Teddy: Bloody Hell...I think I buggered up how I was supposed to post these chappies. This one is sadly, very short, and I apologize for that my friends. Please don't hate me!

Apology story still sucks. I've re-done it like five times now (not even joking). Not getting anywhere. Wish me luck! .

The final chappie to His Betrayal! Happy Readings!

I was so completely worn; it was hard for me to even open my eyes. But I managed, and after a moment, I was sitting up and clutching my throbbing head in my hands. The events of the other night flashed through my mind. Somehow, I was dull to them, only the faint hint of stinging in my heart made me think I was upset. Especially when I thought of how brave Sora had been. I had never seen him like that before. So strong…

Did I really know who he was anymore? There was still the old Sora that I remembered before he went away to Destiny Islands, but now there was so much more.

I exhaled heavily, wincing slightly as a sharp stab of pain ran from my shoulder up to pulsate in my head. At the same moment, my stomach growled with such intensity, I could hear it distinctly in the silence of the morning. With as little jostling to my head as possible, I swung my legs over the side of the bed and stood, clutching the side table as the room spun nauseatingly.

"You shouldn't be up!" Sora cried from my left, his arm wrapping around my waist.

Where his body touched mine, I felt a tingling sensation. I closed my eyes and relished in the comfort I felt. Without resisting, I let him lead me over to the bed. And once I was under the covers I peeked over at him. He looked so worn…

"Sora…? Are you-?" I began, but was halted by his saying, "I'll be right back with breakfast!"

I was left alone as he rushed down the stairs to the kitchen. What was wrong? I couldn't help but wonder. When he returned, he tried smiling and helping me eat the food, but now that I looked at him closely I could see the pain in his eyes. With my good hand, I reached up and gripped one of his busy hands. He resisted, but I held fast and asked, "Sora, what's wrong?"

He did not look at me. Instead, he kept his head bowed and muttered, "Nothing's wrong…I just…want you better again."

He sounded on the verge of tears.

I said soothingly, "You didn't do this to me."

His large blue orbs flashed as our eyes met. Instead of pain, I saw determination, "No, I did. I left you…and-"

What? He didn't leave me. When we were in his house, he had been so cool and calm, going to my rescue.

"And now we're strangers…all those years…I hurt you…"

My eyes widened. So that's what he'd been thinking about.

"Listen to me," I said. "It's like you told me last night. We'll just have to get to know each other again. I still love you…Sora, look at me. I still love you."

And as soon as I said the words, I knew it was true. Ignoring the pain in my head, I sat up, intending to wrap him in my arms. Instead, he did, and yanked me into his chest. He whispered urgently, "I promise, I will never hurt you anymore…"

I nodded, closing my eyes and nuzzling into his warmth.

A few minutes later, and he coaxed me back under the covers, forcing me to eat some food. It didn't stay down for long, sadly. A side affect, he explained, of getting a major blow to the head. I'm glad Sora was there to rub my back as I heaved what little contents were in my stomach into the toilet.

"Where're Axel and Riku?" I asked during a moment of rest, realizing for the first time that I couldn't hear either of them in the house.

"Axel took Riku to work at the shop."

A mischievous glint in his eye, made me raise a brow before I bent over the toilet once again. When I had calmed, he told me all about decorating the house and moving all our things around. He even added sheepishly that when he woke up after a couple hours of sleep, he could hear them going at it.

"I've never heard Riku make that much noise before!" he confessed, reminding me of a gossiping school girl the way he leaned in conspiratorially. It made me giggle, which brought about another wave of nausea.

"Sorry!" he cried, at once rubbing circles into my shoulder blades.

I shook my head and muttered, "Don't be."

Later on, when it was nearing dinner time, Axel called and told us that he and Riku were going out to dinner and a late movie. So we decided to do the same, except in the house. I was still pretty useless.

"Wow, Sora this looks great!" I gushed, taking in the huge dinner he'd made. My mouth watered just looking at it. I'd tried eating a little earlier with success, so we figured dinner would be okay. I still made sure I didn't stuff my face. No way did I wanna barf up all of this.

We ate and chatted happily. I was determined to get re-acquainted with Sora, and kept asking questions about what he was studying and what he did with his free time. I was impressed to find out that he already accomplished so much in my absence. A bachelor's in business.

"But I think I'm done with school. I figured, if you don't mind that is, I could move out here for real with you and help with the shop. What do you think?"

"Do you have any ideas?" I asked, a little taken aback. He just grinned that grin of his and nodded vigorously.

We cleaned up after that, and took a bowl of caramel corn into the living room so we could watch the new action flick. Halfway through, I found myself nestled securely in Sora's lap, dozing happily.

"Roxas…you awake?" he asked, jostling me slightly.

"Mnhmn." I mumbled, not opening my eyes.

"How's your head?"

I shrugged, "Could be better, but I'm not complaining. You're here, that's all that matters."

He ran his fingers through my unruly hair and kissed the top of my head gently. Smiling, I lifted my head up and caught sight of the look in his eye; passion and want, lust and desire. His arms pressed me against him and I gasped, the friction making my own feelings stir.

