All you Wanted

I. Fix You

"Okay, so – what's the plan?"

"To live full and… happy… lives?" A girl responded sarcastically, looking up at the woman who had stated the rather obvious question, which actually wasn't a question at all and really just a prompt for her to repeat the stupid plan that was filled with stupidity, which the girl definitely did not want to do. So what did she do? She mocked.

"Oh yeah, that's a great idea! We should definitely do that, 'Mione!" The lone male in the room supported, apparently completely missing the interplay between his companions.

'Mione growled. "Ronald Bilius Weasley! You are supposed to be on MY SIDE! Don't let her drag you into distracting me! And Analeigh Potter! This is NO LAUGHING MATTER! We are talking about your family! If anything, you should be the one worried about this!"

"Hermione, you're acting just a little neurotic…" The girl named Analeigh muttered, leaning back in her chair.

"N- NEUR-! I-I can't believe you!" Hermione spluttered, her bushy brown hair frizzling in indignation.


"-'Neurotic' pretty much means anxious, hung-up, fixated… you know, like how Hermione's acting right now, right Ron?"

The red-haired man looked consideringly at his fuming wife's glare; "You know what Lee? I think I'm gonna shut up now."

Hermione smiled at Ron for the good call, and the girl made the obligatory 'whipped' hand gesture behind her back, only without the accompanying sound. The man's ears went red when he caught it, but he still looked mostly pleased with himself.

The Potter in the room coughed awkwardly after a moment. "Are you guys done with the whole 'oh-my-gosh' married-couple mushy routine now?"

Now they were both blushing, but Lee considered that an improvement over her two best friends making mushy-eyes at each other bare feet away from her position. Hermione coughed. "What were we… oh. Oh! Lee, please do not sidetrack me any more! You need the plan – I'm doing this for you!"

The girl ran a chagrined hand through her curly hair and stared at a scratch mark in the wood on the table. "Well… fine. But I'm not going to need a plan! It's a stupid plan anyway!"

Hermione continued pacing from where she had left off, running a frustrated hand through her hair. "Why? What's the problem with it? All you have to do is go to the house, ring the doorbell, and introduce yourself! See, it's a simple plan!"

Analeigh – or Lee, as she preferred – huffed an exasperated breath; "So what? I just show up on her doorstep and say 'hey, you know that sister that you hated but died ages ago? Well, she had two daughters who have also died, but don't feel sad because I'm one of their daughters and I've creepily found out where you lived and moved here so that we could rustle up a family reunion! Aren't you so happy?"

Now two frowns were being directed at her and she looked away, not particularly in the mood to have all of her insecurities dragged into the room. "Lee, I don't think it'll go that bad." Ron offered tentatively to his distressed friend, but resisted reaching over to comfort her physically. When Lee got like that – talking about blood relatives – she was very finicky about being touched. Even if she hadn't even met the woman that they'd found out was a distant relative through the Evans line, she seemed very affected by her childhood with the Dursleys, even though they had died when they'd refused wizard protection during the war.

"And how am I exactly supposed to prove it anyway?" Lee continued angrily, looking back at them. "It's not like I have any pictures of a grandmother I've never met! And I can't use any pictures of Lily, because the woman never even met her – she might not even know that her sister had children in the first place! And look, even if she did know about Lily, and even if I do show her the pictures, she'll still not believe me! Because I mean…" And she waved bluntly at herself, yanking at curly blonde locks and wincing.

Both of the adults in the room winced at the vicious self-treatment and shared a quick look. "I-it's not so bad Lee…" Ron offered weakly, this time reaching over and putting a comforting hand on her slim shoulder.

Emerald eyes pinned him with a look that clearly stated her disagreement. "I'm… I'm a…t-te… God, I can't even say it." The girl finished despairingly, slumping.

"I believe the word that you are looking for is 'teenager', Lee. And it's not that bad." Hermione said bracingly to her newly young friend. "And you are fifteen at the moment, it could have been worse."

Lee looked unconvinced. "Oh yeah? How?" She asked challengingly.

Ron winced. "You could have been a baby." He offered immediately.

The girls stared at him for a moment. "You know what Ron?" Lee said blankly, staring at her friend. "Sometimes, you really, really scare me."

Hermione made a noise of agreement in the back of her throat.

