Chapter 3

As time continues to teach Lucifer there are no boundaries in something that is infinite, days became weeks, and weeks became months. Everything seemed to be proceeding as planned; however, if he knew what the plan was maybe he would have a better indication of the progress they had made. At first Ellen and the group had kept Lucifer and John in the loop but as time went by they were moved to a different room, and what appeared to be lesser projects began to cross their counters. Unsure if Lucifer was meant to watch John or if the situation was reversed, he could tell that John was also feeling the alienation with disdain on his face every day they worked together.

Working alone with John, he began to open up more than he had when they first met. Admitting he hated the name John Cavil he began asking Lucifer continuously to be called One, since he was the first of his kind, and in some sense he enjoyed this title more than the given name Lucifer assumed was created by Ellen. Choosing to honor his wishes, Lucifer did decide it was a better working environment when he conformed to his request; while in the presence of Ellen she would constantly correct Lucifer though he would continue to inform her that was not his wishes, she appeared to not care.

Lucifer was pleased with all the projects he had accomplished he still relished in his original product Tricia who had made great gains since being moved to the Initium, even her mood had sprouted. With a successful surgery and the help of Sam they were able to reattach an arm to her left side, giving her full motion of movement again. The fact that Ellen had left her alone would appear either she has been happy with his work that he has produced or his experiment has met her expectations in producing their own designs. With hope that it was the latter, since he continues to find missing vials and data pads in his work space, ultimately it didn't matter most times the information was already stored in his processors, keeping them on pads made it easier to give the information then having to type it up later.

Impressed with the advancement of the lab, Lucifer could only imagine if he had this technology available when he first started how much further he would have been in his own work. Apparently though his coworker One had been also conducting his own experiments, as if playing coy when he entered the room, One would quickly tuck his pad into his desk every time Lucifer entered the room. Realizing he not only kept them from him, he had also noticed One would also scurry around when Ellen popped in to see how they were doing. Noting that the group had made a scheduled trip to the planet to pick up more supplies, Lucifer decided he would approach him during their absence to put his frantic behavior at ease and hopefully getting his full attention on the projects again.

Leaving the room, he gave One the excuse that he was checking on Tricia to ensure she was tended to, wanting One to have the opportunity to begin his work so that it was easier to engage him on his return. Reaching the door he gently knocked on the door, as if she was expecting his call Tricia quickly opened the door "Oh, its you?"

Perplexed by her response "I'm sorry were you expecting someone else?"

"Sort of" looking around him "Have you seen Sam?"

"Yes, the group had returned to the planet to gather some supplies, they should be back in approximately five hours, twenty five minutes, and thirteen seconds."

Smirking at him "Really, that is approximate?"

"I do have an allowance of plus or minus fifteen seconds. Though I do find that these units do not do well at keeping their schedules, I'm assuming they are taking lessons from you."

Give a short laugh "You keep calling them units however I don't see it" turning her attention back to him "is there something you wanted?"

"No, just wanted to make sure there was nothing you needed at the moment?"

"Nope, I'm good thanks for caring" while their relationship has become friendlier it would appear that there was still some minor hostility towards him. Without questioning her more he gives a short bow and goes along his business.

Believing he had given One ample time to get lost into his private work, Lucifer made the return trip back to the lab, Once again as he enters the room he notices One quickly shuffle his pads back into his desks, and pretend as if nothing was going on. Diverting from his own work station he glides over to him and in a very casual manner "One, May I ask what you are trying to hide from the others and me?"

"What are you talking about?" in a tone of disbelief.

"You do realize I'm a machine as many of our coworkers seem to enjoy pointing out; however, I see you periodically scrambling when anyone enters the room, assuming of course you are purposely making the commotion as a joke; however, with your demeanor I do not see jokes being common place with you. So I believe there is something you are working on privately that you do not want anyone else to know about?"

Leaning back "Well I refuse to show it to anybody because it is just an idea I have been toying with. I have tried to show it too Ellen but she think me a foolish person and assumes my knowledge of the projects are too primal."

"Indeed, I am not Ellen and as many of you tend to remind me of I am simply a machine. I will not judge you; however I will agree or disagree if your ideas or bad."

One seemed like a timid person, very taken aback and easy to offend. Throughout the time they had worked together he was very shy to ask for help and refused to engage in any conversations unless directly asked. While Lucifer believed it was a normal attribute of his, he did pick up small hints that there was more to this man than what he showed. Often he would retreat back if Ellen said something in an amplified voice; however, while his body said that he was scared his eyes said something completely else. Lucifer was upset that he didn't study more on the social interaction of humanoids, regret he felt handicapped him in dealing with his new companions. Admittedly he knew they were sending different communications than what they showed but still he lacked the information to properly decipher it.

