Hi everyone. No I am not dead, I just my train of thought in this story and am semi reworking it. I realize how long it has been since I updated, and for that I am really sorry. I will try and get some more out whenever I can. Anyway, please enjoy chapter 4.

Chapter 4

"Ah shit Rock, did you fuckin leave a god damn wakeup call or something? Fuck."

Reaching over to the small night stand he looked at the clock. 7am, what the fuck, I didn't set any wake up call. Picking up the phone he brought it to his ear. "Hello, Rock Speaking."

"Rock, it's Dutch. Get yours and Revy's asses down to Balalaika's suite. She wants to speak to all of us. Apparently something's come up. Our changes have changed slightly."

"Alright, we'll be down in fifteen minutes or so."

"Sorry Rock, no time for you two to have you're good morning fucking. You two are like god damn bunnies. You got a few minutes to get down here."

The line went dead, so Rock dropped the phone back onto the receiver. "What the hell was that about Rock?" Revy asked rubbing the last bit of sleep from her eyes.

Getting out of bed he put on some of his cloths and threw Revy's underwear and shorts at her. "Ms. Balalaika wants to meet with all of us. Something has come up and she is changing our plans for some reason or other."

"Ah fuck, she has worst god damn sense of timing ever. Fuck!"

One thing about Revy that no one would deny was that she was not a morning person. While Revy was still changing, Rock placed a cigarette into his mouth and lit it up. After taking one long drag he handed it to Revy. After she had gotten a couple of drags in she handed it back to him. "Come on," she said after Rock stuffed the cigarette out, "let's go see what ol' fry face wants now."

Balalaika's room was filled with the higher ranking members of Hotel Moscow. Balalaika was sitting behind the one desk in the room and Dutch and Benny were sitting in two of the three chairs in front of the desk. "Ah Rock, and Two Hands, so glad you two could join us this morning."

"Yeah yeah, we get the picture we're late. What's new?" Revy stated holding up her hands.

"Well, we've had a new development as of last night. Apparently word or our assault has run through the streets, and in the interest of gathering information, I left some bait out." Balalaika explained pulling out a cigar.

Rock sat down in an empty chair in front of the desk. "I take it you found out something."

"Of course my dear Rock. It appears that our actions caught the attention of the local Italians in town."

"Not too be a smart ass or anything. But wasn't that kinda the point sister?" Revy asked sitting on the arm of Rocks chair.

"It was indeed, but I was not expecting this. The Italians are anxious to meet whoever pulled off the hit, and so they sent word out on the street looking for us."

"And I take it that you let them find us?" Rock asked trying to figure out where she was going.

"More specifically Rock, I let them find you." She answered lighting her cigar.

"What do you mean 'you let them find me'?"

"Quiet simply Rock, it is just a modification of our original plan. You see, I let it get out that there is a new player in the game. A new Japanese man looking to make his mark on this land. And sure enough the Italians fell on it. Within just an hour we had word that they wanted a meeting with you."

"Hold on sis," Revy said standing. "If you gave out word about Rock on the street, odds are the cops or even the Columbians will get word of it."

"Well, that is why we came along isn't it? Rock will be protected at all times of course, but now Two Hands I suggest it would be wise to start wearing your gun at all times."

Eager to move the plan forward Rock proceeded. "So when is the meeting and who all is going with me?"

"Well, I believe they said it was to be just you and two others. I would suggest that you take Miss Two Hands and Dutchy here. Say that their hired help or something. But do make it believable. The meeting will be held at 3pm. They gave us their address about where to meet them."

"What exactly am I to be discussing with them at this 'meeting'? And what is the address."

Balalaika slid him a folder across the desk and waited for him to open it before she continued. "The address is in here, and also there are papers in there that contain information about a shipment of cocaine for the Columbians. As a show of good faith, I want you to give it to them, let them do the work for a change. Then I want you to try and set up a trade route. Tell them that you have hired mercenaries to help you with the unloading of your product, but you want a place to store it first. With any luck they will give us something of value."