"What?" Ron said defensively. "You were asking what the worst case could be, and I said it! The worst would be that me and 'Mione would have had to adopt you, cos then we wouldn't really have our best friend and I don't know about you, but I don't want to find out what a Potter's diapers are like."

They continued staring. If one listened closely, they may have been able to hear the sounds of their screaming, tortured souls and internal bids for an Obliviation squad to storm the house. When none came bursting into the room, Lee whispered reluctantly, because we all wanted to know; "… diapers…?"

Ron shuddered. "Victiore. Babysitting." …

They all sat or stood in silence for a moment, before simultaneously and silently agreeing to never mention that ever again.

Lee cleared her throat awkwardly, but frowned harshly as she remembered what they were previously arguing about. "It's not even only that!" She exclaimed loudly, drawing the married-duo's attention.

Ron rolled his eyes. "It's not like you're suffering or anything, Lee. I mean, you were good before, but you're fine now!"

Hermione strode up and cuffed him on the back of his head harshly. "Do not talk about checking out our newly fifteen-year-old best friend, Ronald. And it is not too late for me to get an annulment, you know."

Ron looked pained. "I know that! It's just… veela!" He waved his arm in Lee's general direction, and she crossed her arms over her chest huffily.

"Do you think I would ever want to be one EVER, RONALD? I can't standthis!" She growled, aggressively leaning forwards in her chair and scowling at him.

"Oh calm down Lee, you're smoking." Hermione chided, eyeing the fifteen-year-old veela's fingers, which were indeed smoking. Lee blinked when she saw it before sheepishly putting them out, placing her hand behind her back innocently. "Yes yes, I know you can't completely control it." Hermione added dismissively.

"And that's why I can't go through with your plan." Analeigh concluded, as if that was what she was going to say all along. "Hello! Veela here…?"

Hermione huffed, rolling her eyes. "Yes we know that, obviously. It is why we left England, after all. I still don't know what possessed us to work for the Ministry in the first place, even if the Unspeakables are generally outside the Minister's control. I don't understand why, when the accident happened in their very headquarters, that they were so- so… bloody vicious about it! I mean, it's not like you wanted to fall into the time-space hourglass! It was their bloody fault for having such lax security that supposedly retired Death Eaters could enter in the first place! Really, they should have compensated you for the inconvenience of being turned into a veela-"

"Half-veela" Lee stressed.

"-Half veela, then!" She exasperatedly corrected. "I mean, it's definitely unjust! And then having the nerve to make you out to be a criminal so that they could experiment on you! It's… it's… Arggh!" Hermione ended, inarticulate in the face of her rage at the Wizarding Government, pulling at her hair and messing it up further.

"Whoa Hermione!" Lee exclaimed, staring wide-eyed at her red-faced friend. "Calm down, no need to burst a brain vessel! Geez, relax! It happened to me and even I'm not that hung up about it!"

Hermione pinched the bridge of her nose and took a few deep breaths in and out to calm down. Lee and Ron watched her carefully, alarmed but relatively used to the behaviour because it mirrored how she acted whenever let alone to rant about the injustices in the magical world.

"At least you guys came with me…?" Lee offered the brunette girl carefully, employing distract and deny tactics to hopefully avoid another rant on the latest extremely unfair and cruel twist to her own life that had just gotten her run out of England for being a 'magical creature'. Or at least enough of one that it counted. She didn't exactly get what experiment she'd broken and completely screwed up in the process of the fight; Hermione knew, and Lee was pretty sure that her friend had explained it to her on several occasions, but well… Hermione was of the 'Bins' persuasion when lecturing. Meaning that she used large and weird words and droned on for ever and ever so… yeah. Lee had no idea what-so-ever.

It didn't particularly bother her. She was never one to think about how something happened, just that it had, followed immediately after with the inevitable 'oh hell, how am I going to live through this?' question.

"Well of course we came with you." Hermione said exasperatedly, throwing her hands up in the air. "What else were we going to do? Run you out of the country for something you hadn't done?"

Lee decided not to mention that her insecurities had offered that very scenario, even after all the times her friends had proven otherwise. "What was that, Ronald?" The brunette witch sharply shot at Ron, who had muttered something to himself under his breath.

The red-head's eyes widened and he blushed. "D-do I have to…" He was uncomfortable, and twitching.

Both females stared at him and Ron, like the outnumbered male he was, scratched the back of his neck. "I just said… 'what she said'…"

"That sounded more like a question than an answer, Ronald." Hermione pointed out, narrowing her eyes at him.

