Author's Note: So I really like the relationship between Shizuo and Celty, and I wanted to write a romance fic about them. Sadly, I had a very hard time with it. So this focuses more on their friendship, which I think is just as adorable. This is my first DRRR fanfic, so I apologize if it's OOC. Enjoy!

She was no doubt one of the most engrossing things that he had ever seen, but that wasn't the reason why Shizuo was so amazed by Celty. Her somewhat enigmatic presence while she rode through the city added to it, but it was her ability to make him calm whenever she was near him that he liked the most.

He valued the time they spent together more than anything, and he knew very well that the calmness he felt around her was a rare feeling that would be hard to come across anywhere else. He always looked forward to their conversations, and the peace that they brought.

It's awfully quiet today in Ikebukuro, don't you think? Celty's PDA screen read, held up so Shizuo could read it.

He scanned the screen and nodded. "Yeah, but it's such a nice day. I don't really mind."

Today's conversation was nothing special, but Shizuo didn't mind that either. He was fine just sitting on the park bench, with Celty next to him, who was now typing away on her PDA.

You kind of quiet today. Well, more so than usual. Is something wrong?

He studied the words and sat back on the bench, the corners of his mouth pulling up slightly as he looked around. People walked by, paying no attention to the two of them sitting on the bench. They were living their own lives, as Shizuo and Celty were living theirs.

"No, everything's fine," he answered slowly. I'm just…abnormally content right now. Just enjoying it while I can." He thought about how unfortunate it would be if something, or someone, came along to make him angry. He dismissed this thought quickly.

Celty typed her response, then held the PDA in front of him. Oh, okay. Well, I'm glad you're not angry.

Shizuo smiled and nodded. He didn't need to tell her that he liked talking to her, and that he enjoyed this serene moment very much.

She knew. He was sure of it.

Thanks for reading! :)