata laughed, she loved when I greeted them like that. Obnoxious and all.

"So where were you yesterday, Ino?" Sakura asked taking a sip of a smoothie, it was mid summer, I couldn't blame her. I wanted a smoothie bad.

"I was training. But then Shikamaru and Choji totally bailed." I sat down next to Tenten. Tenten rolled her eyes.

"Uh-huh, sure. That totally explains why we saw you and Kiba walk to your place." Tenten laughed. I love my friends, but they never let one thing pass them.

"Oh that. Well I offered him some food." I explained, knowing them they probably had something else in their thick heads.

"Well, he knew he was supposed to come training with me and Shino." Hinata piped up. I narrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

"He told me he finished training with you guys." I grabbed Sakura's smoothie and took a sip. We're practically like sisters, so all she did was make a face.

"We didn't train at all yesterday." Hinata looked at me like I was on something. I stayed quiet, why'd he lie to me?

"So anyways, what happened at your house?" Sakura smirked at me. I knew they thought something like that.

"Nothing like that Sakura, we just ate. I made him a banana split." I smiled and then saw a smoothie shop where Sakura must have got hers. "Excuse me for a little bit, I'm gonna go get a smoothie." I got up and walked to the air conditioned place. It felt so nice, but then I noticed it was a semi short line. I gladly walked into line behind some tall person, the bad thing is I couldn't see the menu behind his head. I guess I was in deep thought or something cause I didn't here the man calling my name.

"What?" I blinked looking at the guy before realizing I knew who it was.

"Hey, when did you get here?" Kiba asked with a smile on his face.

"I just got here." I told him looking around the shop. I took a deep breath "Could you like shrink or something?"

"Oh am I too tall for you?" He asked seeing the difference in height, I was a little on the short side, but he was on the tall side most definitely.

"Yeah sort of, I can't see the menu." I explained so I hoped I didn't make him feel like a freak. He looked at me and then realized I was being serious.

"Sure." He pushed me in front of him. "Lady's first." I looked back at him and gave him a quick smile. I could finally see the menu. I ordered and waited and finally my smoothie. It was totally worth it. I turned around and waited for Kiba, I had to ask him something.

"So what's up?" He asked as we walked into the scorching sunlight.

"I just need to ask you something." I said taking a sip of my smoothie.

"Sure, shoot." He turned towards me. I could easily see my friends staring at me from the park.

"Why'd you lie to me?" I asked, I don't like to be lied to, but I'm sure he has reasons.

"Lie? I never lied." He lied yet again. I know guys don't like to admit when they're lying.

"Yes you did. You told me that you were training with Hinata and Shino before." I explained looking away. He seemed surprised by my sudden change in mood, don't blame me, it's his fault I'm like this.

"I-I have to go." Kiba turned on his heel before walking off with Akamaru. I watched him leave. How can guys like him be so inconsiderate. Lying to me and running off. Ugh! I can't believe him. I walked home later at night, I just got one hanging out with Sakura, Hinata, and Tenten. I showered and changed into my PJ's and laid in bed, but I couldn't fall asleep. Kiba was on my mind, this made me worried. I shouldn't like him, I shouldn't like him. Who am I kidding, it's not easy to tell yourself not to like someone. My cell phone began ringing, it was around 11, so I didn't know who it could be. I looked at caller ID and I couldn't believe what I read. Kiba.

"Umm...Hi." I answered sitting upright on my bed.

"Ino? Can I tell you something?" I could tell even over the phone he was nervous.

"Yeah, sure." I put the phone closer to my ear. I wanted to hear what he had to say.

"When you asked me why I lied, I couldn't tell you the answer because it...it involves you." He said with a tone that made me awe sort of.

"Involves me? What do you mean?" It wouldn't take long for me to put 2 and 2 together, but making him explain it sounded fun.

"I-I'll tell you tomorrow." He said before hanging up. I sighed and went to bed.

Shorter chapter, next one will be longer!

Review, I'd like to know what you think of it so far