I'm back!

And yes my satellite dish died Again!

Also I just got to say this: There will be NO Angel and NO Max in this fic, why? Because James Patterson ruined them in the Fang book; though they were doomed Mary Sue-dom way before that.

So... don't expect them two, Iggy ...Yes, Gassy and Nudge ...Maybe.

That is all. -D.C.

Hogwarts in the founders' time,

"Maiden Ravenclaw the cavern has been finished and the statue installed" the stocky wizard said gruffly,

Rowena Ravenclaw looked up from her book at the speaker, before closing the book and looking around for her cloak.

"Excellent Mister Bertrand, I'll be ready to look at it in just a moment" she replied with vague wave at the door, he nodded satisfied and turned to depart.

"Wow, just... wow, you have done an tremendous job here sir" Rowena said as she walked around the pond, marvelling at how the mirrors behind the spelled lanterns served to illuminate the whole room, what had once been lacklustre limestone walls now held thousands of tiny enchanted carvings, but the focus was defiantly the statue rising from the centre for the pond, a beautifully realistic representation of the Greek winged hero Zetes in sticky black stone.

She had purchased it in Strophades on a trip to Greece, after a fit of frivolity brought about by the rumour that Zetes hadn't died but was frozen in stone.

Silly really, but there you go; maybe she wasn't as smart and logical as everyone thought.

Hogwarts now... here-a-bouts,

Warmth... freedom...


Those were the thoughts that went through Fang's head as he lay in his hammock, but they weren't his own... and frankly that freaked him out, it was bad enough waking soaking wet in Hagrid's arms as the half-giant carried him toward the castle, at least a short argument had convinced Hagrid that he was only chilled and in no need of the infirmary just yet.

...where ...when?


It seemed to Fang that whom-ever the voice was they were mighty out of their depth.


Fang sat up suddenly, in realisation that the voice had sensed his thoughts.

'Who are you' Fang mused,

...Zetes... I think?

Holy hell! He was playing Ouija board with a voice in his head!

"Fang! Where did I put that bag of ferrets for the Hippogriffs" Hagrid called from outside, Fang looked down at the bag of dead ferrets on the floor, 'oops! I was meant to put them outside wasn't I?' he jumped up, grabbed them and went outside.

...hey is your name Fang? That's an odd name...

'Like you can talk Zetes what is that, Spanish?' Fang thought sarcastically,

...no! It's Greek! Who are these 'Spanish' of whom you speak?

'Who are you that you've never heard of Spain?'

...need I repeat myself! I am Zetes the Boread and an Argonaut, brother of Calais, son of Boreas the North Wind and Oreithyia, daughter of King Erechtheus of Athens.

'Okay... cranky! And you're a Boread? I've heard that before but I still don't understand...'

...Oh well... this is going to take a while then...

So... you like? Review! -D.C.