Rock flipped through a few of the papers before shutting the folder. "Is there anything else I need to know before we leave?"

Balalaika nodded and waved one of her men forward. "We have to try and make this look professional, so Dutch, Revy. We've had suits made for the both of you. Please put them on before you leave."

Dutch stood up and took his suit without complaint. "Hey, not bad at all. I think this coat will actually fit me. I'm still keeping my sunglasses on though."

Revy however, looked like the man was holding up a snake to her face. "No. Fucking. Way. In. Hell. Will you ever get me to wear that!"

"Oh come on Revy," Rock said looking over the suit coat and paints, "I think you will look really good in it."

Revy still looked like the thing was going to bite her, but eventually she ripped it out of the soldiers hands. "I swear, if any of you fuckers get a picture of me in this I will personally rip your balls off!"

At roughly quarter to three Rock, Revy, and Dutch were driving out to the location in one of the black SUV's that Balalaika had procured upon their arrival. Rock was sitting in the back of the car, while Revy and Dutch sat up front. He had no idea how the Russian Mob Boss had gotten all of their sizes, but the suits that she bought fit all of them perfectly.

Dutch looked good in the suit and made it look natural. Revy however, looked completely out of place and mostly hilarious. It took quite a while for Rock to convince her to put on the suit, and even then it took longer for him to convince her that she looked good in it. Even after all of the flattery he gave her, is still took him offering to buy her a fifth of Bacardi 151 to get her to go along with it.

"Alright Rock," Revy said looking back at him. "What the fuck are we gonna do once we get there. I mean, this is the whole reason that Balalaika brought us with her, your slick tongue."

Rock had been thinking of his plan for talking ever since they left the meeting with Balalaika. Too much force could be dangerous, while not enough will prove that they were not serious. "When we pull up, you two will exit first. Then come around and open my door for me. After I step out I will do all of the talking. Keep your guns hidden at all times unless I ask you to do something. They will more than likely as for some kind of demonstration or something, so we will have to show them something."

"Shit Rock, sounds like you've been making drug deals all your life." Dutch said exiting the freeway.

"No, but after dealing with the business world before I joined you guys, and then all the practice I've had since. I believe I got a fairly good idea about how to handle these situations."

"Okay, so what do we do if things become royally fucked?" Revy asked checking that both of her guns were still in place.

"We shoot our way out. Revy take not of all their defensive points. Rock, if shit starts going south during the talking, let us know somehow. I don't wanna be caught by surprise. You got your gun on ya?"

Rock reached inside his suit jacked and felt the handle of the 9mm that Revy had bought him. It still felt odd wearing a weapon, but he supposed that he would rather have it and not need; rather than need it and not have it.

"Here we are kids. Time to earn out pay."

Dutch's words broke Rock out of his musings long enough to look up at the wall of white stone that was in front of them and a metal gate that was closed. Coming up to the gate, two men came up to either side of the vehicle so Dutch rolled down his window. "You lost your way there stranger?"

"No sir," Dutch said putting the car into park. "We're here for a meeting, your boss is expecting us. In the back is Mister Yamada is here."

The man stood back for a second and pulled out his radio. After a moment of talking he waved the other guard off. "Please go inside," The man waved as the gate opened. "At the top of the hill you will see the entrance, pull up to it and you will be taken to Boss Bianchi. He's been expecting you."

After nodding his thanks, Dutch rolled up his window and proceeded up to the house. Although one could hardly call it a house. It stood at least three stories high, and made out of white brick. The front yard had several looking flower and the lawn looked like it was kept up perfectly. "Fuckin-A, you taken notes Rock? We gotta get ourselves a house like this one of these days."

"Shit, already talkin about buying a house together? Damn you two sure do move fast don't you?"

Rock started to blush at Dutch's comment, but then quickly fought it down as he saw the entrance come into view. Once the vehicle came to a stop, both Dutch and Revy got out and came around to his door. After they opened it for him, he stepped out and walked up to the men that were sent to greet them.

