Vlad Plasmius laughed as the supposed savior of earth came to battle him. It was just a foolish mortal with no weapons. Vlad didn't realize that when The Doctor had a sword in his ever growing pocket. Sam, Danny, and The Doctor walked through all the carnage as they continued to walk towards Vlad. When they got to Vlad, Vlad said the worst thing possible. "No wonder you have no one. No one loves or cares about you." said Vlad. That infuriated The Doctor as much as possible other than losing Rose. "Sam, Danny, this bastard is mine." he practically shouted. His hand went to his pocket. He pulled out his ecto-sword and charged at Vlad. Vlad had not anticipated this and was off-guard. The Doctor slashed at Vlad's arm, which was cut off. The same thing repeated with the rest of Vlad's limbs. "NOOOOOOOOOO!" screamed Vlad as The Doctor used his ecto-sword to rip the ghost half from Vlad Masters. Vlad Masters had no severed limbs, while Vlad Plasmius had died long ago. "This war is over" The Doctor said coldly. He pulled his sword out of Vlad Plasmius's chest and went back over to Sam and Danny, and said "The Earth is saved, and Vlad Plasmius is no more. Just as the prophecy said."

Then he went over to Clockwork and began to talk with him. Danny and Sam just looked at each other with a scared look. After witnessing what The Doctor could do, they vowed never to get on his dark side. The humans rejoiced, and so did all the ghosts. Everyone except The Doctor, Clockwork, Sam, and Danny. Danny and Sam went over to The Doctor. "Thank you for saving us, Doctor." said Sam and Danny. "No problem" he said.

1 second later, The Doctor was shot in the back by Skulker. "That bastard!" shouted Danny. Danny then kicked Skulker's butt. "No! Don't kill him!" shouted the surprisingly still alive Doctor. "What?" screamed everyone but Clockwork. "I'm a Time Lord! I regenerate whenever I get mortally injured. Duh!" said The Doctor. "Ohhhhhhhhhhhh" said the crowd. Then The Doctors face started to change. His Hair became black, his eyes changed from blue to brown, and got a little taller. Everyone was amazed at how quickly the transformation took place. Then after The Doctor said goodbye to everyone, he climbed into the TARDIS and went to the control panel.

He set the TARDIS to auto pilot while he went and found some new clothes. He finally settled on a pink shirt with a tan jacket, brown pants, and a little red bow tie. Then the phone rang again. The Doctor ran over to it, and answered it. "Hello. Oh hey Danny. Really? You want me to be the best man? I'll be there in a few minutes." said The Doctor. He then rushed back to the clothes room to get something he thought he would never wear again. He put on his black suit. The TARDIS had heard the phone call and had already set a course to Amity Ville. "Thanks old girl' said The Doctor as they landed. When he got out, he was right in front of the church. "Perfect" said The Doctor. He rushed right in and discovered he had gotten there right before the ceremony. 10 minutes after he got there, the ceremony begun. Danny looked at his wife to be, thinking she was the most beautiful thing on Earth. The same thing was thought about the husband to be. Then after they both said "I do" the veil was lifted to show Sam, now the most beautiful Goth on Earth. Danny was very happy when he got to kiss his new wife. The Doctor was happy that for once, the black suit wasn't bad luck. After the after party, The Doctor presented them with a little blanket that had a DP symbol on it. Both smiled at it. After some dancing, The Doctor was on his way. After entering the TARDIS, he said to no one but himself "How bout we go to Barcelona?"

Authors note: This is the end. I thought it would be cute if Sam and Danny married. This is the last in the current Danny Phantom story, but I might do something with their kid. Review or Vlad will attacks you.

Disclaimer: I don't own anything except the idea and my sanity. Still not sure about the whole sanity thing……