And she's not surprised. The second my lips finally, finally meet her own, Spencer's hands come into contact with my neck and they wrap around the back of my head, pulling me closer.

I can barely breathe, but I don't want to stop kissing her. I take the smallest, heavy breath I can, making sure I don't get too far away from her. She smells delicious, she tastes amazing, all moan-worthy aspects of her I already knew about but never got to experience them first hand.

My body moves to be more easily accessible, on top of her. I didn't mean for this to be so intense but I just can't help it. I should have known.

My head it swirling, so differently from a hangover, and my heart is thudding intensely out of my chest, I can feel it banging against my ribs. I want every part of her all at the same time, when my lips move to her neck they go right back to her mouth, not knowing where to land. My hands are grabbing fistfuls of her shirt, pulling her impossibly closer to me.

I feel something sharp poke the side of my leg and I wince into Spencer's mouth, breaking contact for the first time in hours.

That's an exaggeration but that is what it feels like.

"Ow," I mumble quickly as my eyes flutter open and look down to my side. Her knitting needles.

Spencer looks down at the huge ball of brightly colored strings and the needle coming out of it, poking into my leg. I see a slight smile wash over her face and then it gets wider until she laughs lightly. Her sparkling blue eyes, which have darkened, meet my own and I know I have a dorky smile on my face.

"My needle is poking you," Spencer whispers seriously. She continues to keep eye contact while she throws the kitting supplies to the ground.

"'S okay," I tell her softly. Just being able to touch her like this, to look at her freely like this feels so damn good. My entire body feels prickly, from inside my stomach spreading outwards to every inch of my skin and insides.

I didn't really plan anything beyond kissing her.

"You kissed me," Spencer states, her eyes never faltering, her smile never faltering.

I nod. "I did that."


It's a staring match, my eyes versus her entire body. My eyes wash over her plump, pink lips, jaw line down to her smooth neck which is slightly marked with little red molds of my lips. Her thin arms covered in barely there blonde hair, her eyebrows which aren't moving, her eyes, more blue than I've ever seen them and intently watching me watch her.

I feel her hand touch the soft inside of my forearm, two fingers smooth over my skin and I feel my heart rate increase and tingles follow Spencer's fingers. My eyes watch them move up and down, over and over again. Spencer's fingers end up on the pulse point of my wrist, and she's holding it so carefully, like I might break any second. I move my head closer to her once again and kiss her slower this time, take time to explore her mouth, feel what she feels like, taste what she tastes like. Kissing her is exactly how I thought it would be; beyond thought.

"So you want to stay for dinner, Ash?" I hear Robin's voice say. Spencer and I separate slowly and Robin is just standing there, bag in her hand, smirky smile on her face.

All I do is nod, and smile at her. Robin rolls her eyes and walks away from us.

"She's been calling it for weeks now," Spencer says to me. Her eyes blink and twinkle.

"Really? What do you think?"

Spencer smiles wider, full grin with teeth and all. "I've been calling it for weeks now as well."

"What about last night?"

Spencer sighs and looks up at the ceiling and then back to me. "I didn't want it to happen while you were drunk, while we were at a bar. That's just not how I roll."

I let out a girlish giggle by accident. "So…"

"So I waited. I had to let you come around. I've been around since we first met."

"But you hated me," I say seriously.

Spencer nods and chuckles. "I simultaneously hated you and formed a large crush on you the first time we met."

"So, what is this?"

"It's whatever you want it to be Ashley."

Again, I just nod, unable to wipe the smile off of my face or keep the heat from rising to my neck and to my face. I put my hand on the side of Spencer's face and pull her forward to meet my lips. I kiss her harder, letting my hand slide down to her neck, to her shoulder.

I'm a little nervous, so when we pull away for a moment, I giggle, again, and roll my eyes. I feel like I'm a teenager again, awkward yet excited, kissing the person I've wanted to kiss for what seemed like forever but was really only a couple of weeks. It doesn't make it any less extraordinary.

"And then she was like, if you're gunna take my favorite Coach purse then I'm going to break up with you again. And I was like, well I'm gunna smash all of your crystal ducks…"

I am in no way focused on Kyla's story because I have Spencer right next to me on my couch. Her head is stuffed into my shoulder and I can hear her muffled laughter at Kyla and her asinine-ness.