One taking his usual stance, opened his drawer slowly pulled out his data pad and slid it across the desk. Lucifer reached down to pick it up, but One held his hand over the pad for a minute staring intently at Lucifer's eyes and with strong exhale he lifted his hand. Lucifer began scanning the information and was fascinated to find drastic plans to evolve not only One's variations of Cylon but Lucifer's as well. Complex plans to conduct memory transfers to their electronic core processors to an organic variation, setting it up into stages he had plans to first start with the Centurions and eventually incorporate the Imperious Leader himself.

"Interesting" Lucifer was only able to muster.

One staring in anticipation while Lucifer responded to his report "Interesting, so does this mean you like it?"

"Many of these ideas are still untested but from what I have seen looking at your equations, they appear to be correct, then yes it is very possible to institute some of your ideas. More importantly, we have the resources here to conduct most of these theories and put them to practical use. I'm surprised Ellen would not care to experiment with some of these ideas?"

"Ellen has her own ideas on what is best, and honestly I would not feel comfortable doing any testing here, for the simple fact that she would constantly try to hinder our progress."

"I honestly could not see her doing such a thing, but you do probably know her better than I." moving over to one of the ship consoles, pulling up multiple spreadsheets and sifting the data in mere seconds he returns his gaze back to One "Very well, I will make a request for us to move our studies over to the Basestar Inception. Just so happen our last experiment would improve efficiency of the Hybrid aboard, and the ship would be a good testing ground to ensure the effectiveness and get firsthand knowledge for future results. There will be more than enough room to also be able to conduct test on your theories, and once you feel comfortable with the results we can then present them too Ellen."

A gleam of light seemed to refract from One's eye and a large smile began to form "I so wish I had confided to you sooner; however I'm not really comfortable working in close proximity to those Hybrids."

Not really understanding the problem "Granted they were our first attempt to designing humanoid beings before your team arrived. Their only use seems to be aligned to operating the Basestars only, to be honest I'm happy that you arrived when you did we would not have kept them much longer and in turn lost the pilots they seem to have become."

"Yeah I get that, but they utter nonsense and while they do seem to operate the new design of Basestars more effectively it doesn't stop the feeling they give me when I enter the room."

"Still this will give you the opportunity to complete your work without the hindrance of Ellen dropping by."

"What about that thing you keep in the next room? Will she not want to stay close to you?"

Lucifer hadn't considered her as a possible problem to their plans, but One did bring up an interesting question "I'm sure my absence would go unnoticed as long as I informed her that I would be busy elsewhere. Her fondness to the one called Sam would probably be a welcomed distraction. With Ellen returning in two hours and fifteen minutes I would assume you would want to leave as soon as I get her permission. I will go ahead and make my preparation I suggest you do the same."

With an eager expression on his face he quickly scurried through his desk finding more data pads "Yes, yes of course" carrying everything in his arms he heads to the door "Where are we meeting?"

Lucifer watched in fascination "I have already made arrangements go to the main hangar, ship two one two will be ours."

"Yes, yes ship two one two got it." Running out the door Lucifer noted he seemed more out of sorts than usual. One had a tendency to move at very slow pace as if he had all the time in the world, however this event was different which inspired him to move with a full of life attitude, he wasted no time to get to the ship, Lucifer found it to be very peculiar for him.

Returning back to Tricia's room Lucifer knocked once again at her door. Hearing a yelp deep in the room he could only assume that she was in the middle of something. The door opens and he can tell she has been doing something physically since her body was drenched with sweat, her expression was once again disappointed that it was him again.

"Sorry to bother you again" Lucifer hesitantly says.

"I have nothing but time, just trying to get some strength into this arm."

"I do hope everything meets your standards? Ellen was very suspicious of my desires to allow you to venture through her ship on your own of course I reassured her that you would behave."

Tricia slightly tilts her head "I did say thank you, remember?"

Realizing he was hesitating which was not common for a machine to do "Of course, I have given you sufficient privilege to the Centurions that if you need anything they will supply; however, do not test them they will more likely shoot you if you attempt to depart or cause any serious damage to the ship."

"Thanks I guess? Are you going somewhere" again in a suspicious tone, but Lucifer assumed she was just trying to change the subject.

