Chapter one – EPOV

Yet another day in Forks High School, possibly the most boring place in the entire world for the past….well forever. I would never tell Carlisle, but I missed my rebellious years. Not so much the drinking human blood, but the freedom, and if I'm being serious with myself, I wanted to find HER. She had turned me back to Carlisle and convinced me to get back on the animal blood. She was amazing, beautiful, smart, talented and fun. Just thinking about her caused me to drift off to a better time, or rather the time we spend together.

Ed, you ok?

I looked up at Jasper, to see him looking at me oddly. I didn't think much of her around Jas, just so he wouldn't get suspicious. However today was harder then most days. Today was the anniversary of or first time together. I would never tell Emmett that I wasn't a virgin anymore. I would never tell any of them, to many questions would follow. To answer Jas I just nodded, showing I was fine.

As lunch started to close and some students started to leave the cafeteria, it was easier to listen to some of the conversations that some of the students were having. One group caught my attention,

"have you heard her newest song?"

"no, have you got it?"

"Yeah, listen,"

'How does it feel when all you're counting on is scatterbrained
'Every wind that you have sailed upon, a hurricane
'Every summer you have seen was filled with April rain
'It doesn't get easy, don't you know

'Fortune smiles on you
'You're not watching, dig that hole deeper
'Fortune smiles on you
'You're not watching, create your own fate'

I looked towards the group, stood up and walked towards them. I would know that voice anywhere. One of the girls saw me heading their way and alerted the rest of the group,

Oh my god! Edward Cullen!

Pleaseplaeseplease say that he is coming to ask me out!

Breathe! God he is gorgeous!

"Hey girls. I heard that song from where I was sitting and I was wondering, who is it?"

"Oh, you mean BV? How can you of not heard of her? She is number one in Europe and is coming over to America for her first tour."

"Do you have a picture?"

"Sure" she handed me her phone and I smiled when I saw the picture. I knew it was her.

"Thanks, do you know if she is doing any concerts near here?"

"Yeah her first concert is in Seattle."

"Brilliant. Thanks"

And I walked out of the room. I had to get to a computer. I wasn't going to allow her to slip through my fingers again. I will admit the name was very clever. Not a lot of our kind would realize who she was, apart from me, and possibly Aro. But that didn't matter. I WAS going to see her again and this time I will not leave her side.


Seattle. I didn't know HE was here for sure but I had Alex track him down. Alex's talent wasn't as powerful as Demetri's, but I didn't need it to be powerful, just accurate. I asked him to use it to keep an eye over HIM since we parted. He did what I told him to do and went back to his family and continued to take the animal diet. I'm glad I got Carlisle to think of that diet. He was so weak when I found him. Getting the deer to walk past him was the one thing I needed to do to create the strongest coven of vampires. I know Jasper hasn't been at the diet the longest and he was the hardest to take away from it. HE was easy, although it would be when you are in love. I was sitting in my car listening to the local radio, when I heard the DJ make an announcement,

'so, as a lot of you may of heard, the brilliant singer 'BV' is coming to The States for her first tour. Now for those of you that may not have heard her sensational voice here's a taster,

'How can I deny this feeling?
Can't use the fuse that lights the spark
Don't think I'll hold out too much longer

The lines are blurred in the dividing
I deserve light, I desire dark
Your influence is getting stronger

Defined by mind, my body is too curious
So won't you show me all there is to know?

I know I shouldn't call
But something makes me crave the heat
Your love is bittersweet (so here I am)
The fire in your touch
I always find so hard to beat
Your love is bittersweet (so here I am)

No substitute for real pleasure
You feed the need that lies in me
I've lost all sense to this devotion

One touch and there's a rush of electricity
So won't you show me all there is to know?

I know I shouldn't call
But something makes me crave the heat
Your love is bittersweet (so here I am)
The fire in your touch
I always find so hard to beat
Your love is bittersweet (so here I am)'

'One touch and there's a rush of electricity
So won't you show me all there is to know?
Anytime you call my name'

'…isn't that just the most beautiful voice you have ever heard? Well for all of those who now wish to see this wonderful young women in concert there is her concert listings on our website and a chance to win tickets for you and up to 4 others to come with you!'

I laughed. 'Young' isn't exactly the word I would of used. More like 'wonderful 5671 year old vampire' that would have been a better description. As I drove I couldn't help but feel hope that maybe HE heard the song and knew I was coming for him. I told him I would.

Right well…first chapter of my first fic :) woo go me!

So I need ideas for songs and reviews would be great cus this is my first time and I'm kinda nervous to what people might think :/

Songs were: Delain – April Rain

Sophie Ellis-Bextor - Bittersweet

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