A/N: Just a short little epilogue-kind of chapter. Thank you all so very much for making my first AU and First Person POV experiment so very much a fun ride. I loved all the comments and reviews, PM's and fav'ings, alerts and such and it really means a lot to me. I know I say that like ... every time, but unless you are a writer I guess you can't imagine what it really means to see someone shows that interest in your story. It might be just a small tick in a box at the end of your review, but means a world for a writer. I have another story written adn done, but not completely beta'd, and since I'm gonna spent my whole day moving places tomorrow and will head home to my family in Germany on Sunday for a few days I'm not sure when I will start posting it. I think the A/N's are longer than my actual chapter is. LOL


When I told her I would be picking her up tonight I had other plans. I swear. I wanted to take her out for food, have some drinks and dance, just have a normal date. We already did the whole 'random sex' thing, although neither of us were really sober. But I wanted to start things of differently. I had made reservations with a French restaurant and even got flowers. But when she opened that door, standing in front of me, looking so amazing and beautiful, so tempting, something else took over in me. Something very primal.

I know she knew that my eyes wandered up and down her body. I wasn't very subtle about that to begin with

Eventually we would need to talk about this, I know. But I also knew that there was no way on earth that I would let her ever leave. Ever. She already had me back when we met as strangers in that club, sleeping with each other and having no idea who the other one was. She didn't leave my thoughts for days, haunting me in my dreams, and now that I knew I had her laying in my arms and was damned if she would ever leave my life again.

The way she clung to me, felt around me, made me feel around her was just amazing. Never had I have a girl that made me feel so good about myself. The noises coming from her were like an intensifier. Having the knowledge that I was cause for all the groaning and moaning was an additional boost.

Just the memory of the feel of her soft, silky skin against mine, the stark contrast between her nearly alabaster skin and my dark mocha colored, and yet how absolutely perfect it looked.

I am hoping, praying actually, that my little intrusion and how the evening went didn't somehow give her a wrong impression, making her think this was all I wanted from her and nothing else. Because seriously, I could give it up all, for her I would. And if my friends would hear me talking now, they would never believe it. For all my life I had been driven by the power of sex. I can't even explain why. It just gave me a certain power, made me feel in control . But if giving up this power meant I could keep her, prove to her that this was more than just a romp or a fling I would do it without thinking twice about it. Although … I had a certain feeling that with her around it would be a hard challenge, seeing that I couldn't even take her out to dinner and a normal date as I had planned for us tonight.

Having her laying in my arms, heavily breathing , my hand stroking over her hair this felt like so much more than just a 'fling'. It felt so intimate, so wonderful, so perfect. And I might sound crazy, but in this moment I swore to myself that I would do whatever I needed to make this last forever.


The date was perfect. So much better than I anticipated. Okay, maybe a different ending than I excepted, but well… it wasn't as if I complained about how the date went, or that we didn't even manage to make it out of my front door.

I might not have been able to clearly remember details of our first time, but this time around I for sure wouldn't forget any detail about it ever. It was virtually verging on perfection. And one thing I can tell you, Derek Morgan was a very, very generous lover throughout the whole night.

As he held me, stroking my hair, I held him back. I would never let him go. And I knew: this was just the beginning for Derek and me.

The End