Ron's eyes widened. "Fine! I said that we couldn't leave her alone… 'cos-she-was-a-minor…." He said quickly, trying to get the words blurred together.

Hermione snorted, but managed to disguise it rather poorly as a cough when her angry friend glared wildly at her. "STOP DOING THAT!"

"…I would, but you're a teen." Ron muttered and, unfortunately for him, Lee heard it.

"STOP MAKING FUN OF MEEE!" She half-whined, pouting. Both adults carefully covered up their smirk/smiles and superior feelings because they weren't in her predicament.

"Adult-envy." Was muttered slyly.

"Hermione!" Lee gasped, putting a hand dramatically to her chest, "I thought that was above you!"

"No, it was above you." Hermione bantered.

"Touché." Lee muttered. "That hurts, right here." She pointed to her heart woefully fluttering her eyes ridiculously.

Suddenly, Hermione paused. "YOU DID IT AGAIN! She practically screamed in frustration.

"Shh! You'll disturb the neighbours!" Lee shushed, waving her hands in a quelling notion and trying not to visibly quail before the enraged visage of her best friend.

Hermione opened her mouth. Then she closed it. Then she opened it, and visibly shook with rage, and closed it again. She closed her eyes and pinched her nose, doing the deep-breaths thing for the third time that evening. When she had stopped shaking, she began again; "You are going to meet your family, Lee. This 'Sumire Ryuzaki' – or Ryuzaki Sumire, as it is in Japanese – is related to you, by blood. I will not allow you to ditch out on meeting the woman – it is a good chance for you to learn that not all of your blood relatives will reject you."

"But what if she does?" Lee whined, not happy at all now that Hermione had seen through her super, awesome plan to once again distract her.

Hermione stayed very still, a peculiar glint of light entering her eyes. Lee was seated, confused, as she looked between her friends as they glanced at each other. They had the same look in their eyes. "… You can't actually do the telepathic chat thingy, can you? Because, you know, that's kind of freaky. I really mean it guys. Really. Stop it! Stop!"

Hermione abruptly sniffed and snapped out of it. "Don't worry, we'll take care of it, if that's the case."

"But I still don't like the plan." Lee said, partly because she felt like being contrary and partly because she really didn't. "And anyway, I've lived without this woman for twenty-eight years, I think I can live the rest without her." She reasoned reasonably.

Ron very obviously looked at her. "Really? Because right now, you've actually not known her for fifteen years, and your mother gave birth to you in 1993. You paid the money for that goblin-hired hacker to change your records and, you know, make some for your father and us so we wouldn't raise suspicion in the muggle world, so don't stuff it up."

Lee pursed her lips.

"You have age envy!" Ron exclaimed, rather ridiculously and randomly. Hermione went to shush him, but then she looked at her newly blonde-veela-teenaged (dear god when did it stop?) best friend. "You do." She stated oddly, looking at her.

Lee enviously crossed her arms and glared at the floor to avoid glaring at her friends. They hadn't ditched her after she'd set them each on fire five times every other day when she'd been adjusting to her anger outbursts being accompanied by fireballs and slight (only very slight) bird-age. She totally wouldn't be a bitch to them about being jealous of their age, or attack them because they were mocking her for it. They'd been constantly mocking her predicament, ever since they'd managed to ditch out on England.

Hermione patted her head rather awkwardly. "Cheer up Trace. At least, you know… veela. You won't be mocked and ridiculed. Hell, you'll probably be able to let out that inner!Slytherin you're so fond of. And it's not like you'll have to abstain either, because well, veela!"

Lee rolled her eyes. "So what? You're encouraging me by pointing out that I'm going to have people drooling over me – freaking everyone, or at least fairly weak-minded people that can't ignore the tiny bit of the Lure that I can't reign in – and that I'll have a sex life, because veela need sex?" She responded crudely, ignoring Ron's squawked protest about not wanting to hear about that in conjunction with his best friend.

Hermione rolled her eyes. "I'm just pointing out the fact that teenagers are horny. And that you're practically set to enjoy your second puberty – you can only get more veela-like, so I think the blonde is a fair trade-off for that." She said bluntly in that superior-tone she got when explaining stuff.