"Mr. Yamada I presume."

The man who spoke was at the front of the group. His long black hair was slicked back and put into a pony tail. "Yes." He acknowledged.

"My name is Rizzo. I'm here to take you to see Boss Bianchi. So, if you will please follow me I will show you and your friends the way."

Rock scanned the house as Rizzo guided them through. Every now and then he would stop and explain something to them. Rock was starting to lose his patience however after the third time they stopped to admire something that 'came from Japan'. All the art in this place was just a cheap knock-off. "Mr. Rizzo," he said getting the man's attention. "I do not like to be delayed. I have other meetings today as well. I'm here right now as a courtesy and nothing more. If you insist on wasting anymore of my time, then I shall take my leave now."

Rizzo looked at him for a moment, swallowed hard, and nodded. "Very well, please come this way."

Rizzo started to lead them towards the back of the house. When they reached a door leading to the outside, Rizzo had them stop a moment. Outside the clear glass windows, a man was tied up to a chair with duck tape. There was another piece of tape over his mouth to keep him from yelling. An elderly man with white hair and a lot of wrinkles in his face stepped forward with a baseball bat.

He pointed the bat at the man and mouthed something to him. Sound proof glass huh? Well I guess that is handy to have.

The man in the chair shook his head almost violently from side to side, obviously trying to deny what the older man was saying. Apparently not satisfied with his answer, the older man swung the bat in a downward arc and slammed it onto the man's knee.

Rock guessed it was a testament to the time that he had spent in Roanapur and how corrupted he had become that he hardly flinched as he watched the knee collapse in. The old man raised the bat again and brought it down onto the man's shoulder. Once the older man stepped back, Rizzo went out the doors, and shut them again behind him. Rizzo walked up to the old man and whispered something into his ear. Nodding his consent, the old man waved his hand and two large men picked the man up, chair and all, and walked him off towards a shed in the back of the yard.

Walking up to the house, the old man took a towel and wiped the blood off of his hands. One of his guards opened the door for him and he stepped inside. "Welcome," the old man said extending his hand for Rock. "My name is Mr. Bianchi. And you must be Mr. Yamada am I correct?"

Rock took the offered hand. "Yes you would be Mr. Bianchi. I hope that we weren't interrupting anything."

Bianchi looked back over his shoulder. "No, I must apologize to you. I only recently heard of that mans traitorous actions, and I cannot have that kind of thing. You understand right?"

"Very much so."

A tall man came forward with a small box. Bianchi opened it and took out a cigar, he then offered one to Rock, but he politely declined. Cigarettes were good; he just didn't have a taste for cigars. "So, Mr. Yamada, are you going to introduce me to your friends here?"

Rock shrugged. "Nothing more than hired hands while I'm here in the America. They do earn their pay though."

Bianchi looked at the two people in disgust. "Merc's. Never trusted them. I assume that they are not all that you have."

Rock nodded. "You would be correct in that assumption. Now, may we please get to business? You are the ones who called us. Not the other way around."

Bianchi walked past him and then motioned for him to follow. They entered a larger room with several couches in it. Bianchi sat in one, so Rock sat down directly across from him. Dutch and Revy taking up positions on either side. Bianchi breathed in deep on his cigar before he began to speak. "Alright kid, I'm gonna lay it all out for you. Whoever it is that you work for did one hell of a job on those Columbian bastards, and that tickles me. But you should know this. Anyone fucks with us, and there will be no safe on this earth for you to hide. No one dares fuck with us kid."

He thinks himself invincible. What a fucking fool. "We have no interest in your organization Mr. Bianchi. In fact, we wish to work with you."

Bianchi looked at him for a few moments before he started to chuckle. "Ha, 'work with us'? You can try and shovel that shit onto someone else kid; I'm not going to fall for that bullshit."

Rock figured this would happen. Reaching down he picked up his brief case and set it on the table. "What the fuck is this kid?" Bianchi asked.

