Reid woke up and looked around. His head was killing him and his eyesight was just coming back to normal focus. He sat up on what felt to be like a matress. Was everything that happened just part of a dream? Weird dream, even for him.

As his eyes foused he looked around and noticed this wasn't his apartment at all. He was in a giant nursery. It had a large Hutch/changer in the room, to the left wall of the door, a medium sized dresser next to it. On the oposite corner a huge rocking horse, big enough for an adult. And a toy boxed filled to the brim.

Wair, it got weirder. To the right was a glider and ottoman with a book case, spilling with books, next to it. Everything had an espresso brown color to it and the walls were a vibrant blue. It almost gave the creepy scene a soothing appeal. The weirdest part was the turtle theme. The basic theme was brown and blue.

Spencer noticed one thing. There was no bed. Or the obvious, he was in it. A crib. Same espresso brown color. The room deffinately left him peturbed.

In looking at the room and realizing what he was in he instinctively looked down. He was wearing a thin footie. They were sky blue with a silly cloud on the corner over Reid's right nipple. He cringed in confusion, "What is this?" he began to unzip the pj's. He looked inside them in sheer horror. He was wearing a diaper, "What is this evil place!?" he pulled the pj's off and began to pull off the diaper.

"Is daddy's boy awake?" he heard a man call. He instantly looked around to see where the voice had come from. He focused on the dresser. It had a camera on it. Why hadn't he seen that sooner?

"I'm coming," called the voice and soon after a man walked in. It was the same man from the BAU earlier, "look whose awake," he smiled reaching down and rubbing Spencer's head.

As a reflex he'd pulled away, "Where am I? Why am I here, Mr. Lowles?"

"Aren't you just adorable," the brunette man looked down at him, "Are you hungry?" he reached in, picking Reid up effortlessly, "Naughty boy, taking your clothes off," he zipped the sleeper back up.

"What?" Reid pushed at the man's chest, "What are you doing?'

"Someone's fussy, must be wet." The man unzipped the pjs and put his hand on Reid's crotch. Reid instantly pulled back and knocked his hand away from him.

"Stop that!" he yelled, trying to get out of the man's grip.

"Hey, no!" the man held Spencer tight in his left arm and used the other to turn him around and swat his bottom, hard. "You don't hit daddy," he swatted it again.

"Ah, ow!" Spencer couldn't help but squirm in the strong man's grip as he swatted at his bottom.

"Now you stop that," The man carried him out of the room.

Spencer looked around at the house. It was a normal looking home. It looked like the home of a new parent. Plugs for the outlets, baby gates, and such. And in the kitchen, cabinet locks. Of course an oversized highchair as well. Right next to the table no less.

It wasn't the same color as the nursery furniture, it was lighter brown. It's fabric back was a soft green.

The man put Spencer in the highchair and locked it, "There we are," he handed Spencer a merry go round toy, "Now you play with that while daddy makes breakfast." he smiled.

The man's name was Travis Penny. He was about 38 and in great shape. Not steriod bodybuilder big but apparent that he's worked out most of his life.

He had medium legnth brown hair and ice blue eyes. His skin tone was a healthy peach and sand pigment. He also was very boysihly handsome.

The reason he was doing this to Spencer, someone whom he'd never met before, was because of his mental.

Nearly ten years earlier he was married to the love of his life. They's been married two years and had a 14 month old son, Matthew. One day his wife, Amanda, and his son were going out to shop. They'd gotten into a car accident and been killed instantly. The shock was too much for Travis to take and sent him into a mental breakdown which winded him in the hospital for two years.

Once leaving he'd constantly have dreams about how his life could've been with them. And they became hallucinations. He'd been put back in the hospital for a year after kidnapping a child and claiming it was his. Then again a year later for attempting it again.

He'd been diagnosed with a psychoatic disorder. He elligable for schizophrenia on the grounds of his hallucinations and delusions, however his hygeine was perfect. Not to mention he didn't suffer from any of the other symptoms of it.

He became focused on Spencer when he came to the BAU claiming he'd lost his child. He'd been hallucinating about having a child and upon seeing Spencer his mind decided that that was to be his child now.

"Excuse me, Mr. Lowles?" Spencer tried to get his attention, but to no prevail, "Samuel?" he used the first name he'd been given yesterday. The man completely ignored him. Spencer figured that the man was purposely ignoring him and had to figure a way to get his attention.

"D-daddy?" he called, feeling odd calling him that.

"Yes?" He instantly replied, "What's wrong?" he turned and looked at the younger man, "Are you hungry?"

"Why," Spencer paused, "Why am I here?"

"What do you mean why are you here? You live here."

Spencer gasped. He couldn't be serious. All his friends and his job. He was going to be a hostage again, "No!"

"Inside voices, Spencer," Travis handed him his plate of breakfast, "I made your favorite: Pancakes, eggs and bacon," He smiled and rubbed Spencer's head.

Spencer looked at him, "I'm not a baby!" he yelled, "I'm like 25," he slammed his hands on the highchair table.

The man's face went from that of a loving father to that of a psychopath, "You're not a baby? Then you shouldn't be here. You're going to take my son?" he had a knife in his hand, "I won't let you. I won't lose him again."

Spencer noticed the sudden change and quickly became fearful. Travis looked at him, "I won't let anyone take him from me."