"Yeah, but they're also inexperienced." Lee muttered, completely immune to any kind of embarrassment over the subject from growing up in a boarding school and having discussed such things with Hermione before. Although admittedly that was without the weird aspect of a thirteen year physical age difference. It had only been a month since the excrement hit the rotating device, after all.

Hermione fixed her friend with a droll stare. "That's easily fixed. And don't tell me that you missed all the hot boys that are walking around, I know you. And being a veela has pretty much only increased that. You'll be fine, you're the best person I know at adapting to weird situations and… we are talking about the plan now."

Lee sheepishly scratched the back of her head. Caught out, again. "Fine. But there's no way in hell that I'm just gonna walk up and introduce myself as her long-lost niece. Just… no. And I wanna get to know her first – you know, stake her out to see if I even want to let her know that I'm related, because I don't exactly have a good track record, considering…"

Hermione sighed before her eyes caught on her husband, who was humming under his breath with his fingers plugged into his ears. "Oh grow up Ron! It's safe now."

Ron was surprised when he found his fingers yanked away from his ears and looked straight up into his wife's annoyed expression. From the corner of his eyes, he could see his friend schooling her expression. "What?"

"Really, Ronald. Pay attention." Hermione scolded before she turned back to Lee and continued; "Well it's a good thing for you then that we had a back-up plan."

"Back-up… plan?" Lee parroted, eyes darting between the couple. "What did you do?"

"Oh calm down." Hermione dismissed her friend's worry absently in the process of pulling something out of her pocket.

Lee eyed it and her best friend warily, because she did not like the vaguely evil grin that the brunette was sporting.

"Well…" Hermione inwardly cackled with glee.

"Stupid best friend." Lee muttered to herself while walking down the street. She tugged unobtrusively at her skirt (the stupid, stupid, annoying thing) in an attempt to make sure it didn't ride up, something that she'd been paranoid about ever since seeing the damn thing.

"Shouldn't schools want to avoid the girls flashing something?" She added irately, talking to herself. Because wasn't that what schools did? Well, apparently not in Japan.

"I hate Hermione." Lee repeated for the hundredth time that day. Because who was evil enough to throw their very bestest friend in the whole entire world to the sharks, without a safety net? Well, she had her answer. "And stupid freaking relative, for working in a school." She continued muttering, flapping her arms in a way that confused other pedestrians but helped her remember not to accidentally make big large fireballs appear out of nowhere in a normal neighbourhood.

"Stupid veela crap." She scoffed, because when she was already complaining about one grievance, she may as well complain about them all. Hell, she just saw some kid almost walk into traffic because he was distracted staring at her. And how creepy was that? Very. God, she so wasn't prepared for this crap. Maybe she could just go back home and hex Hermione until the woman bowed to her will and conceded.

"Fucking… but why school?" She ranted, but was careful to keep her voice low and mumbled so that no one would actually think she was crazy. Getting carted off by the nice men in white coats in a straight jacket just wasn't on her list of things to do.

They had moved to the Kantou region of Tokyo barely a month ago, and she'd been badgered ever since by both of her best friends to grow a pair and look up a distant relative that she'd learnt of a few years ago but never particularly bothered finding anything more than the woman's location as a curiosity. It had actually completely slipped her mind exactly where the woman lived… well, until Hermione exclaimed in her I-am-superiorly-smart-and-have-a-bigger-brain-so-do-as-I-say voice out of the blue that she no longer had an excuse not to look up this Sumire Ryuzaki – you know, since they lived so close and all, and don't you think that she deserves to know about you as well?

Which was how she had ended up in this particularly shit situation.

Hermione didn't take bullshit. That was one of the Rules of Hermione, and the evidence of this was her punching the Ferret in the face. With age not only came maturity, but a better knowledge of where to hit so that it hurt – as evidenced by her kicking Draco in a spot considered… below the belt when she got particularly mad at him for practically ransacking her office when they were all working as Unspeakables together. Of course, she also had other outlets and uses for her sadistic streak, and that had shone brightly in her latest plan. It just happened to be 'Plan: Send Analeigh Potter to Seishun Gakuen', a freaking middle school, because 'she has to go to one anyway – we don't want to get in trouble for not sending a minor to complete her education after all, do we Ron?' And of course, if her relative just so happened to work as the tennis coach in said school well, that was just a bonus then wasn't it?

