A/N: Hi, its me. I wrote this a while ago was thinking of uploading it but, I reread it and realized it sucked. So I rewrote it just for you! I know, I have to work on crimson flames. I have it all on paper! I just need to type it up! I left out the honnorifics! My elf (my dear friend Kayla) is at her own home since it is spring break and because I'm not quite fond of them. Disclaimer! I only own my OC and the creepy cat! Enjoy

There was a new girl in Ouran and everyone knew. It was kind of obvious. She did not have a school uniform with the fact that new ones came in next semester. She pulled a letter out of her jeans pocket. It read:

We started the host club today, Rose. We're in the third music room on the second floor. You will be the manager when you get back from America!

Can't wait to see you,


The girl sighed after she read the letter once more. Has it really been two years? Man, I hope Tamaki grew up a little since we last saw each other. Good thing Kyoya sent me reports on how everything was going me being the "manager" and all.

She made her way to the music room, after getting lost a few times. She slowly opened the large double doors getting attacked by rose petals. Rose petals, huh. She looked up at the small group of people in all of their glory.

"Greetings, young maiden," the blonde boy said trying to be charming. Sure, it would make other girls swoon, but those were other girls.

She sighed heavily.

"Wait, your new aren't you?" asked a girl in a boy's uniform, "Welcome to the Ouran High School Host Club."

"So, you're the Haruhi I've herd so much about," Rose said looking into Haruhi's eyes. Haruhi saw a dragon flying in the pupil of one eye and a firey phoenix rising from the ashes in the other.

"Yes, I am and who might you be?"

Rose opened her mouth to speak but closed it as she got a peck on the cheek by two redheaded twins. She smiled at them gently making them grin.

"Ah, Karu, Hikaru, it's so nice to see you again."

They beamed at a man with black hair and glasses. Who raised an eyebrow and pushed up his glasses in return. Then it came to her, why weren't they working?

"Hey, aren't you fools supposed to be working?"

The blonde took to that comment quite offensively. He was suddenly in her face, his own pluming with rage.

"Dude, Tamaki, chill out," Rose said. Her violet eyes shone murderously.


"It's been a while hasn't it, Tamaki."

Almost instantly, he glomped her. Everyone else decided to join in on the fun, except for Haruhi. "Okay, not breathing. . ."

"We missed you so much, Rose!" a small blonde boy said.

"I know, Honey, I'll bring you a special cake for you tomorrow. I'm using one of the school's dorms so you can visit me when you like."


She hugged Honey tightly. He was probably the one she needed the most while she was gone.

"So, Rose, I don't mean to bring this up now. I just want to know."

"She moved on, Tamaki, she moved on."

"I'm sorry, if there is anything that you need at all, just let us know."

She smiled, "Kyoya, Mori, you haven't said a single word since I got here."

"We are overjoyed," Kyoya, said his voice unchanging.

"That's not what your face says." He raised an eyebrow. "See, look facial expression. That wasn't so hard was it?" Her voice seemed to darken at the question.

He sighed shaking his head.

"Yang, don't be so mean," the tall quiet one, Mori said. She bowed lightly in response.

Haruhi seemed very confused.

"You see, Rose tends to have multiple personalities. Light, dark, and a mix between the two. The neutral mix is Rose herself, the light we call Yin, and the darker part of herself we call Yang," Kyoya explained.

She seemed to understand, kinda.

"She is the only other thing that has entered the twins' world besides yourself."

Suddenly, Rose seemed to sniff the air. Noticing someone was watching. Their face was covered by a hood and they had a cat puppet. Rose tilted her head to the side watching shadows creep from behind.

"Hi. Who might you be?"

The twins answered for him, "That is Nekozawa Umehito, He's the head of the Occult club."

"Tell me, how much do you know of the mythical creatures that our society denies the existence of?" she said with a raised eyebrow.

Nekozawa grinned, "Maybe you can find me in the basement during lunch, tomorrow."

"Maybe I will."

"Rose, you can't do that! That dark magic stuff is real!" Tamaki yelled.

"Tamaki, I know that. Hell, I'm living proof of that!"

"What? How?"

"Oh, you'll find out. Maybe."

Nekozawa suddenly seemed interested. Then, he asked, "May I ask your name?"

"I'm Rose; it's a pleasure to meet you. Especially from a club that already takes my interest."

After that, he faded into the darkness. A hand still on her chin with interest.


Lunch came by quickly seeing that she was a shy person and didn't talk to new people, unless of course they catch her interest. She didn't have any of the club members in her classes so, in general, totally boring. She waved to Tamaki as she passed heading to the basement.

It was dark so much, in fact, not a single particle of light could be seen. Rose's eyes glowed brightly with anticipation. She found a creepy looking door rose and skull carvings decorated it.

"Not bad."

"Thank you," a voice said shrouded in darkness. A scent filled her lungs. It smelled of incense and. . . felines? She turned to see a blonde boy a bit taller than herself with crystal blue eyes. Then, she tilted her head in slight confusion.



"Why do you hide your true form from the light?"

He sighed as if unsure, "I've got photophobia."

"Well, at least I'm not the only one who only truly reveals themselves in darkness."

He glanced at her wondering what she meant but, she told him that it was for her to know and for him to find out. She smirked.

Then he pushed open the large double doors to find a room dimly lit with candles a proud dragon sat in a corner. Rose walked over to that proud western wyvern, petting its head.

"So, when it comes to magic what is your favorite topic?" he asked.

"Ah, isn't it obvious? The beasts. They are commonly misunderstood, especially dragons. I guess that's why we live in darkness and fear. Dragons are said to devour young maidens. They are said to be greedy, but that's kinda true."

She noticed that he was staring, and stopped.

"Sorry, I was rambling on wasn't I? I just tend to get very touchy on this subject."

She turned around again to see him in his black cloak and wig. She noticed a black cat with red stripes along its back behind him.

"You!" she yelled pointing at the cat. It mouthed 'too late' and its eyes flashed bloody red.

Suddenly, her head started to hut and a piercing noise screeched through her ears. She winced in pain and suddenly collapsed. She fell unconscious Nekozawa, worriedly, picked her up bridal style and rushed her to the nurses office.

"Why do you do this to me?"

"Its only for you to remember your place, half-breed," the cat said.

"I don't get to choose my heritage!"

"Well, I guess since your family is dead, the burden of their sins falls on you."

She hissed at the cat, enraged.

"Next time, it's your hands."

The dream faded away only to see darkness and hear voices. She recognized a scent. It was spicy yet, smelled dark and smooth.

"Kyoya. . ."

"What is it?"

"Are the other club members here?"

"No, its just me."


"He left just a moment ago. What happened to you?"

"That damned cat."

"Was it the black and red one again?"

She nodded not once having opened her eyes.

"Do you have my contacts?"

"Bedside table. Do you want me to look away?"

"No, I'm gonna need your help. So, I'll need you to keep a big secret."

A/N: Wonder what the big secret is? Anyway, Thanks for reading and please review