"Yes, the one called One and I will be going to another ship to implement some new technology, likely we will be gone for a few months. I just wanted to ensure you were taken care of while I was gone."

Hesitant she responds "One, oh you mean John that really weird guy?" turning around she starts to head back into the room "Fine, don't worry about me I can take care of myself."

"I will have Sam come ch…" before he could finish his sentence the door shuts. Agreeing the topic had been covered he checks his chronometer, and figures Ellen return should be soon, deciding to finish getting his arrangement completed he heads back to his personal lab to pick up some equipment he wanted to bring along.

Getting the ship ready, Lucifer could tell that they had more equipment than they really needed however it was probably smarter to be over prepared than under, One was still in high spirits going through his list making sure he had what he needed. Lucifer swore he could hear a melody in his chatter but was not close enough to decipher, either way he felt that this was going to be a good experience for the both of them. Packing the last box onboard the sounds of the hangar began to open and Ellen's ship began its decent inside, without a doubt her group had returned from their own endeavors and One quickly regressed back to his normal self.

"One, could you please begin the preflight for our departure, I will go talk to Ellen."

As if a great weight had been lifted "Of course" quickly leaving his side he boards the ship and head to the cockpit to start the procedures.

Waiting for the ship to land, Lucifer glides over to the rear of the ship and waits for the rear door to open. The engines make a hiss, and the hydraulics begin to strain as the hatch opens Ellen and the group standing at the exit waiting to leave the ship.

Ellen with a surprised look on her face walks up to Lucifer as the rest of the group proceed to leave the area "Lucifer, it isn't usual for you to meet us at the docking bay?"

"Today is no different; however, I'm glad that you have returned in time before we could leave."

"Oh" she replies with a surprised expression on her face.

"One and I have decided to test some of our findings on the Basestar Inception, checking the logs it will be in orbit for some time, and we believe we will be able to get some good results for future implementation with other Hybrids."

Ellen's eyebrow was standing higher than her other one "Was this your idea or John's?"

Not really sure why such information was so important "the implementation of the program was mine, however since One and I have been working in close proximity I only assumed he would also like to share and ensure our design works, if you are concerned that other projects will not be completed we do have sufficient equipment as well as other things on the docket we will be able to complete, to help maximize our time there, is there a problem?"

Still hesitating "I'm not sure I'm ready to let John conduct projects alone yet."

"I assure you he will not be, it will be no different than the current working environment we have here on the ship." Lucifer was getting the feeling she was trying to delay as much as she could but could not figure out why.

"What about Captain Helfer? Are you expecting us to care for her while you are away?"

"I have made arrangements with the Centurions to insure her safety from herself and to keep her out of your way" Lucifer begins to turn to head towards his ship but turns back quickly "However, Captain Helfer has expressed interest in participating in activities with Sam Anders, apparently they have developed a friendship and if it was not an inconvenience I would appreciate it if he could check on her while I was gone."

Ellen's composure almost had turned into a plea for them to stay "Of course" she musters "Please hurry back I believe we will be entering the next phase here very shortly" Lucifer nods and begins to head to his ship as she utters back to him "Would you mind if I checked on your progress?"

Lucifer stops "No we would not mind, of course you are welcomed anytime" Ellen giving a small smile waves as he boards and begins to raise the rear hatch of his ship. The doors shut and he proceeds to the cockpit.

"Are you mad?" It was apparent that One was eavesdropping and not happy with the transaction that had just took place between Ellen and him "By allowing her to check on us we will never get anything finished!"

"I'm not sure what your concerns are, while we have nothing to hide we will have ample time to move your projects to more secure locations before she even lands on the ship. I understand your desire to ensure this operation is secretive; keeping her way will more than likely draw her in more."

Sitting there One simply folded his arm and grimaced out the window, understanding he was considered new especially compared to the lifespan of Ellen and the others. This brooding he seems to do was not helpful when trying to reason with him, however at least the flight to the Inception will be quiet and this would give him the time to start organizing his thoughts.

The Initium while very similar to the newer Basestars that were being built for the Hybrids, Ellen's ship was still not quite the same, smaller and only having three stanchions that protruded from the core of the ship. The new ships had six stanchions with access to more space, to include the Raiders Lucifer felt they would be able to get more done with some of their newer designs. Not completely convinced that One was being honest regarding his motives, and with Ellen's consistent pandering of why he could not leave Lucifer did have some concerns on what was going on. Ensuring that he would be more mindful of One's operations he hoped that his suspicions were not warranted.