Robin has her eyes on the television, half listening to what Kyla is saying. She adds in a nod every now and then. And when Kyla glares at Robin, the red head just gives her a soft kiss and Kyla is no longer angry.

Dinner had proceeded as normal. Everything has proceeded as normal with the small exception that I could not keep the smile off of my face for more than ten seconds.

"Alright, we're gunna head out." Robin says.

"You guys going out somewhere?" I ask her as Kyla and Robin walk hand in hand towards my apartment door. Kyla looks at Robin and smirks in that stupid way that she does.

"Just down the street to get a drink. You guys wanna come?"

I look at Spencer and raise my eyebrow. Her eyes blink and slight smile crawls across her face.

"I think we're good, thanks though," I tell Robin and Kyla.

After those two have gone, I head back over to my couch. The couch in which Spencer is sitting on, her legs lazily stretched out and her head leant back against the cushions.

Spencer's eyes meet mine before she speaks. "You sure you didn't want to grab a beer or something? We can still catch up to them."

I bite my lip and try not to look down from her eyes to her lips, down her lips to her neck, down her neck, to her tight t-shirt, down her tight t-shirt to her chest. "I'm good right here."

"Good," Spencer says softly, "me too."

And that's when she leans in to kiss me, more softly than she has all day long. Her lips feel softer than the purest cotton handkerchief. I can barely breath out of my nose, everything feels so heavy, but in a good way. Unintentionally, my hands slide up and down her sides, pushing her back into the couch, her own hands drawing me possibly closer.

After what is probably the longest minute ever, I smile into her mouth. I don't mean to but I do, I smile, wide mouth, eyes crinkled, dimples, everything.

"Why are you so smiley?" Spencer chuckles, her mouth still touching mine. Her lips emit air as she talks that gives me shivers. I shrug and kiss her nose softly. I see Spencer's cheeks turn bright, bright red.


"That was too fucking cute," she whispers. "Cuter than those little otters, when they go build houses out of wood and stuff, and they're just crawling around and sniffing, and then they dive into the water and they look kinda like greasy Italians but waaaaay cuter. You know?"

I open my mouth, and scrunch my eyebrows together. "Uh, yeah, what?"

"Are you sure you're okay?"

I turn my head to look at Zooey. I swivel my desk chair back and forth and back and forth and blink my eyelids. "Of course, why?"

She shrugs, and I see the corner of her mouth turn up. "You look at jittery. Either you're on some dope drugs or you're in love."

"Did you really just say dope drugs?"

She rolls her eyes. The flower in her long hair is purple today, and her earrings a Easter-yellow color to match. "Don't dodge," she answers.

"I just feel…restless."

Zooey's pants are a floral patter. On anyone else on the entire Earth, they would look ridiculously ugly. But they fit her and she just looks like a goddess. In my objective view, of course.

"Restless because you kissed a girl? I'm sure you kissed a lot of girls."

"Actually I haven't, to most people's surprise," Steve says as he walks into the studio. His bag with the worn strap is hanging in front of his baby blue turtleneck.

"But I thought you were a ladies man?" Zooey asks and then rolls her eyes.

"Don't you have work to do, Zooey?"

Zooey whisks herself away from the painting had been surveying. "You could say that. So, Ashley, are you going to bring this girl to my engagement party?" She flashes her large diamond in my face as she says this.

"If you weren't so gorgeous you'd be super obnoxious," I mumble as I write down some things in the calendar.


I shake my head. "Nothing. We'll see how it goes."

Those are my words but there's a smile on my face. The idea of bringing Spencer somewhere as my official date makes my insides feel more fluttery than they had been before.

When I get back to my apartment there is an immediate smell of delicious food coming from the kitchen. And it scares me, because Kyla is the one standing there stirring something, probably something questionable, in a very large pot on the stove.

"Um, what are you doing?"

Kyla turns around quickly. Her hair looks all weird from the steam coming from the stove, plus she's wearing no make up at all. "I'm cooking," she says and then turns back around.

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" I put my bag and jacket down on the couch and move over to the kitchen to see what she's doing exactly. Inside the pot there is what looks like a big pile of mush. "What is that?"