Lee scowled and muttered a few choice words under her breath, pulled at the back of her skirt – which just so happened to be a part of the school's accursed female uniform – and bemoaned all the blackmail that her friend had collected over the years which was definitely the only reason she was going along with the stupid, annoying, sadistic plan that her traitor best friends had thought up. Ron had been in tears of laughter all morning, saying things like 'don't want to be late to school now, dear!' and 'eat your breakfast, oh and don't forget your lunch money!'

It was horrible. Absolutely, positively, completely and utterly horrible.

And it was made all the more freaky with the lovely knowledge that Hermione and Ron were listed as her adoptive parents on the school registration forms.

Just… No. Lee wanted to forget that. Where was that Squadron of Obliviators when you needed it?

Of course, between cursing up a blue streak, bemoaning over the horrors that she fully expected to encounter at the school, and concocting some kind of revenge to deal out upon her friends; it should come as no surprise that she crashed into someone on the sidewalk.

She managed to catch herself to land on her feet because of all that freaking training that had been ingrained into her during the war and only reinforced further by her Unspeakable training on top of that, but it still sucked and she dropped her bag on the ground.

Sighing and stopping her annoyed muttering for the moment, she looked at the person that she'd knocked down. It was a boy with sandy brown hair, staring deep blue eyes and a rather feminine appearance. He was staring up at her with the slightly out-of-it look that she'd had to get used to; she quickly identified that he'd gotten pretty much slapped across the face with her stupid veela Lure shit when she'd bumped into him. Absently recognising his clothes as the male uniform for the school that Hermione had rudely enrolled her in from the brochure she'd seen last night, she muttered a 'sorry' and reached down to pick up her leather backpack (that she'd sneakily cast lightening and expansion charms on) and his bag.

She slung her bag over her shoulder, this time putting it on properly so it wouldn't be knocked off, and reached a hand down for him. The boy stared at it, still slightly out-of-it, before his expression changed – his eyes closed and he had a kind smile fixed to his face. Lee was no stranger to fixed expressions, and she got the feeling that was the front he presented most of the time, and she had caught him off guard to see anything else. Having shaken off the affect of a veela's presence, (something she swore she would hate for ever and ever) the boy calmly accepted her hand and she obligingly pulled him to his feet.

"Sorry about that." She repeated sheepishly now that he wasn't distracted, "Oh, here's your bag – you dropped it."

The boy accepted his bag, examining the girl that he had bumped into carefully. "Thank you. I think that I am also at fault for not watching where I was going. I'm Fuji Syuusuke, by the way." He introduced politely.

"I'm Potter Analeigh, Syuusuke-san, but call me Lee." The newly half-veela replied, inwardly thanking any deity that was listening that this Syuusuke wasn't going to continue to vacantly stare at her.

They stood there for a moment, and Lee decided that it would be better to move things along. "So, you go to Seishun Gakuen? It's just, I'm a transfer from England and I think I'm slightly lost, not to mention that it wouldn't be the best idea to arrive late on my first day…" She trailed off.

"Aaa." Fuji acknowledged, and gestured for Lee to follow him; "It's this way, Lee-san. It would be easier for you to call me Fuji, as that is what I am used to." He added politely, smiling to show that he didn't particularly mind. Lee nodded sightly in relief because she didn't particularly want to have to keep getting her tongue around 'Syuusuke'. She wasn't that used to speaking Japanese.

"I wondered why I did not recognise you." Fuji started, glancing at Lee out of the corner of his eyes. "You are quite… recognisable, after all." He added, looking questioningly at her.

Lee distractedly noticed for the first time that she was even with him height-wise, or maybe even a little bit taller which was admittedly something of a novelty for her. She brushed off his allusion to her veela-ness and answered his leading statement; "I am entering the third year."

Fuji nodded, his eyes still mostly closed as he led her around the corner. "What a coincidence – I am in the third year as well. If I may ask, why is today your first day? I believe that the school year started yesterday…?"

Lee eyed Fuji, but the boy practically exuded polite interest and she didn't see anything wrong with perhaps making a friend so she wouldn't be without some kind of help when she reached the school. She waved her hand casually, "Eh, I only got here a couple of days ago and everything was pretty frantic. Principal Ishikawa didn't mind my beginning to attend a day late."

"That is also something we have in common then; I had to miss the first day to attend a tennis match with the team." Fuji replied in an attempt to keep the light conversation going.