Instead of answering, Rock opened the case and pulled out the envelope that Ms. Balalaika had handed him this morning. Without opening it, he handed it over to Bianchi.

The old man looked at it for a moment, then opened it and started to read what its contents were. Soon enough, the man's eyes were starting to bulge out of his head. "Is this genuine?"

Rock nodded. "Yes. We have confirmed that information through several sources. Think of this, how would you say it, oh yes, as an olive branch. It is our gift to you to prove our willingness for cooperation."

Bianchi looked over the file, and then handed it off to Rizzo. "Well, thank you for the information Mr. Yamada." Bianchi said while standing.

Sensing that their welcome was over, Rock stood as well. "My associates will show you to the door. If your information turns out to be true, then we will contact you again."

Rock started to leave the room, but then thought of something. Turning back around he faced the old man. "I would advise against sending anyone after us. The last ones to try that were the Columbians, and you can see what that earned them. Good day, Mr. Bianchi."

With a slight bow, Rock led Revy and Dutch out of the house.

At the Miami police station, Agent Juvall was leaning back in his chair staring up at the ceiling. How the hell did they do it? Hacked the system? But they left no trail and no one alive to tell us anything. Shit this is nothing more than a dead end.

What was even worse than the little to no evidence they had, was the few detectives that he had to work with. They were of no help, and were actually starting to cause him problems. Sensing someone standing beside him, he picked his head up and looked at Detective Green. "Well," Juvall said raising his hands. "We got anything from the bullets?"

Green shook his head. "No. Most were 9mm rounds, no distinct identification marks on the bullets. Whoever did this must've had an arsenal with them, but we don't have any idea on where they could've gotten so many weapons without us noticing."

"Of course, here in the US it is next to impossible to get a gun…like tha-"

Juvall shot up out of his chair. "The weapons didn't come from the US, which means that they must've brought them in by ship. Look for freighters that have arrived in the last couple of weeks. I want to know who was on them, and what they were carrying. Also, checks all the flights into the US, look for passports, and see if anything pops up."

Green glared at him. "That is a hell of a lot of red tape that we're going to have to go through."

"Well, you have a whole station here filled with cops don't you? Then get it done before the next group of people turn up dead."

"So, what's next for us boss man?"

"We go back to the hotel for now. Balalaika is going to contact us when she needs us again. Until then, consider yourself on leave, as it were."

"Alright Rock-baby, you here that? We're hittin the bar's tonight baby!"

Rock smiled at her. Things had gone well with Bianchi, but he had a feeling that the old man was harder to fool than he looked. But more than that, he felt that what they were doing was pointless. What were Balalaika's goals in all of this? "Dutch," he asked tentatively from the back. "What is Balalaika doing here in the US?"

"Shit Rock, I don't know, and I don't ask questions. But if I were to guess, it is more than likely going to be like Japan. She is here to stir things up, and give the Russian's a nice place to start. Basically, she is here to remove the Italians and the Columbians from their ground."

"Another war." He whispered.

Revy, having heard him, turned back around. "Rock, we ain't gonna go through the same shit we did in Japan, are we?"

He shook his head. "No." He had learned his lesson the hard way. "I just want this job to be done. I want to get back to Roanapur."

"Shit Rock, you feelin okay?"

Perhaps he wasn't feeling okay, but for some reason, he had a feeling that something bad was going to happen here. He only hoped that they could complete the job and get out of the US before that bad feeling became a reality.

Sorry for the short and boring chapter, but I knew that I had to get something out for this story. I had originally thought to make this chapter long, and had started to write more to it, but then decided that this was a good stopping point for this one. I promise y'all, I will not make you wait half a year again between updates. I have an idea about how I want this story to go, so hopefully I will get more out to you. For those of you who have been following this story, that you so much for your support. I didn't mean to leave you all in the dark for so long.

Anyway, once again sorry for the short chapter, but I promise it will speed up soon. See y'all in the next chapter.