Hello everybody! This is my first story that started off a random idea and escalated into this. The main pairing is ToshiroxKarin! There will be hints at IchigoxRukia and ShunsuixNanao in here too. There will be serious Aizen, Tousen, and Gin bashing in here too…its rated T and it's not going to be changed so, enjoy!

Chapter 1

Karin sat at a desk, her hand briskly writing a prescription on a piece of paper. An elderly lady sat on a chair across from the desk. "Take two a day to help with the pains in your wrists. If the pain keeps up, give me a call or stop by again." She said ripping the paper of the pad and handing it to her patient. The woman smiled.

"Thank you dear." The lady then stood up and, using a cane to support her, walked out of the room. Karin stood up as well and walked out of the small office before shutting and locking the door. She then walked up to the front door facing the street and flipped the 'Open' sign to 'Closed'.

"Man my head…" she whispered clutching the sides of her forehead. The last patient had taken to nearly midnight and she definitely wasn't going to make it to night classes. She sighed as she turned to walk down the hall and entered the main part of the clinic. Scattered pieces of bandages, cloths, and other crap laid all over with the only thing that remained untouched in the 'Clinic Mess' was a picture hanging by a frame of Karin's family, which was one of the few pictures she had of her Mom but she wasn't even paying attention to that at the moment.

"Shoot…where the heck did I put that Tylenol?!?!?" she groaned digging through a nearby cabinet. If her Dad heard her talking like this she would be in more trouble than if Ichigo ever came back. Her hand brushed a small bottle as she yanked it out of the cabinet and tore off the cap. She dropped two of the tablets into the palm of her hand and slinked over to the sink. She ripped a plastic cup out of the stack and filled it with the tap water from the sink. She drowned the cup into her mouth and dunked the tablets of Tylenol right after and swallowed. Her eyes glanced over to the wall and settled on the picture.

"It has been a while since Dad and Yuzu called and only God knows where Ichigo is…" Yuzu had gone off to college to work on her goal of being a famous designer while Dad was off at a month-long conference on how to do some-kind of major surgery. Ichigo had been missing since she was thirteen and he himself being only seventeen. She threw the empty cup into the garbage can next to her and was about to turn around to go to her room when a soft click of a safety being removed echoed by her ear followed by the touch of a hard object at the back of her head.

"So you really are Ichigo Kurosaki's sister…now don't think of running. Bloodshed is not my forte and I would hate to hurt you." whispered a creepy but calm voice into her ear which caused Karin to freeze up.

"Now just turn around and raise your arms. I would hate for you to be having a weapon with you while I drive you to…a friend." Karin did as she was told and raised her arms before turning around. It was a black man, not much older than her brother would be, with odd white glasses. His face was emotionless and his eyes…were pupil less.

"Who are you and what do you want with me?" she whispered glaring into his apparently sightless eyes. The man grabbed her as he stepped behind her and forced her forward.

"Please be quiet Kurosaki Karin." The gun pushed harder into the back of her head as she slowly walked forward.

"How do you know my name?" He ignored her as he opened the door. He pushed her out before slamming it shut with his foot. Another click of a safety echoed nearby.

"Let her go Tousen." growled a voice from the shadows. 'Tousen' smirked and clutched Karin tighter.

"Hello Ichigo. I was wondering when you would appear…" Karin froze as a much taller, more mature looking orange-haired man appeared out of the shadows.

"I-Ichigo?" she whispered, her eyes blinking in shock. His brown eyes flickered to her as he stood clutching a small handgun.

"Oh man…you never should have been involved in this…" Tousen shoved the gun harder against her skull. Karin could have sworn she heard her head crack open which she hoped (prayed) that it wasn't.

"Sorry Ichigo but Aizen seeks her presence so she shall be coming with me." Suddenly the weight of the gun was lifted and her arm was free. The Tousen guy was running down the street and a white haired guy, a little older than her, was holding her up.

"Are you alright?" he asked as Ichigo raced up to them. Karin nodded and glanced at her brother.

"Karin-!" A large smack echoed in the air for a few seconds.

"What the he-!" He was cut off by Karin's angry voice.

"Why on earth are you doing here? Just when Yuzu has recovered you just decide to come back?!? Don't you know how badly you hurt her! She cried for weeks!" she screamed, tears running down her face angrily. Ichigo's face held more guilt than she had ever seen. Two strong arms surrounded her in a hug.

"Karin I'm sorry…" he whispered as she collapsed in a faint. Ichigo's eyes glanced to the white-haired guy next to him.

"Thanks Toshiro." The said person glared at him.

"It's Captain Hitsugaya to you Kurosaki." he growled angrily. Ichigo gave a cocky grin before walking inside the clinic, carrying Karin in his arms. Toshiro watched him go inside and pulled out a cell phone.

"Captain Yamamoto please bring the captains and their lieutenants plus Ichigo's main squad to the Kurosaki Clinic...Yes Ichigo is here……No the Hollow's must have gotten into the network…A breech in security is possible but unlikely with Hinamori watching…….Yes sir…Ichigo's sister, Kurosaki Karin…Yes sir. Thank you sir." He then hung up the phone and walked inside.

There you go. It's a little short but the next chapter will be longer I promise! Review and you get a cookie! Review and give constructive critisim and you get a tree full of cookie's! Till next time!