Kyla shrugs. "I'm not too sure yet. What do you think?"

"I, what? You're the one cooking. Just don't burn my apartment down."

Before she has time to answer, I hear a knock at my door.

"Hey," Spencer says with a smile. She has on this bright purple hoodie with the hood up and grey sweatpants. She looks adorable.

"You're all dressed up," I laugh and then close the door behind her.

Spencer hits my shoulder, harder than I expected. But her large smile makes up for it. "How was work today?"

I bite my lip. "It was…long."

Spencer takes s step much closer to me, and her hand grabs the edge of my button-down shirt. She moves the material between her fingers while her eyes flick up and connect with mine. "Oh, I'm sorry," she says quietly. I can feel the air from her mouth hit my lips when she says this. Fuckin' sexy.

My brain feels fuzzy.

"You…hmmm." Those are the only things my voice lets out.

"That's not a real sentence Ash." Spencer smirks and kisses me lightly on the side of my mouth.

For a minute I find my senses and my hands find her waist. "Sweatpants mean sleepover, right?"

Spencer arches her eyebrow, kisses me one more time, and walks over to the kitchen where Kyla is still 'cooking'.

I take a seat at the island and place my chin in my hands.

"That looks uh, really good Kyla," Spencer says as she glances at me and makes a weird face. "You can use these organic herbs and spices I have in my apartment, they came from this farmer's market I found the other day."

Kyla just continues to stir her pot full of crap, ignoring Spencer's advice.

"Fine," Spencer pouts. "Serve us bowls of chemicals, see if I care." I smile at her and gesture for the pretty blonde to come sit on my lap so we can mock Kyla together.

I hear footsteps walk into the kitchen, and see Robin appear and lean against the island. She just stares at Spencer and I with a creepy smile on her face. "Hi you two."

Spencer rolls her eyes. "Hello Robin."

Robin keeps smiling and staring at us. "You guuuuuuys."

"Robin stop, you're freaking me out," I grunt towards her.

The red-head shrugs and kisses Kyla on the cheek. "So, you guys wanna order a pizza?"

"You can get these pillows that weren't processed so they don't have pesticides in them. And also, this Febreze isn't the best thing for the air. Ashley."

I open my eyes and peer over at Spencer. I am laying on my back on my bed, hands behind my head, and Spencer is pacing around, basically appraising my room. "Yeah, Spence."

"You're not listening." She moves over to the bed and sits on top of me. My body feels instantly warmer and my hands grab her sweatpants.

"Okay this is better, talk about the environment now."

Spencer smirks and leans down close to me, but she doesn't kiss me. I move my head up to reach her lips and they taste wonderful. And her tongue feels even better. Even makes me moan a little bit. It's impossible to stop it from coming out. I feel her push down lightly on my body.

"Shit Spencer." My words come out half a mumble and half a groan.

I feel her smile into my mouth, and I feel my hands move under her shirt and onto her soft stomach. I don't go anywhere else, I just scratch her stomach.

Spencer pulls away from my lips for a second and mumbles my name. Her blue eyes meet my brown ones for a very long minute. And I know we're both debating this in our heads. Washing our minds over consequences and temptations and eagerness and nervousness and lust.

But I can't help myself, so I kiss her. This seems to end that debate because I can think of nothing but having more of her. Spencer kisses my neck softly, and I can feel her heavy breaths on my hot skin. She stops for a moment and just looks at me, biting her lip and blinking heavily. Then she raises her arms up in the air slowly.

I feel like a greedy little kid wanting a million different things at the same time. I want her shirt off. I want her lips on me. I want her to press down harder. I want my hands to be able to make her moan and vice versa.

Her sweatshirt comes off easily and her thin t-shirt peels right off her body. My eyes reluctantly look up from her black bra to her eyes. And she kisses me again. And again and again.

Everything gets harder and everything gets more intense and everything is drawn out and faster. This is, right now, very much about lust. And nothing feels better than that, nothing could feel better than that at this moment. Just because lust is the main player doesn't mean the game could change at any time.

Actually, I expect it to.

Without my consent, my eyes open to a dull sunlit room and an aching in my body. My hair is a complete disaster and there is a slightly snoring Spencer lying right next to me. Her body is pressed against mine and keeping me warm. My eyes slowly run down her and a small smile creeps over my face.

