I woke up the next morning on my bed. I almost forgot that I came right home from dropping Tweek off. I had slept in my clothes from the previous day, headphones in my ears currently playing A Day To Remember. My stomach let out the loudest growl ever. I haven't been this hungry in a while. But, I haven't had anything to eat since lunch yesterday.

I looked over at my clock. It read 11:24 A.M. I'm a huge sleeper. I'm even surprised my dad didn't barge in 2 hours ago, to wake me up and yell at me for being a lazy piece of shit. I got up and changed my clothes, and walked downstairs into the kitchen to get some food. I happened to glance over into the living room and saw my dad, passed out, with about 12 beer cans around him.

"He was out drinking all night."

I turned around to see my little sister Ruby standing in the kitchen door frame. She had red hair pulled into small pig-tails, and brown eyes.

"I can see that."

I took some Cheerios out of the cabinet and poured some into a bowl. I heard the refrigerator door open and close.


"Thanks Ruby."

We started treating each other with respect a few years ago. That's when my dad really started drinking, and caring a lot less. She was 13 now, and I was 17, we had to act our age. But that wouldn't stop us from giving each other the trademark finger of the family.

I stuffed my face with my cereal, Ruby sat down across from me. I felt my cell phone vibrate in my pocket. I pulled it out and flipped it open. I had a text message from Token.

'Since you blew us off yesterday, wanna hang? We're getting a group together to go get some pizza.'

I did owe them at least this. I gave a quick reply saying I'd be there, and then looked over at Ruby.

"I'm going out for a while with the guys. Need anything while I'm gone?"

"Nah, don't worry. I'm just going to go over to a friend's house for the day. I really don't want to be around dad when he wakes up."

I really have no idea why my mom is still with this useless slob.

"You be careful. Take your phone with you. Text me if you need me."

"Who are you and what have you done with Craig?"

She smirked devilishly at me and flipped me off. I gave her a flip of the finger as well and walked out of the house. Sometimes, Ruby wasn't such a bad little sister.

I hopped into my car, and put the keys in the ignition. My phone vibrated again. It wasn't a text message this time, but a phone call from Clyde.

"Dude, where the fuck are you?"

"Hold your horses; I just got into my car."

"Well hurry up. We're already here!"

"I'll be there in a minute! Jeez. Who's going to be there anyway?"

"Obviously Me, Token, and You. Stan and Kyle are here along with Kenny and Butters, uh Kevin's here. We're all just waiting for you dude."

"Oh, hey do you mind if I bring someone else along?"

"Who else is there? And you're not inviting fatass."

"Why the hell would I ever bring Cartman to anything?"

"Who knows dude. But seriously, who are you inviting?"

"Tweek. He is part of our group after all."

"Oh yeah, sure bring him along. The more the merrier I suppose."

With that Clyde hung up the phone. Nice, Clyde. Cut me off in the middle of a conversation. I flipped my phone shut and shoved it in my pocket, and took off down the street. I didn't like the thought of talking on a phone while driving. Sorry, I don't enjoy the thought of getting into a car accident while blabbing away on a cell phone. Before I knew it I was in front of Tweek's house. It only was about 6 minutes away from mine. I got out of the car and walked up to his door and rang the doorbell.

I heard footsteps and then the door opened slowly.

"Hello? Who are you?"

"Oh hi Mrs. Tweak. I'm Craig. Craig Tucker. Is Tweek here?"

"You're Craig? Oh, I'm happy I've finally gotten to meet you! Tweek is upstairs. Go right ahead!"

"Thank you ma'am."

When I wanted to, I could be very polite. So I walked quietly upstairs and saw that all the bedroom doors were open except one. So I was guessing that it was Tweek's. So I knocked on the door.

"JESUS CHRIST! W-who is it?"

"Tweek, it's me, Craig. Open the door."

"GAH, o-okay."

I heard the footsteps of Tweek walking across the room, then the unlocking of several locks. Damn, what kind of person needs that many locks on a door? Oh yeah, Tweek. I grinned. Tweek finally opened the door, revealing his beautiful green eyes. Wait, beautiful? Fuck, they were.

"H-hi C-Craig. What are you-GAH-doing here?"

"I was wondering if you wanted to go get some pizza with me and the guys."

"R-really? You want m-me to go?"

"I wouldn't be here asking you if I didn't."

He was obviously pondering things over, when a blush crept upon his cheeks. Sometimes, I wanted to know what went on in this boy's head.


"Awesome, well come on then. The guys are already there waiting."

"R-right. GAH."

Tweek walked ahead of me and down the stairs. He turned to his parents who were in the kitchen sipping on coffee.

"I'm g-going out for pizza with C-Craig. GAH-is t-that o-okay?"

"Sure sweetheart, just make sure you're home before it gets dark! Be careful."

"I w-will."

"Nice meeting you Mrs. Tweak. Mr. Tweak."

With that we turned and walked out the door and to my car. Again the car ride was uncomfortable. I just couldn't find the right words to say. And I could tell he couldn't either.