"Sora, what-?" I began, but was cut off by an intense kiss. All of my body was alight with pleasure. His hands touched in just the right ways, and his lips…oh my god his lips. It was like kissing him for the first time every time.

I tried taking control by pressing him hungrily against the armrest on the couch, but I hissed in pain as my arm throbbed. Sora merely placed chaste kisses along said arm and maneuvered me onto my own back against the opposite armrest. Dully, I was slightly surprised by his forcefulness. This was so unlike him, but it felt so good.

"I want to top tonight…" he whispered huskily, his fingers ghosting over my most sensitive area. My back arched as I pressed my hardening member against his hand. This was so strange. Never would I have thought Sora would be capable of being so forceful.

The next few minutes were a tangle of clothes and kisses and hands running across burning skin. He was urgent with his movements, but still careful around my injuries. I wondered how he did it.

"Mnh…Sora…" I panted as he clutched my hips, moving his own against me.

I was powerless, and he knew it. He had me in the palm of his hand, and was massaging me into exactly what he wanted. He pushed my legs apart, giving him access to my entrance. No foreplay, I guess. That was fine though, my body ached to be filled.

His mouth grazed across my hole, and I gasped. Through haze filled eyes, I looked down at him as his cerulean eyes flashed up to me. My good hand took a handful of his hair and pressed him back down, urging for more. He merely smirked and pressed one finger into me, rubbing against my tight walls. I squirmed beneath him, and made strings of unintelligible sentences. Only when he began pressing the head of his cock against my entrance did any clear declaration escape my lips:


His own lips found mine as he continued pressing into me, painfully at first, but after a few minutes I was moaning uncontrollably. My slick walls sucked him in all the way to the hilt. I could barely control myself. Everything felt so wonderful. More so than I think I've ever felt before.

"Rox…you feel so good." Sora panted, holding onto me for dear life as we rested, both adjusting to the new sensation.

"Ple-ah…please…" I whispered, my lips brushing against his ear. He shivered, and held me close as he began rocking into me.

He fell into a slow but steady pace, going deeper and deeper with each thrust. We were both breathing heavily, not saying much except to moan. I let my fingers dig deep into his back, urging for more, unable to say anything. I've never felt closer to him than right now, at this moment, with my heart beating wildly in time to his.

His mouth worked gently on the sensitive spot on my neck as my entrance clamped down onto his member in anticipation of my orgasm. I was surprised by how suddenly it made itself known. One moment, I'm loving the feeling of Sora pushing in and out, and the next, I am wriggling beneath him, unable to stay still. With as much strength as I could gather from my shaky legs, I began pushing back against him.

He gasped and shuddered at first, but answered by grabbing my forgotten member and changing his angle of penetration.

"Ahn…th-there!" I whimpered, my toes curling as Sora rubbed against my prostate.

The heat between us was growing as we neared our climaxes. And all of a sudden, I felt the pleasure boil up from my stomach and flow into every inch of me. My eyes began to water as the whole world went white with ecstasy. I held onto Sora for the duration of my orgasm, and when I came to from my convulsions, I saw that Sora's eyes were glazed over and he was still hard.

Without a word, I sat up and pushed him onto his back, careful to make sure we stayed connected. I didn't want to break the magic now. I ran my hands up from his hips along his sides and to his chest, slowly gyrating. His eyes rolled as I pleasured him, and soon I was hard again.

"Ah…are you enjoying this?" he asked, pinching my nipples gently.

I couldn't answer, merely raised myself and plunged back down on him. We were both too far gone after that. Lost in the pleasure that was our bodies. After hours, I was spent. We got dressed lazily and collapsed back on the cushions where we'd just made love.

With my head on a pillow from the other chair in the room, I closed my eyes and sighed happily. Sora snuggled in by my side and held me in his arms as his head rested against my shoulder. Next time, I top, I thought. I was so sore. More so than I had the first time Axel and I had ever had our gratification sex. In the next few minutes, listening to our breaths become even and one with one another, I was asleep. But not after mumbling, "Love you…"


The clock ticked softly behind the counter of the coffee stand, reminding me of just how late they were. I drummed my fingers nervously on my coffee cup and glanced once more to the doorway, hoping to catch a glimpse of them. And of course – twentieth time's the charm – they were finally here. I stood up slightly as the bell connected to the door chimed merrily signaling their entrance and waved. Riku was the one that caught my eye first, and led the others over.

As quickly as they could, they sat down in their seats and looked at me expectantly. Riku was the one to finally ask, "So…? How'd the meeting go?"

I lowered my head. Earlier, I had met with a national skateboarding champ and asked if he'd wanted to sponsor the opening of the new branch of our shop in Destiny Islands. I could sense their devastation.

"He said he'd be happy to go over the numbers with me at our next meeting!" I burst, unable to keep it in any longer.

All their jaws dropped. For a moment it was only me grinning, and then our little table erupted in cheers. Other café goers glanced nervously in our direction, but once Axel started doing this strange victory dance, they began to smile and clap awkwardly for our success. Roxas latched onto me and began jumping up and down, jostling me violently. Riku had now joined in Axel's weird jig.

Everything was…as it should be.

The End.

a/n: Sorry again for my mistake on the putting of these together! XO Please review, or send me a post to tell me how you liked it and as always see you in the next!