I sit up in my bed and rub my face. This is a whole new kind of hangover.

"Bitch." Spencer says this with her eyes closed and turn to look at her. My eyes open wide and my eyebrows scrunch together. Then she opens her eyes and see me looking at her with a scared expression. "Oh, sorry, I thought you left."

I roll my eyes and let out a small laugh. "Yeah," I answer groggily. "Leaving you in my own apartment, that'd be smart."

"I wouldn't put it past you."

I give her a glare and then lie down facing her. "Did you sleep okay?"

"Besides your snoring? Perfectly. But don't worry, it was cute."

I absentmindedly slide my fingers against her stomach. Going from not being able to touch her like this to being able to is surprisingly easy. There is no thought process involved, I don't think about the change. It just happens. That doesn't mean it's not exciting though. Because it is. So exciting it makes my body erupt into little fireworks every time.

We eventually get up and make ourselves look socially acceptable. A couple of hours later Spencer leaves my apartment, although I try to tempt her with some healthy cupcakes. To my dismay, it doesn't work.

It is amazing to me how everything can look the same when something important has changed. My kitchen counter is still dirty and sticky. The dishes in my sink still need to be washed and the small light above my stove is still flickering. My coffee pot needs to be cleaned and the sugar I use to put inside my mug is the last from the small little frog-shaped ceramic container I keep it in. I have no clean spoons so a fork is the only thing I can find to stir my coffee.

The apartment is eerily quiet and I'm not sure what to do with myself. I could clean the kitchen, or go grocery shopping, or call someone to fix the sink that has been dripping for days.

Instead, I decide to go over to Aiden's apartment and sit on his couch.

"Are you really watching this?" I ask him as I take a seat on his comfortable leather couch. I stretch out and Aiden hands me a beer without tearing his eyes form the screen.

"Ssshhh, they're about to choose the apartment. I always watch HG-TV on Tuesdays," he says seriously. Then he glances at me. "Don't judge. So what's up? How's your lover?"

Since there is a commercial, Aiden angles his body towards me and smirks. His hair is sticking up all over the place and he has a grease stain on the shoulder of his shirt.

"Fan-fucking-tastic." I take a sip of my beer and smile obnoxiously at him.

"Ya do it yet?"

"Aiden!" I hit him right in the chest as he starts laughing like an obnoxious douchebag. "You're a douche."

"You know you wanna tell me," he sings.

I roll my eyes. "Watch your stupid show."

"Hey." Aiden points a finger at me, a serious expression on his face. "House Hunters is not a stupid show. Please respect it."

I give him the finger.

Aiden rolls his eyes. "So you miss her yet?"

"Psshh. Of course not." I fold my arms across my chest and look up at the ceiling. "Maybe just a little bit."

"You gunna see her tonight?"

I shrug. "I'm not sure. Should I call her? Should I just go over to her apartment? What's the etiquette here?"

"Geez Ashley, I always figured you were a smooth ladies-man or something. Get it together."

"I am- was." I look at Aiden. "But this is different. Usually I meet the girl, sleep with the girl. Say goodbye to the girl."

"Ah ha! So you did sleep with her."

I roll my eyes. "Obviously. Keep up meathead."

"Well hello there," I say in a deeper voice than is my own. I tip the black knit hat I'm wearing in Spencer's direction. "Did someone order flowers…they're organic."

Spencer has a huge smile on her gorgeous face and I can tell that she's trying to keep it back form getting wider. That makes me smile more.

"Ash," she breathes and takes the flowers from my hand.

"Don't mention it." I can feel my cheeks burning.

She pulls me inside and closes the door. I feel her lips hit mine and I smile into the kiss. I don't know if she drops the flower or puts them down but I notice they're gone when I feel her hands underneath my sweater and on my hips.

"Hi," I mumble.


She moves me backwards towards the couch and I feel the back of my knees hit the edge. I'm sitting and then she's sitting on top of me. Spencer's hands are moving from my neck to my shoulders to my hair and to my chest. I can barely keep up.

"I like this feisty Spencer," I murmur into her ear when her lips sidetrack to my neck.

"Mmm, she likes you too."