
The sound of pained echoes could be heard throughout the Kingdom of the North. Inside one of the very elegant looking rooms, a sweat-covered lady was sprawled out across the bed.

"Push" a richly clothed nurse called out. The women gave one long push until; the sound of crying rang throughout the room.

The nurse took the baby away from her mother and started to wash the baby.

"Congratulations, it's a girl!" the room suddenly went silent. The nurse was baffled. She only started working at the Northern Kingdom a couple weeks ago. All of the other servants had knew the consequence of having a girl. Not her though.

"Give her to me." An older looking lady called out. The younger nurse handed over the baby with a confused look.

"No one in this room will tell of the girl. For all we know, the baby died during birth." Everyone silently agreed for they knew the price if they told.

"What will happen to my baby?" The exhausted queen called out. The older nurse turned to her with sorrow on her face.

"We will sell her to the Western Castle. She will be a maid." The queen couldn't believe it. Her own flesh and blood to be raised as a mere servant. But she would be shunned if she were raised as a princess. There has never been a female born in the Kingdom of the North. Throughout history, there were always strong men that led the country to success. But now, there was no one.

"I understand. But her name is Kagome." The older nurse nodded and took the baby out of the room, never again to be heard of.


So that's the prologue, I hope you enjoyed it.