About 10 minutes later we pulled into the parking lot for the Pizzeria. I saw Token's car, and parked next to it was Stan's car. It was better than mine, but you could still tell he got it really cheap. I supposed that Kyle, Kenny, and Butters had gotten a ride from him.

We got out of the car silently, and walked to the entrance. I looked over at Tweek. I didn't even notice he had his thermos with him until now.

"You okay Tweek?"

"GAH-y-yeah. I just don't think I'll f-fit in here."

"What are you talking about Tweek? Of course you'll fit in. You are part of the group."

"I d-dunno."

I put my hand on his shoulder. It was meant to comfort him, but it made him jump anyway.

"You'll be fine. I promise."

I smiled lightly to reassure him.


He looked down at his thermos, and unscrewed the lid and took a huge swig. Hopefully that coffee would help him feel better. It was just then that I remember I still had my hand on his shoulder. I pulled it off quickly and pushed the door open.

"Finally! Jesus Christ dude, we thought you'd never get here!"

I saw the voice came from Clyde who was sitting at a booth in the corner. He was sitting next to Kevin, Token was across from him. And at the next table over, were Stan and Kyle sitting next to each other and Butters and Kenny across from them. I noticed they were all staring at us.

I moved over to the table with Token, and motioned for Tweek to sit down next to him. He did and I pulled a chair from a different table up to ours.

"Hey, we ordered our pizza already. Hope you like pineapple and onion!"

"That's fine. Are you cool with it Tweek? Or did you want to order your own slice?"

Everyone turned to Tweek. This clearly made him uncomfortable yet again. He chugged some more of his coffee and screwed the lid back on.

"N-no it's-GAH-fine with m-me."

"Cool, so how ya been Tweek?"

"JESUS CHRIST, g-good. And y-you T-Token?"


Token was always good with this kind of stuff. He was really polite. It's not that Clyde wasn't. It was just that Clyde is stupid and absolutely clueless. So he didn't really care.

"So you guys wanna catch a movie after this? There's this new scary movie out. It looks way cool. Blood and guts, and gore. I really wanna see it."

"Nah, I don't think so. What else is playing?"

I did want to see the movie Clyde was talking about. It's just I knew that Tweek wouldn't want to see it. He would jump right out of his fucking skin. But would that be a good thing for me? No, he'd be flipping out for the rest of the day. And he probably wouldn't get any sleep. Not like he got much of that anyway.

"Hmm, we could see Kick-Ass. That looks pretty rad."

"Whaddya say Tweek?"

"See w-whatever you want. GAH. Too much pressure!"

"Chill Tweek. Yeah, we'll see Kick-Ass. It's settled, no more debate needed."

That was a way to settle things easily. Tweek calmed down and took another drink of his coffee like he needed it to survive. It was like it was his air. I found it cute how he would cling to that thermos for dear life. I'm pretty sure he'd rip someone's face off if they tried to take it from him. Tweek isn't strong or mean, but I'd hate to see the person that came between him and his coffee.

"So did you guys hear? Token is totally hooking up with Wendy!"


"What it's so true! She's been hanging all over you for the past week!"

I'm surprised Stan couldn't here Clyde's big mouth at the next table over. We all knew that Wendy and him had been over for a while now, but she was Stan's first girlfriend. And hearing that she was with Token now, couldn't be the greatest thing in the world to hear. But I really don't think Stan cared anymore. Pretty much everyone in South Park knew from day one of high school, that Stan saw his Super Best Friend in a new light. This is kind of what happened for me with Tweek. Except the entire town didn't know it. I'm waiting for the two of them to announce their love for each other and move on. But, I don't think they were ready for that just yet.

"So, it doesn't really matter who I date! Who cares if just happens to be Wendy?"

" Well, are you getting any?"

"Clyde! We've only been dating for a week! No, I'm not getting any!"

"Well you so need to! You've got such a big stick up your butt! Wendy needs to pull that shit out!"

Everyone started laughing, even Token. I laughed quietly to myself. It was cool to have a guy's day like this. Where you get everyone together and just chill. We didn't even notice our pizza came out and had already cooled off.

We each took a slice of pizza. Except Tweek.

"You going to eat?"

"GAH n-no, I'm not hungry."

"You need to eat something. You'll feel better if you do. I promise."

Tweek nervously fooled with his thermos and finally set it down on the table.


He went to get a piece of pizza, his hands shaking uncontrollably. I resisted the urge to smile; it seemed I had been doing that a lot lately. I really need to stop.

We all finished off our pan of pizza in almost complete silence. Except for Clyde. Lord only knows what he was trying to say through all that food. I turned around to the table behind us to see that Stan, Kyle, Kenny, and Butters had all finished their pizza too. Stan looked at me.

"You guys done over there?"

I looked to everyone at the table to see a unanimous nod.

"Yeah, let's go."

We left a tip on the table. Only about four bucks. It was just a pizza parlor after all. You didn't really need to tip much.

"So, we're going to the movies now?"

"Yeah! Let's go!"

I got into my car, with Tweek in the passenger seat. I saw Token get in his car with Clyde and Kevin. Stan was driving Kyle, Kenny, and Butters just like I thought. I pulled out of the parking spot and followed Token out onto the road.

