
Step inside the mind of Yuki.

As I sat staring at the wall I wondered what exactly had gone wrong in my life. It was stupid. This was the place it had all begun. In the classroom. Alone. It seemed to me to be the one place I could think without any problems. I knew it sounded strange but it was true.

After all, this had been the place I'd admitted I liked Kaoru. I may have told Nattilia it was just an experiment but we had both known the truth. I was where I had written the letter.

I sighed, deep in thought. I wished Kaoru were here. I didn't care how much he had hut me, how much I had cried over him. If anything it had made my feelings stronger. But I knew he wouldn't come. Why would he? He didn't know where I was. Didn't know I was waiting.

But why was I waiting? Nattilia had told me to stay here; winked at me before rushing out of the room. I had heard her yelling at people that there was a host club something or other going on in the dining hall. That had gotten everyone moving, all eager to see what the famous boys were up to. I had sat and waited. I was still waiting, not knowing what for. Maybe Nattilia had done something to try and cheer me up. Like a giant ice cream or something. It was more her style than simple 'cheer up' cards.

Suddenly I heard running footsteps coming closer and I looked up from where I was seated on the window sill. I felt my eyes widen and my heart quicken as I saw Kaoru run into the door way, out of breath and hanging onto the doorway. I stared at him in shock and he stared back, a small, tentative smile growing on his face.

Then, he pushed himself off the doorway and began walking quickly over to me. I was still too shocked to do anything, not even think.

'Yuki.' He said softly and I flinched, remembering my dream. But his voice was nothing like in the dream. Gone were the harsh tones of that night to be replaced with a softer tone, filled with something I hadn't heard in his voice before. He had paused, noticing my flinch and the smile was gone. I looked at him. I didn't know what my eyes looked like but he moved forward again, slower this time.

'Kaoru?' I asked him nervously, still recovering from the shock of his initial arrival. I saw his lips curl into his tentative smile once more and found my own lips curling, if only slightly.

When he reached me I felt my heart skip. His eyes were gorgeous, like usual, only something made them seem different somehow, deeper and lovelier than I had ever seen anyone's eyes before. It made me reach out to him and place a hand on his cheek. To him it must have seemed like I was checking he was really there. My eyes were wide and my face was probably contorted in shock and growing fear.

What was I doing? He didn't like me, remember. He probably just felt guilty I'd heard his conversation. I pulled my hand away and tore my eyes from his. Out of the corner of my eyes I saw his face fall and watched as he looked away too.

'I am so sorry.' He said suddenly, his voice shaking slightly with untold emotion. I looked at him again. He had his eyes closed and his fists were in balls. 'I didn't mean what I said. Renege just made me angry and I didn't think. I know its no excuse. I mean, I've already hurt you once, why should you ever trust me again right?' he continued. His voice was so strange, so emotional. I wondered vaguely what the emotion was. Could I trust it? He sounded pretty sincere. But then, he had sounded sincere when he told me he wasn't going to hurt me.

But then I remembered his face when he'd seen me in the corridor that evening. When I'd told him to leave me alone he looked like his heart had been broken. But I'd been too wrapped in my own stupid shock and hurt to notice. My eyes narrowed affectionately and I reached out to turn his head with my hand, smiling slightly as his eyes met mine. I saw him smile as he understood. I wasn't any good with words but I hoped my eyes told him what I wanted to say.

I understand.

Then I saw pain clouded his eyes again. 'I am so sorry.' He told me again before pulling m into a hug. I blinked, surprised before hugging him softly back. 'I'm so sorry.'

I pulled my fingered through his hair softly. It was so soft, almost like fur. I kept hold of the end for a moment before he pulled back. I looked at him quizzically. He blushed and I felt my heart flutter.

'I have something to tell you.' He told me quietly, looking away and pulling his own had through his hair where I had. I watched him with narrowed eyes. He looked so nervous, like a little kid who had just broken his mother's best glasses. It was odd to see him this way but at the same time rather amusing.

'Ok?' I prompted slowly as he seemed to be getting nowhere. I wondered silently where this was going. He took a deep breath to ready himself before looking at me and taking my hand.

'I like you.' He said quickly. My eyes widened in the newest shock of the afternoon. Then he continued. 'I mean really like you, and I wondered if, maybe, you might want to be my girlfriend?' he finished, looking down, his face red. I stared at him, unable to answer. He looked up at me again worriedly. 'I mean only if you want to of course and only if you really forgive me because I don't want you going out with me if you don't really want to and-'

I cut off his ramblings by putting my finger to his lips. Smiling, I gave him my answer. 'I would love to be your girlfriend.' I told him happily. He smiled, glad about my agreement. 'But I can't say I trust you again.' I told him seriously, watching as his face began to fall. 'You have one chance left Kaoru Hittachiin.' I warned him, finding amusement in his serious look as he nodded profoundly.

Giggling quietly, I leaned forwards and closing my eyes. As my lips reached his, my heart raced. It was wonderful. Lady luck had been smiling on me today and I was grateful to her. We drew apart slowly, neither one of us wanting to kill the moment but it had to happen as the warning bell telling the students they needed to be back in class soon sounded and we wouldn't have privacy for much longer. Smiling ay each other, we went to our respective seats, each holding the others gaze as students began to return.

The classroom is still my favourite place in the world to think. Good things just seemed to happed there and I will always remember the fact that this had all started in this classroom and had ended in it too. I wished others could be watched by the mistress of luck in this classroom same as I.

Little did I know that my wish would come true.


Well, that's it for this story I'm afraid. So sad!

I'm debating on a sequel. I know I've left it open for one but I don't know what to write just yet… I may have to get back to you on that…

Hope you liked it! I'm not sure on the ending but I just went with the flow… -_-

Anyway, please review!