Title: Discretion

Rating: M

Pairing: HBJM

Hi guys! I finally saw Hellboy and I was impressed…and I'm still trying to figure out what makes Hellboy so darn SEXY??? So anyways, enjoy haha

John sighed, looking down at his lover who was currently lounging on their bed, a cat on his chest and a cigar smoking between in teeth.

"What?" Red, glancing up at the human. "Whad I do?"

John lifted an eyebrow. "Is it so impossible for you to NOT attract attention once in your life?" he was, of course, referring to the pictures Manning had practically slapped him in the face with that displayed several pictures of Hellboy and one in particular that John hung in front of HB's face.

"Hey!" HB propped himself up and took said picture. He grinned. "I like this one." The picture in question was of John being slammed unceremoniously against the wall of an alleyway, Red's mouth flush with John's neck and his flesh hand groping John's backside. "Can I keep it?" Red asked, chuckling.

John blushed. "T-that's not the point!" he stammered. He sighed, composing himself. "The point is that you're drawing too much attention to yourself."

Red rolled his copper eyes, delicately placing the picture on the trunk that served as their bedside table. "I can be discreet." Red rumbled. "If I wanted to." He pushed himself to his feet, ignoring the indignant hisses of the cat as it was unseated. He squashed his cigar into an ashtray. "But I don't like being discreet." He chuckled. The demon brushed his flesh hand along John's cheek and John blushed again. A smile quirked Hellboy's broad mouth. He leaned in and brushed his lips against the smaller man's mouth.

John murmured something but it was lost as Red pushed his swelteringly hot tongue into his mouth. God was Red warm. John had once, out of curiosity, administered a temperature test to Red and found that his temperature seemed to stay at a toasty 150 degrees. He tasted like the cigar he had been smoking…a sort of chocolate flavored one. When John felt the demon's hands playing with the hem of his shirt, he pushed against Hellboy's chest. Not that it would do much good if Hellboy didn't want to let him go. But Hellboy loosened his grip.

"Not now, Red." John panted. "The meeting." He saw Hellboy's face fall.

HB growled, pouting and he let go of John's waist. "Damn meetings." He growled. He murmured darkly as John straightened up HB's customary black shirt.

John smiled and then patted HB's shoulder. "C'mon big guy." He said, making for the door. Red followed grudgingly.

Red stopped at the door leading to the meeting, which was about to start. He looked longingly at the hallway that lead to his, or John and his, room.

"Let's just go back and tell 'em I wasn't feelin' good or…"

John quirked an eyebrow. "You've never been sick a day in your life." He smiled and then moved closer to his larger counterpart. "I promise if you behave and you're discreet," he put emphasis on the last word, "then you can do whatever you want to when we get back." He emphasized each word by crawling his fingers up Red's arm like a spider. He grinned and dropped his hand as the door slid open. He could feel Red's low growl of approval. As they walked in, Red, following John's orders, discreetly grabbed John's backside, snickering as his little lover jumped and gave him a surprised look.

Red chuckled as he sat down across from John.

Not ten minutes later, Red was just about to shoot himself with The Samaritan. Why the hell did he have to be in a Finance Meeting anyways? He looked up from where he'd been doodling aimlessly to find John actually paying attention, a genuinely interested expression on his handsome face. He nibbled the end of a pen subconsciously. Red didn't like it…John was never supposed to be this interested in anything that didn't have to do directly with Hellboy.

Then, Red had an idea. John wanted discretion? Then that's what he'd get. Red could be subtle when he wanted to.

Red shifted slightly, letting his long prehensile tail out from under his chair. He slipped it underneath the table, directly towards John. He watched John jump as he slid his tail around John's ankle.

John looked sharply at Red but he was looking down at his program, doodling aimlessly, his face miles away. He felt the appendage that could only be Red's tail slip up to his knee. He frowned at Red but he didn't glance up. The tail started working its way up John's leg, toying with the sensitive skin on the inside of his thigh. John shifted, trying to get away from that darn appendage. But it just hung on tighter. John sighed, steadying his breath as he felt his pants get a bit tighter. The thick edge of Hellboy's tail brushed over the front of his pants and John twitched, his breath hitching. No one noticed.

Hellboy felt around for a moment, trying not to grin as he felt John's cock hardening. He fumbled with the button and zipper on John's slacks for a second before feeling them give way. Hellboy smiled. Oh yeah…there we go.

John tried not to gasp as his erection hit the cold air. He closed his eyes for a moment, trying to compose himself as Red's tail started playing with him, tapping along the underside and the head. John squeezed his pencil tightly, trying not to groan. He hissed abruptly when he felt the hot appendage loop around his boner and pump twice. He bucked his hips subconsciously.

"John, are you feeling alright?" asked Manning, looking up curiously from his drone on the finances.

"F-fine sir!" John stammered, wriggling uncomfortably. Red tightened his grip on John and he pumped again, wriggling the tip of his tail around the head.

Red was sincerely enjoying the play of emotions on John's face. A muscle was jumping in John's neck and Red could feel him shivering in his seat. John's hips jumped again and he gulped loudly.

"Myers are you sure you're feeling ok?" Manning stopped again, a frown wrinkling his forehead.

John smiled shakily. "I'm fine." He struggled to keep his voice even. Red could feel his little lover tensing and he went from jerking away at John to squeezing slowly from the base up, milking John for all he was worth. He could feel John's heartbeat accelerating and his breathing becoming more erratic. Then, with a sudden jerk, Red felt John tense completely and warm goo start running down his tail. John's pencil snapped as he gripped it and he gasped.

John felt suddenly boneless, jerking feebly as Red continued to pump his cock. He gulped, his breathing shaky. He looked across to Red, who was smiling as he doodled on his paper. John felt Red's tail unwind and gently wipe off his spent manhood before tucking it back into his boxers, and zipping up his slacks. The tail patted John on the hip before retracting. John sleepily watched Hellboy look down into his seat, rummaging with the corner of his shirt as he wiped off his tail. He looked up at John and smirked, his amber eyes glittering happily under his brows.

The projector shut off with a click and Manning stretched. "Ok guys, meeting adjourned." He sighed, picking up his papers. He pointed to two insignificant employees. "You and you, come with me for a moment." He patted John on the shoulder as he walked out of the room.

John sat there for a moment, before standing up with a start, scowling. He stomped to where Hellboy was getting up and poked him in the chest. "You-you…" he just growled.

HB just smirked. "You wanted discreet? I gave you discreet." He rumbled as he ambled to the door. John followed, adjusting his pants slightly as they walked.

"You're always messing my words around!" he snarled. Hellboy turned around and planted a quick kiss on John's lips.

"Yeah and you love me for it." HB said as he dialed in the security code on their room. "Besides," he murmured as he pinned John to the wall when the door had slid shut. "It was the best finance meeting I've ever been to."

John rolled his eyes, knowing it was a lost cause. "Ok, you win." He smiled, gasping as Hellboy grabbed his backside.

"And I get to do what ever I want to you." HB growled, a grin plastered on his generous mouth as he fumbled with John's shirt.

"Mmhmm." John sighed, arching into Red's warm touches. "And what exactly did you have in mind?"

tada!! Well I hope you enjoyed that…im surprised no one thought of that darn tail before 0_0…anywho r&r, but no flames please…me no likey ^_^