**Disclaimer** I do not own AIW.

I just had an idea about this scenario and it really inspired me to write about it. I hope everyone enjoys it.

It was the third night in a row Alice had woken up with nightmares. They worsened every night so far and she was starting to panic.

Shooting straight up in bed, she let out a silent scream, sweat glistening on her pale skin. Looking about the room in terror, she took in several shallow breaths before holding her hand to her forehead and falling back against her pillows.

"What is happening to me?" she whispered to herself, licking her dry lips. She didn't notice the shadow move across her room by the window and disappear into a dark corner. Rolling onto her side, she clutched her pillow, closing her eyes slowing. Several minutes of peace went by and she was finally starting to fall back asleep.


Gasping, her eyes shot open and she sat up again, her fingers gripping onto the sheets. There was no one there.

"I truly have gone mad." She whispered, scanning the room before laying back down. A gentle breeze blew in through the window and moved the curtains, while outside the leaves shook in the spring air. Closing her eyes again, Alice tried once more to go back to sleep. The figure in the corner of her room slowly crept over to her bed, just barely tracing a gloved finger along her cheek. She shifted her head slightly, nuzzling her pillow.


The figure ran a hand along her shoulder, causing her to wake up and jerk away from the intruder, pulling her sheet up in vain for protection.

"Who are you?" she gasped, eyes large and frightened. The figure stooped down so he was at her level and smirked darkly, reaching a hand out to touch her arm.

"You let them exile me." His voice was soothing, yet at the same time there lurked a hint of venom in his words. Alice instantly recognized who it was, which only increased her fear.


"Honestly, you didn't think they would be able to keep me in exile forever, did you?"

Alice watched as he leaned forward, brushing a loose curl out of her face. She whimpered, shrinking back slightly.

"What…what do you want from me?"

A sadistic grin worked its way across his face as his large hand closed around her small wrist, pulling her forcefully across the bed to him.

"I do believe we have some unfinished business to take care of. You see, I still want you, Alice. You left too soon so I had to come after you. I always get what I want."

"Let go of me!" she hissed, struggling against him.

"Be a good girl. You wouldn't help me when I was being banished so now you'll help with another problem."

"And what is that?" she thrashed around, but his grip only tightened on her arms. Yanking her in close, he pressed his body against hers, one arm securing itself around her waist.

"I told you, I want you. Iracebeth let me have no other women in my company in my days serving her. And since you owe me something-"

"I owe you nothing!" she spat, still not reaching above a whisper. Running a hand along her body, he suddenly crushed his lips against hers, unable to suppress the urge. Surprisingly, she did not resist.

"Tell me, Alice…" he breathed as he pulled away, leaving her swooning. "Why do you put up this false resistance against me? I know you secretly desire me as I do you."

Tracing his hand up her body, he smiled as she closed her eyes and let out a small moan.


"I know you want more of it, Alice." He whispered seductively in her ear, lifting her from the bed. Carrying her over to the window, he slipped one long leg over the frame before jumping down to the ground below, a frightened Alice clinging to him.

"Let me go." She pleaded when they at last reached the rabbit hole. The spring breeze blew lightly through her blonde curls and thin, white nightgown, making her shiver and hold her arms to her chest. He set her down, but still kept a firm grip on her arm. She could only look around helplessly as he led her towards the rabbit hole. As she approached the tree, she dug her bare heels into the ground, refusing to move.

"Come now, Alice. Don't be so stubborn." He teased darkly, giving her a slight shove. Losing her footing, she had no choice but to gasp and slip down the dark hole. Screaming, she flailed her arms in every direction, trying to get a grip on something, anything, but alas there was nothing but floating furniture around her as she descended further down the dark hole. After several seconds, she hit solid floor, hard, and prepared to fall again as the room seemed to flip. With a slight thud, she landed on the floor again, shakily pushing herself up. Stayne followed shortly after, dusting himself off and following her over to the nearby table.

"I want to go back." She told him in a frightened voice. He moved towards her and with each step, she backed away until she felt the wall behind her.

"Do not be so shy, love." He said in a low, predatory voice. She held her shoulders back, her breath catching in her throat as he closed in on her, a dark smirk on his face. She could feel his hot breath on her skin as he leaned in, brushing her curls out of her face and away from her neck. Feeling his hand trace up her leg, she gasped, shrinking away from him.

"You don't have to do this." She barely whispered.

"Oh but Alice, you taste so good." He whispered in her ear, brushing his lips against it. Her eyes lit up with a mix of fear and excitement. Cupping her chin in his large hand, Stayne gently kissed her, smiling when she reciprocated. When he so abruptly pulled away, she took several shallow gasps before looking into his dark eye and reaching up to caress his face.

"Kiss me again."