He was intrigued by this girl – Potter Lee. He had been walking calmly to school one second, and then the next he bumped into the girl, and he was on the ground, staring up at the… well, 'goddess' would be far too exaggerated, but objectively Lee was certainly the most stunning female that he had ever met. He could only gape like an idiot for a few moments, and had lost any and all trace of his infamous composure – which worried him, as he had never been caught so completely off guard before. And he had never been as attracted to a female before. He would be sure to keep his guard around this stunning girl, but it might be interesting to see his friend's reactions to her… and he had to admit that she also seemed to be one of the few that had a level head on her shoulders.

"Oh, so you play tennis?"

Fuji was pulled out of his contemplations by the light question. "Yes, I play tennis. I am actually a Regular on Seigaku's tennis team. Do you play?" He added curiously, because that would make the puzzle even more intriguing.

The blonde bombshell shrugged and said, "Nope. I've never even seen a game in my life, let alone had a shot at playing it."

To Fuji, the concept of someone having not even seen a tennis match was… inconceivable. Just… unbelievable, considering that his whole life practically revolved around the game, along with the lives of anyone he considered a friend or even worth his attention. "You will come with me after school to watch our practise then." He stated, because it apparently fell to him to introduce the poor girl to the best sport in the world. She was simply missing out and Fuji, in all good conscience, could not allow for that to continue.

Lee eyed him as if trying to decipher his intentions, and Fuji was inwardly amused that on one of the few occasions that his words honestly carried no underlying motives other than wanting to educate her in the joys of tennis that the person would be sceptical of his words. Even so, he also recognised that a girl like that would probably be used to less than honourable intentions when receiving similar offers. "There will be a lot of other people there, and the Coach." He added, seeking to quell any kind of misgivings.

They could see the building now, but Fuji noticed that Lee wasn't paying any attention to it. "What is the coach's name?"

Fuji didn't recognise the tone that the blonde girl was using, and although he found the question slightly strange he answered it anyway; "Ryuzaki Sumire."

"Hmm… I might come." Lee responded ambiguously after a moment, inwardly cursing her luck at having met a freaking tennis player even before she'd gotten to the school. By looking at him and his expression, she got a sinking feeling that he would be strangely determined and stubborn about getting her to the practise. She didn't actually mind going to see what tennis was all about – it was more that she definitely did not feel up to meeting this Ryuzaki woman on her very first day.

Although, if she got it over with really fast then she would bet that she'd be able to get Hermione to remove her from the school. That would be nice. But she certainly hadn't built up the nerve to do that yet; she wasn't anywhere near being ready to let that particular cat out of the bag. The pro for attending the practise… she supposed she didn't have to talk about them being related, and it wasn't very likely that the coach would strike up a conversation with some random girl that one of the Regulars brought with them to practise.

"Here we are, Lee." Fuji brought her out of her confused musings, bringing her attention to the fact that she was standing in the middle of the walk in front of the school.

"Thankyou, Fuji." She replied, "Would you happen to know where the office is?"

"Yes. Just enter the large doors and turn left; you should be able to see the sign from there. Well, I guess that I will either see you in class or at lunch, Lee – I will be looking forward to it." He smiled politely at her just before the bell rang, and set off towards his class with the crowd of students.

The half-veela waved at the polite, albeit slightly strange, boy before setting off to follow the directions, ignoring the ringing bell completely.


Okay. So, I decided to grab the weirdest plotline that I could possibly think up, put it together and then try to make a vaguely respectable story out of it, hopefully avoiding creating a dreaded Mary-Sue, Shit!Story or a WTF? Story.

So basically, these are the main plot devices/stereotypes that I picked- AU, fem!Harry, veela!Harry, Against!Creatures Government, Escape!Britain, De!Aged, and Random!Relative from the cannon of the crossover universe.

I chose to cross it over with the Prince of Tennis because… well, just because. The genre needed more awesome stories, seriously. Heh, I challenge people to try and fit as many of the normal plot devices that usually define stories into one story as possible. Why? Because it's a helluva lot of fun.

Trying to teach old ideas new tricks here.

…Well that, or crash and burn so badly that people will copy it and make it better – you know, like everyone does on this site! Yay!

BTW, if you haven't noticed, this is rated M and thus all the regular warnings apply, most notably het, slash, mentions of explicit acts ect…

On another side note, I will take suggestions as to which pairings should be in this fic, and if anyone has any good ideas about what to include I'll take a note of it.