((Twilight belongs to Stephanie Meyers))

Jake was sitting in his room smiling and thinking of Bella. He yawned and turned onto his bed. Maybe he'd visit her today. He liked her, obviously. He just hated that she was in love with a leech. Well, it was only a matter of time though.

He and Edward were always neck and neck about Bella. Jake had known her when they were little and even then he liked her. He sighed. He did at times hug her and flirt with her, knowing Edward wouldn't be able to do anything. Mainly because it would start a war.

"Jake, what are you doing?" Billy, his father called.

Jake stretched, "Nothing." he replied to his father, "Dad can I go swimming?"

"Sure, be home by dinner," Billy said, "Don't forget your phone," he wheeled away.

Jake yawned and got up and went to take a shower. He snickered and thought about going to get something to eat afterwards.

He pulled on some jeans and a half sleeve shirt. He tied his hair back and grabbed his bag. He smiled and left the front door, "See ya dad." he walked out and began to walk toward the lake.

Upon arriving he took his shirt off and revealed his magnificently sculpted abs and pecks. He swam around for about an hour and got tired. He came out and looked around and took his pants off and put them in his bag. He transformed and shook himself dry.

He changed back quickly and got redressed. He looked at the clock. It was only 12 so he decided that he could go and grab a bite to eat. But first some playtime on his bike.

Another hour he rode around on his bike. Tuning it up and making sure that everything was in order. After that his stomach growled at him. He yawned and stretched. He decided to grab some food.

He walked to the dinner by Bella's. Not to meet Bella just because that was the closest one. He walked in and by pure coincidence there was Bella.....and the leech. But mainly Bella. So he took it upon himself to walk over.

"Hey, Bella," He smiled and sat, "Hi, Edward," he said to please Bella, "What are you guys doing here?"

Edward glared at him, "WE were enjoying a meal until you waltz over," he said with a cold tone.

Jake raised a brow at the eternally 17 year old, "I thought you didn't eat. Or at least eat things that weren't grotest."

"The only thing grotest is the smell of a flea bitten mongrel like you."

"Come on; can you guys at least pretend to get along?" Bella basically begged.

Edward growled and looked out the window, "Stupid mutt."

"I was getting along," Jake said, "So how have you been Bella?" he asked with a smile ignoring Edward's existence, "How's that car doing? Do you need me to check anything on it?"

"Why are you here!?" Edward glared at him, "Go home or sniff Sam's butt or lick your crotch."

"Keep you fantasies out of my head," Jake looked at him disgusted. Bella just sighed and slipped away. Jake watched her, "Now see you've scared her away."

"Your stench scared her away."

Jake scoffed, "Not as bad as your breath."

"I don't like how you came here and interrupted Bella and I being together and had the nerve to flirt with her."

"I didn't flirt with her," he replied simply, "You're just paranoid."

Edward's anger was beginning to rise as he grabbed Jake's arm, "It's already known that I don't like you, but right now you're pushing it."

Jake looked at his arm, "Let go of me. What are you going to do, hm? You won't touch me out of fear you'll never see your meal again."

Edward had to admit he had a point. But he had something in mind for him, "In my family when you're rude and act like a child you get punished," he pulled Jake out of the restaurant. Jake yelling at him to let go and pushing at his hand all the way.

He drug Jake into the forest and looked around for a tree stump or a fallen tree. Happily he found a fallen tree in good sturdy condition. It was the one him and Emmett knocked over wrestling. So he knew it was fresh and ready for use.

"Let go of me!" Jake pulled, "Where exactly are you taking me?"

"We're here," Edward grabbed his waist and lifted him effortlessly carrying him over to the stump.

"Put me down!" Jake kicked.

Edward sat on the trunk and threw Jake over his lap. Jake was questioning things for a moment but the position made things all too familiar. He immediately began struggling when Edward grabbed his side holding him in place. He tried to get up and push his way off Edward's lap.

"Where do you think you're going, wolf cub?" Edward laid a hard swat on Jake's behind. Jake gasped and exhaled shakily. Edward liked the reaction and continued to swat him with a hard quick rhythemetic pace.

"Ah!" Jake yelled at the stinging slaps to his rear, "Let go of me!!" he yelled struggling over the vamp's lap.

"I will not. I think this is just what you need," Edward scolded, "You've been a very rude and flagrant. And you're not too old, I'm sure your dad still spanks your teenage butt."

"Excuse me!?" Jake gritted his teeth at the swat to his thigh.

"And not to mention flirting with Bella," Edward gave him a hard swat to the under curve. This made Jake whimper.

"Ow! Let go! Nobody was flirting with Bella!" he yelled as the vamp rained down hits on his bottom.

This wasn't the first time Jake had been spanked. But it has been a long time. He was right, his father still spanks him but his last spanking from his father was almost 3 months ago and it was for smart mouthing him. And late last month Sam threatened him for fighting with Paul. Paul laughed not thinking that he was serious. Paul found out just how serious he was.

A swift slap to the under curve brought him back, "OW!! Let me up you damned mosquito!"

"That wasn't very smart," Edward said grabbing the back of Jake's jeans. Jake gave a quiet, scared whimper as his butt was bared. Edward could already see it was pretty red. He started swatting again.

"Ah! OW! OW!" Jake struggled harder. He was so close to the ground that he couldn't really kick just push himself forward, "Let go let go let go!" he begged as his eyes teared up and tried to hold in sobs.

"Not until you apologize to me," Edward said making sure to not to miss a beat on his bottom.

Edward's hand felt like an unholy sin against mankind. Cold and then hard and stung like nothing known. And everyone knows that cold things burn just as much as hot things.

"Apologize for what!?" he yelled out.

"For calling me out of my name." Edward began to hit his thighs. Jake growled and hated himself as he began to sob and whimper. He gritted his teeth as the hits really began to sting, "Any day now."

"OK! I'm sorry!" Jake yelled through tears.

Edward smiled and let him up, "Good boy," he let him up. He stood up himself as Jake rubbed the tears from his eyes. He put a hand on Jake's head, "Now you be a good puppy unless you want this to happen again." Jake growled loudly as Edward walked away with his hands in his pockets and his crooked smile.