When we got to the movie theater, we all went to the ticket booth.

"Two tickets please."

I looked to Tweek who twitched, looking up at me.

"W-why two?"

"I'm buying your ticket."

"Why? I-GAH-have m-money."

"Don't worry about it. I don't mind."

It was my dad's money after all. I really didn't care. As long as that son-of-a-bitch didn't have it.

After everyone got all their tickets and popcorn, we all filed into the theater. There wasn't anyone in the there but us. Awesome. I loved when you could have a theater alone with your friends and not have to worry about getting kicked out.

The middle of the theater is where we deemed to be perfect for viewing the movie. Tweek sat to my left, and Token at my right. Next to him was Clyde, then Kevin. Next to Tweek, was Kenny, who liked Tweek (which was good), then Butters, Kyle and Stan at the very end.

The movie started, and we were silent.

Every time a scene would include any high packed action, Tweek would jump almost clear out of his skin. I really wished I could put my arm around his thin shoulders, to let him know everything was okay. But I couldn't exactly do that.

When the movie finished, we threw all of our trash away and walked out into the parking lot. I reached my car and unlocked it. I waved bye to everyone and got in.

I looked at Tweek, who was still fooling with his thermos.

"Want me to drop you off at your house?"


I put the car into gear and drove off the lot. Sooner than I knew it we were at Tweek's house. However, the silence in the car was unbearable.

"Did you have a good time?"

"GAH-yeah. I haven't had th-that much fun in a w-while. Thank you."

I noticed that Tweek cracked a small smile.

"Not at all."

I also noticed that Tweek wasn't making any move to get out of the car and go into his house. Was he waiting for something?

"Would you want to do it again? We could just do the two of us, so there aren't as many people to pressure you."

"R-really? GAH-maybe."

That blush that I found myself to be quite fond of was now on Tweek's cheeks once again.

"I'll see you Monday, okay Tweek? Want me to pick you up and take you to school?"

"GAH-not if it's going to c-cause you trouble."

"Listen Tweek, nothing that involves you, could ever cause me trouble. Remember that. I'll see you at 8:00 Monday morning."

"R-right. See you."

"Bye Tweek."

I watched him walk into his house and shut the door. This time, he didn't slam it. I don't understand why it was Tweek and only Tweek that could make me feel this way. But I was sure as hell bound to find out.

When I got home, I completely forgot to text my mom to tell her I was going to be late. Fuck. If dad found out, I was as good as dead. I walked in silently and peered into the family room. My dad was still passed out on the sofa. For a moment I thought he could be dead, but then I heard him snore obnoxiously.

"Craig honey, is that you?"

The voice was coming from the kitchen.

"Yeah, hey mom."

My mom was seated at the kitchen table with Ruby across from her. There were papers all over the table. Ruby was obviously getting help with her homework from mom.

"You're late. Why didn't you call me?"

"Sorry mom, we went to the movies, and I lost track of time."

"That's fine hun, but make sure you let me know next time."

Ruby snapped her head to look up at me.

"If that was me, I'd be grounded for a month!"

"That's because you're too young to have this kind of trust."

Ruby pouted and flipped me off. I gave her the finger too.

"Whatever, I'm going to bed. Night mom, night Craig."

"Night Rub."

I took a seat at the table after Ruby cleared up all her books and papers. I looked up at my mom. She looked like she had been upset earlier.

"You okay mom?"

"Huh? Oh yes. I'm fine. It's just your father."

"Has he been there all day?"

She looked down at her coffee that she had.


"Mom, we need to do something about him. He can't keep doing this to us."

"Craig, what can we do?"

"Uh, kick him out."

"You know we can't do that."

"And why not?"

I hated being snotty like this to my mom. But, I just could help it when it came to my dad. He made me so angry, mixed with a million other hateful emotions that were absolutely indescribable.

"Because he's your father."

"That's what you always say. And I really don't consider him to be so."

"Craig, please."

"Mom, you know what he's like, I can't do this anymore."

"I know it's hard, but you're a strong young man. And I'm proud of you no matter what. Don't worry about your father. You have me, and that's all you need."

"Thanks mom. I love you."

I got up from my chair and kissed my mom on the cheek. She was the greatest.

"I love you too sweetie."

"You really should get to bed. You look exhausted."

"You're right. Come on."

She got up from her chair, and put her coffee mug in the sink. She turned from the counter and put her arm around my shoulders, and we walked upstairs.

"Goodnight Craig. Get a good night sleep."

"I will. You too. Hey, how about I make breakfast tomorrow morning? Omelets sound good?"

"That would be lovely sweetie."

We smiled at each other and went into our respective rooms.

I stripped down to my boxers, and threw my clothes in the hamper I had in my bathroom. I went to my dresser and pulled out a plain blue t-shirt. I pulled it over my head, and got into bed. Damn, did it feel good to relax. As I closed my eyes to drift away for the night, the last thing I thought of was Tweek clutching to his thermos for dear life. I smiled to myself, and let my dreams sweep me away.